The International Society of Automation 2018 Society Overview
ISA’s network of 400,000+ Automation Professionals Identify industry needs Raw materials processing Discrete parts Manufacturing Engineering and construction Utilities ISA’s network is made up of members and customers from many different industries – including process industries, discrete industries, E&C firms, integrators, and utilities. Thousands of subject matter experts from within the community dedicate their time and expertise to help ISA develop standards, training programs, certifications, books, conferences, and more. Develop authoritative technical resources Standards Education and training Certification Publishing Conferences and exhibits
ISA’s impact on the world of automation Industry needs ISA solutions Result Skilled workforce Fundamentals Troubleshooting Objective skill assessments Demonstrate proficiency Recognize individual competencies Best practices Networking opportunities Case studies of best practices Continuing education Resources available 24/7 Latest industry trends, applications Operational excellence Improve performance, operability Reduce downtime, maintenance costs Education and training Hands-on and unbiased Expert instructors Increased Productivity Certification Certified Automation Professional Certified Control Systems Technician Conferences and exhibits Division and Section conferences Technical conferences Our industries are faced with many challenges – over and over again, when we talk to individuals and companies around the globe, they tell us that their main challenges include finding, evaluating, and retaining a skilled workforce; understanding current best practices; accessing continuing education; and improving their operations. ISA offers solutions for each of these challenges – ultimately, leading to increased productivity and better results for individuals and companies. ISA membership brings all of these solutions together for individuals in automation. Publishing Authoritative books Widely read magazine, technical journal, and all new app Standards 150 consensus industry standards Reciprocal adoption with IEC
ISA hands on training Boot camps Online training Need: Skilled workforce Solution: ISA education and training ISA hands on training Classroom locations regionally In-plant training at your facility Section co-sponsored training Boot camps Online training Modular courses and instructor-assisted training Let’s dig a little deeper into the most-often mentioned challenge across dozens of industries – attracting and retaining a skilled workforce. The single largest barrier to growth for organizations around the world is a shortage of qualified professionals. That’s where ISA comes in. ISA’s courses are available in a variety of lengths and formats – if you’re looking for a one day in person course, a three month online course, or a week-long course held in your plant, we can meet your needs. ((Play video))
Need: Skilled workforce Solution: ISA education and training Safety, cybersecurity, and fundamental topics lead the way for training success! ISA’s in-plant training, open enrollment and online training continues year-over-year growth and supports “how you want it” options New 2017 courses: Cyber sensors & IOT for automation Cybersecurity awareness for water/wastewater Intro to the management of alarm systems Intro to industrial & IT data communications Fundamentals of industrial process measurement Overview of penetration testing for ICS MES & system integration and control The market continues to respond positively to these offerings. For the second year in a row, ISA’s in-plant training program set a new revenue record. Plants and facilities around the world benefit from bringing our training to their locations, because they can save time, save money on travel costs, and train more people at once. Our most popular courses are focused on safety, cybersecurity, and instrumentation fundamentals, but we offer courses in dozens of different topic areas. Our newest training courses cover topics like MES, penetration testing, process measurement fundamentals, industrial and IT data communications, cybersecurity for water/wastewater, cyber sensors and IOT, and alarm management.
Coming in 2018! Expansion of flexible training options Topics Include: Need: Skilled workforce Solution: ISA education and training Coming in 2018! Expansion of flexible training options Computer-based / online training Modular courses and micro-learning Topics Include: Connectivity: Wireless Connectivity: Data acquisition Efficiency: Asset management Safety: Advanced safety integrity level selection Safety: Advanced design and SIL verification Quality: Analyzers In 2018, our development team will focus on computer-based modular training and micro-learning offerings. Topics for courses under development this year include wireless, asset management, data acquisition, safety, analyzers, and more.
