INTRODUCTION This presentation is meant to give general guidelines to help officials reduce conflict and assist in defusing situations between officials and coaches, or officials and players.
INTRODUCTION No individual can tell you how to deal with every situation. Your personal strengths and experiences will aid you when working with coaches and players. Hopefully, the following slides will promote discussion among officials.
Topics this Presentation will address General Game Management Topics this Presentation will address Attitude What to say in a discussion with a coach/player/fan How to say it What to ask your partner How to end the discussion with a coach/player/fan Unsporting Conduct Penalties A Match Disqualification
THE FIRST REFEREE IS IN CHARGE General Game Management THE FIRST REFEREE IS IN CHARGE The R2 should never openly question the R1’s decisions in front of coaches, players, or fans. The R2 should offer opinions/input only in a private official huddle or when asked by the R1.
General Game Management When an R1 or R2 is approached by a coach/player/fan Never use any kind of aggressive speech or body language Keep your hands at your side or behind your back Never place a hand on a coach, player, or spectator When in a discussion with a coach, player, or fan do not raise your voice or make any threats Discuss the rules using “rule language” If the discussion begins to get “out of hand”, use your yellow or red card Walk away from any confrontation ASAP If confronted by a spectator, an official should contact host management ASAP
General Game Management DO NOT get into a debate about a judgment call Judgment calls CANNOT be questioned
General Game Management When a coach and R1 have a discussion about rule during a match, let the coach speak first and remember… The R1 should not give the coach ammunition to use against you during the discussion If the coach has a question about the play, let the coach ask it Find out what piece of information the coach thinks you missed on the play, not just that you missed the call
Attitude of the Official Officials should not have an “Attitude” Officials must be approachable Officials must REMAIN CALM Officials should not show emotion (anger, frustration) Officials should not take questioning personally Officials should be aware of his/her body language Officials should not be afraid to be wrong. Get the call right If coach has a legitimate point, don’t be afraid to ask your partner for help
WHAT TO SAY Remember… More is less. Say as few words as possible to make your point. Use rule book terminology as much as possible. It is not as easy to twist your words if you quote the rule book. Never forget the “J” word. Judgment calls cannot be questioned but, you must have good judgment. Never make a situation worse than it already is. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
WHAT TO SAY Use positive language Stay away from open ended answers “From my angle this is what I saw…” “Here is what we have based on …..” Stay away from open ended answers “I think I saw….” “I’m pretty sure it should be…..” “I think the rule is…” “I’m not really sure what happened
HOW TO SAY IT Remain Calm Speak softly in your normal voice. This makes people focus more on your words and shows that you are in control. Never get into a yelling match with a coach/player/or fan. Remain on topic. Only address the items that have to do with the call/play in question.
HOW TO SAY IT Never lower yourself to the emotional level of a coach, player, or fan. Remember, you are there to aid in the successful and fair conclusion of the match. Rule as you see and understand the situation and the rule. Be professional. It is all that you need to show off.
WHAT TO ASK YOUR PARTNER If the coach has a reasonable request don’t be afraid to go to your partner for his/her input. --”I called the ball out of bounds, did you see it?” --”I called a touch by player #5, did you see it touched?” Discuss the coach’s request for more information with your partner --”Did you see it hit the line?” --”Did the player touch the ball?” --”etc.”
WHAT NOT TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR PARTNER WHILE ON THE COURT Do not get into discussing/changing a judgment call. --”Was the ball in the plane of the net when touched?” --”Did the setter have prolonged contact with the ball?” Judgment calls cannot be challenged. Only discuss items that your partner might have seen that you were blocked from seeing. Stick to the piece of the puzzle the coach thinks you are missing.
HOW TO END DISCUSSIONS Tell the coach the results --After the coach/official discussion --After rethinking the rule/play --Or from meeting with your partner There will be times when the coach doesn’t like your answer. --Use the yellow/red card if necessary to end the discussion Know when it’s time to resume play
HOW TO END DISCUSSIONS Always be a calming effect Never bait a coach or player --“One more word and I will…” Don’t “chase” a coach --If the coach is walking away, let the conversation end unless comments are made that need to be dealt with Have a short, but “good” memory --If there is a disagreement early in the match, don’t bring it back up later in the match. --If the coach’s behavior progressively gets worse, deal with it when necessary.
UNSPORTING CONDUCT PENALTIES Know your line and what it takes to cross it --Use the yellow and red cards to establish the line What is your line? --Foul language? --Aggressive behavior? --Repeated questioning of judgment calls? --Criticizing the opposing coach/player(s) --Other?
UNSPORTING CONDUCT PENALTIES Rule 12-2-9 ART. 9 . . . Unsporting conduct by a player includes but is not limited to: a. Use of disconcerting acts or words when an opponent is about to play the ball; b. Disrespectfully addressing a referee and/or other match officials; c. Questioning or trying to influence referees' decisions; d. Showing disgust with referees' decisions; e. Using profane or insulting language or gestures or baiting/taunting anyone involved in the contest; f. Making any contact with an opponent which is deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness; g. Using any part of a teammate's body or any object to gain physical support for advantage in playing the ball; h. Deliberately serving prior to the signal for serve; i. Abusing the re-serve rule; j. Spitting other than into the proper receptacle; k. Making any excessive requests designed to disrupt the set.
UNSPORTING CONDUCT PENALTIES Please Review The Procedure For Unsporting Conduct Violations “Card system for Unsporting Conduct Violation” Section F of the NFHS Volleyball Case/Manual
UNSPORTING CONDUCT PENALTIES Rule 12-3: Unsporting Conduct: Spectators When a spectator becomes unruly or interferes with the orderly progress of the set, the first referee shall suspend the set until the host management resolves the situation and the set can proceed in an orderly manner. NOTE: In the absence of a designated school representative, the home head coach shall serve as the host management.
A MATCH DISQUALIFICATION Once someone has been ejected from the match… The R1 and R2 should remain calm and professional while displaying the Yellow/Red cards No need to “show up” the coach/player being ejected Look for the path of least resistance R2--Inform a head coach and scorer of the ejection --If a player - inform the head coach and scorer --If the head coach--inform the head coach, assistant coach, and scorer --If there is no other authorized school personnel available, the team shall forfeit the match
Filing a Report with the IHSAA Go to www.ihsaa.org Obtain an Unsporting Behavior Form for officials Complete the form Return to IHSAA within 48 hours of the contest Any yellow card, red card, or ejection assessed to a player or coach MUST be reported to the IHSAA by the first referee.