Weslandia Vocabulary Words Fifth Grade Unit 4 Week 2
Words to Know blunders fleeing civilization inspired complex rustling envy strategy
blunders foolish mistakes blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy foolish mistakes
A plan to make something happen strategy blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy A plan to make something happen
A group of people or a nation and how they live blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy civilization A group of people or a nation and how they live
the soft sound of things gently brushing together rustling blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy the soft sound of things gently brushing together
made up of many parts; hard to understand blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy complex made up of many parts; hard to understand
inspired blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy filled with an excited feeling to do something caused by learning something new
feeling of unhappiness because another person has what you want envy blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy feeling of unhappiness because another person has what you want
running away fleeing blunders civilization complex envy fleeing inspired rustling strategy running away
made up of a many of parts The model train was hard to put together because it was very complex. made up of a many of parts simple
The teacher inspired her students to keep reading! told made them want to
He had an excellent strategy for cleaning his bedroom. plan excuse
a stomach ache jealousy The little girl was green with envy over the chocolate candy bar. a stomach ache jealousy
cavemen people or nation The ancient civilization was known for their amazing art work. cavemen people or nation
correction foolish mistake She made a blunder on her test when she forgot to put her name on it! correction foolish mistake
soft sound of leaves brushing together I heard a rustling coming from the bushes! soft sound of leaves brushing together loud crunching noise
running away spending money The robber was caught fleeing from the crime scene. running away spending money
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