Need: Objective skill assessments Solution: ISA certification and certificate programs Another very closely related need in industry is the ability to document and objectively quantify skill sets in current or potential employees. ISA’s two flagship certification programs, CAP and CCST, were designed by experts in the field to cover the most important skills needed by automation professionals and technicians. Our newest programs offer certificates in cybersecurity and safety. To earn a certificate, applicants complete a training course and an exam. There are several levels in each program culminating in the ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Expert Designation and the ISA84/IEC 61511 Process Safety Expert Designation. ISA’s training courses and exams can be brought to your location, worldwide. ((Play video))
Certification & certificate programs adopt digital badging Need: Objective skill assessments SOLUTION: ISA Certification Solution: ISA certification and certificate programs Certification & certificate programs adopt digital badging Digital badging Allows certificate and certification holders to use a digital format to quickly communicate their skills and achievements Badges store data that verifies individuals skills & accomplishments Used anywhere that accepts this digital format Users can add them to badge “backpacks”, job sites, social networks, portfolio pages, and email signatures Case study: Schneider Electric is utilizing ISA’s cybersecurity certificate program within their internal training and certification programs for employees, customers, and partners One of the latest trends in certification and certificate programs is digital badging. A digital badge is a validated, online representation of a skill you've earned. Badges are conversation starters, and the information linked to or 'behind' each badge serves as justification and validation of the badge. Once you’ve earned a certification or certificate, you can display your badge on your CV or resume, within your profiles on social networks or intranets, and in your email signature as an easy way for others to see your accomplishment. Another trend we see relates to supplier training and how major automation vendors are developing internal training and certification programs to make sure their employees, customers, and partners are aligned on key technical topics. For companies who have dozens of locations around the world, using lots of different contractors in different industry segments, it can be very difficult to align on terminology, processes, and best practices. A common program that trains people on these topics the same way every time is a solution that many large companies are developing. Schneider Electric is one significant example of this and they are using ISA’s cybersecurity courses, and our certificate program, within their curriculum for training their employees, contractors, and customers. We anticipate more of this type of outreach in the future.
ISA Division symposia & technical conferences Need: Networking, sharing best practices Solution: ISA conferences and exhibits ISA Division symposia & technical conferences Division symposia: Food and Pharmaceutical (FPID) Analysis (AD) Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR) Power Industry (POWID) International Instrumentation (IIS) Water/Wastewater & Automatic Controls (WWAC) Process Control and Safety (PCS) When it comes to sharing best practices, nothing beats face-to-face interaction. ISA’s Division Symposia are focused on developing high quality technical programming, engaging social functions, and meaningful interactions with suppliers. ((Play video))
ISA books ISA technical papers ISA Transactions InTech magazine Need: Accessible, continuous education Solution: ISA publishing ISA books Dozens of authoritative titles written by industry experts; focused on real-world application of technology ISA technical papers Thousands of comprehensive papers presented at ISA events; free downloads for ISA members Accessing continuing education doesn’t always have to come in the form of a training course or a conference – sometimes the right tool is best found at your fingertips. ISA has published hundreds of authoritative books, each peer-reviewed for accuracy and relevance. More than 5,500 technical papers are accessible for free by ISA members, and ISA’s technical journal, ISA Transactions, has one of the best ratings in the field. InTech magazine is probably the most widely recognized title that ISA produces. This respected magazine is published six times per year and is available in digital and paper editions. InTech’s editorial board selects stories based on real-life applications that you can take back to your plant and implement. Readers have responded, naming InTech the most useful magazine in the profession in a recent survey. ((Play video)) ISA Transactions Professional journal; published 6 times per year InTech magazine Published 6 times per year, plus online and digital editions Practical solutions for today’s challenges
New Books 2017: 2018 Under Development: Need: Accessible, continuous education Solution: ISA publishing New Books 2017: Driving Business Value for Industrial Innovation, Gus Tibazarwa Measurement Uncertainty, Fifth Edition, Ron Dieck Detecting Leaks in Pipelines, Ed Farmer Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control, Harold Wade CSE Study Guide, Revised; Calibration Guidebook, Alessandro Brunelli Safety Instrumented Systems Design, Goble & Van Beurden The Condensed Handbook of Measurement and Control, 3rd Edition, Bill Battikha 2018 Under Development: Mission Critical, Steve Mustard The Automation Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition; Start-Up: A Technician's Guide, 3rd Edition, Diane Harris Barkin SIS: A Life Cycle Approach, Gruhn & Luchinni Fluid Mechanics for Control Valves, Hans Baumann Situation Management for Process Control, Doug Rothenberg 1. Our most popular book titles cover topics like troubleshooting, calibration, safety instrumented systems, In addition to capitalizing on the consistent interest in these titles, ISA’s publishing arm is continuously looking for new ways to innovate. Our newest titles include topics like driving business value, detecting leaks in pipelines, regulatory control, SIS design, and new editions of some of our best sellers. In 2018, we are working on the development of titles focused on cybersecurity, start-up, SIS from a lifecycle approach, fluid mechanics, and situation management. 