Changes in Civilization Objective: The student will analyze the constant change & evolution of civilizations through factors such as environmental influences, migratory patterns & conflicts.
WarmUp #1 1. Write a ½-page reflection on: “ What is history?” “How do we know about the past?”
Introduction to Prehistory Prehistory: the time before we have any written records
How do we know about history? Anthropology focuses more on culture & human remains/human fossils. Archaeology - studies past societies by what they left behind, called artifacts. (tools, household items, weapons, etc.) Key Concept: We analyze the remains to draw conclusions about people’s lives & culture.
Paleolithic Age Paleo = old Lithic = stone Hominids: creatures that walk upright Paleo = old Lithic = stone circa 1,000,000 BC-18,000 BC lived in caves learned to control fire developed a spoken language early religion early art
Beliefs of Early Humans Religion explains the workings of nature & the existence of things. Animism: the belief that all things in nature have spirits. As Humans progressed, their spiritual practices developed. A few groups of early humans would bury their dead, showing a belief in an afterlife.
Stone Age People Nomads: moving from place to place following their food source, the migrating herds of animals relied on natural resources & lived in small groups hunter-gatherers: men hunted & women cared for children = survival was necessary!
Hall of Bulls: Lascaux, France What is the subject of the art? Why might the people who made the art have provided more details for some animals over others? What skills & materials would artists have needed to create these images?
Neolithic Age Neo = new Lithic = stone 10,000 BC – 4500 BC from pre-pottery to first pottery domestication of plants & animals flint tools Mother Goddess (“Earth”) Agricultural Revolution
Changes during the Neolithic Revolution led to the emergence of Civilizations acquire food on a regular basis rise of permanent villages trading of goods, division of labor Civilization
Beginnings of Civilization 3 things are needed: 1. people produce surplus food. 2. towns or cities with governments. 3. people perform specialized jobs.
Catal Huyuk: a farming village Analyze the visual on Catal Huyuk on pg. 16 of the text & answer #1 & 2. ~Catal is Turkish for "fork" ~Höyük for "mound”
Rise of Civilization Cause Effect The planting of crops & the domestication of animals began. People had access to a regular food supply; people built settlements, houses & storage shelters that were more permanent. People produced weapons and jewelry for trade. People of Çatal Hüyük traded with neighboring people. Communities were exposed to new technology & different goods. Wealth increased & society became more complex. People formed armies, built walled cities & developed governments. Men became more active in farming and women cared for the children. Men took a more dominant role in society. Craftspeople in Asia learned to create bronze by melting copper & tin. The Bronze Age began. Writing was developed. People began to keep records.
From Villages…to Cities! larger, more densely populated more diversity: many unrelated people defensive walls center of trade for surrounding areas more formal organization temples, palaces, monuments, government buildings & marketplaces
Characteristics of Civilizations a complex society with many characteristics cities government religion specialization of labor social structure writing/records art/literature
Changes in Civilizations 1. Environmental Influences dependence on farming: nature could devastate crops & destroy civilizations storms/floods: wipe out cities (droughts kill livestock) food shortage: weaken a civilization & make it vulnerable to outside attack people needed outside resources they lacked trees, metals, stones, etc. TRADE!
Changes in Civilization 2. Spread of People & Ideas movement of people through trade, migration & conquest helps to spread ideas & culture traveling merchants: learned new languages migrants: brought languages, customs & traditions with them to new areas civilizations imposed their own culture on conquered peoples Cultural Diffusion: the spread of ideas, beliefs, customs & technology from one culture to the next advances in writing, religion, art, farming, etc. spread
Changes in Civilization 3. Expansion & Warfare civilizations grew & needed more land & resources to support & sustain their population conflicts arose over rich farmland, important sea ports, or regions with valuable resources as a result, some civilizations developed into states & kingdoms conflicts between nomadic tribal groups & civilizations because of land Nomads- usually skilled warriors, domestication of the horse helped nomads & mobility (raided villages & cities)
Say Hello to John Green! Crash Course: the Agricultural Revolution:
Homework #1 Develop a civilization of your own! What conditions would exist for your civilization to grow, develop & flourish in the ancient world? Must include: 1) government/laws 2) religion 3) traditions 4) farming/markets/trade ($) 5) towns? nomadic people? Must be at least 1-page in length complete sentences detailed & thorough