Ancient Civilizations PPT
Warm Up Complete the mapping activity you picked up at the front of the room.
Timeline To the side of your notes, draw a timeline. Draw a dot in the middle of your timeline and label it 0. Label each side of the timeline BCE or CE. Place the following events where they belong on the timeline: Invention of Agriculture (8000 BCE), Creation of the Printing Press (1450 CE), Invention of first writing system/Cuneiform (3000BCE), Beginning of World War I (1914)
Beginnings of Civilizations… How do we tell what happened Prehistory? Archeologists- look for clues (digs) Anthropologists- study the culture Paleontologists- Study fossils Earliest known human remains come from Africa
Olduvai Gorge Earliest record of human life is found in Olduvai Gorge
Out of Africa
Early Homosapiens Homo sapiens is the scientific name for modern man Invention of tools, mastery of fire and the development of language improved human life Early humans were nomads – people who wander from place to place with no permanent settlements They were hunters and gatherers for their food Made tools to help increase their food supply Made cultural advances with necklaces, cave paintings, rock paintings and carving
Cave Art
Cave Art
Cave Art
Cave Art
NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION Prehistoric people began to develop crops that they could farm No longer had to be nomads-people who wander from place to place with no permanent settlement Become food producers instead of Hunter-gatherers
Neolithic Revolution They also domesticated animals (it is thought the first animals were dogs) Farmers kept advancing their Technology Irrigation systems This lead to a surplus of food This lead to increased populations Villages became larger and we began to see the first cities
Question How would the development of farming affect the lives of humans? Write down 2 different possibilities and explain your answer.
Features of Civilization
1) Developed Cities Main feature of a civilization Political, economic, and cultural centers
2) Organization and Government Should meet the needs of the people Powerful Ruled by religious leaders, wealthy, or elders Has specific duties Gather taxes Organize defenses
3)Complex Religion Polytheistic (many gods) Monotheistic (one god) Built temples, sacrificed animals, crops, and at times other humans People worked as priests
4) Job Specialization Developed once people did not need to spend all of their time looking for food Instead of doing many jobs “ok”, you do one job really well and do that for others In turn, other people do the jobs that you may not be as good at
5) Social Classes People become grouped in social classes Social organization became more complex Priests Wealthy merchants Artisans Peasant farmers Slaves
6) Arts and Architecture Expressed the beliefs and values of the society Showed strength and power of the government Sometimes meant to intimidate other groups or countries
7) Public Works Projects that benefit the city Irrigation systems (for water) Roads Bridges Defensive walls
8) Record Keeping and Writing Began in temples with priests Scribes- People who can read and write Earliest writing made up of pictograms Pictogram- Simple drawings that looked like the items they represented