2. We are leveraging the latest best practices in book publishing, including outsourcing the development and editing efforts to produce titles more efficiently. We are also looking for ways that authors and subject matter experts can create “microcontent” or smaller, more modular pieces of content that can be quickly and easily found and consumed online in different formats. In one recent success story, the author of “Detecting Leaks in Pipelines,” Ed Farmer, wrote a series of blog posts for the ISA Interchange Blog. The blogs have received over 10,000 page views each, and are generating a lot of interest in industry. These small, bite-sized pieces of content are proving their value. Outsourcing book production elements to streamline process Publishing content in smaller pieces, multiple formats Success story: featuring ISA’s authors in ISA Interchange (the ISA blog) has generated significant interest and readership
Benefits of standardization Need: Operational excellence Solution: ISA standards ISA standards Open and consensus-based Industry-developed More than 4,000 professionals working on hundreds of documents Benefits of standardization Streamline processes Improve safety, reliability Increase efficiency, productivity ISA’s standards are known around the globe for their importance in helping companies streamline processes, improve reliability, protect safety, and increase productivity. ISA has more than 100 standards committees, made up of professionals from end user companies, vendor companies, and integrators working together to develop open, consensus-based documentation. ((Play video))
Some new standards published in 2017 ISA-TR18.2.7 Alarm Management when Utilizing Packaged Systems ISA-TR84.00.08 Guidance for Application of Wireless Sensor Technology to Non-SIS Independent Protection Layers ISA-TR84.00.09 Cybersecurity Related to the Functional Safety Lifecycle ISA-61511 Part 3 (IEC adoption by ISA84) Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector -- Guidance for the Determination of the Required Safety Integrity Levels ISA-95.00.07 Enterprise-Control System Integration - Part 7: Alias Service Model ISA-TR100.20.1 Common Network Management: Concepts and Terminology ISA-RP105.01 Management of a Calibration Program for Monitoring And Control Systems ISA–TR106.02 Procedure Automation for Continuous Process Operations – Work Processes ISA-75.08.02 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged and Flangeless Rotary Control Valve Bodies (Classes 150, 300, and 600) ISA-TR96.05.01 Partial Stroke Testing of Automated Block Valves In 2017, ISA published several new standards that impact many different industry segments. This chart details each new release. Topics covered include alarm management, safety, enterprise control, network management, calibration, procedural automation, rotary control, stroke testing, and valve actuators.
Standards under development in 2018 Need: Operational excellence Solution: ISA standards Standards under development in 2018 ISA-62443-4-1, Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 4-1: Secure product development lifecycle requirements ISA-62443-4-2, Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 4-2: Technical security requirements for IACS components ISA-62443-3-2, Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 3-2: Security risk assessment and system design ISA-62443-2-4, Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 2-4: Requirements for IACS solutions suppliers (IEC adoption) Most popular ISA standards Cybersecurity, process safety, alarms, HMI, IDM, and enterprise-control integration All time best selling standard ISA 5.1 In 2018, ISA is working to develop several new standards within the 62443 series, which is the world’s only consensus based industrial cybersecurity standard. In addition to working on new standards, we continue to see significant interest in our best sellers, which include our safety, alarm management, HMI, and enterprise-control standards. ISA5.1, based on symbols and terminology, remains our all-time best selling standard. Remember, ISA members can view any of these standards at no cost as part of your membership benefits.
ISA membership: Your connection to the world of automation Membership challenge: Grow locally, impact globally Focusing on our membership growth and engagement Goal is to keep and grow our members Section engagement with new and standing members Introducing new professionals is key All of ISA’s solutions are accessible to ISA members, and membership is your connection to the automation community. Becoming an ISA Member and leveraging your ISA membership to access high-quality technical content is one of the most cost effective and simple ways to boost your professional development. ISA membership includes discounts on ISA publications, training, and conferences; unlimited downloads of web seminars and technical papers; online viewing of standards, the ability to network with your local geographic section and technical division, and much, much more. ((Play video)) During the 2018 budget preparation process, the ISA Executive Board issued a challenge to ISA’s sections to help focus their attention on local growth. Like many professional societies, ISA has experienced a decline in professional members over the last several years. Each section is challenged to work on retaining and recruiting members in 2018.
Join us! Browse ISA’s resources: Become an ISA member: Renew your ISA membership: Join the conversation! That concludes our society overview. Are there any questions? Remember, we encourage you to connect and engage with your peers and colleagues within ISA! Visit us online, become a member or renew your membership, and get involved in our social media channels to exchange ideas and stay informed on the latest industry news. Questions?