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Managing Your Development Jo Miller
Austra - liforni - iowan
I have some unique koalafications
I know my career goals and have an achievable plan to reach them. Q6. I know my career goals and have an achievable plan to reach those goals. Answer Choices Responses Strongly disagree 0.00% 0 Disagree 4.35% 1 Neutral 13.04% 3 Agree 56.52% 13 Strongly agree 26.09% 6 Answered 23 Skipped 0
Common career goals Move into a more senior role Be a key contributor to the transformation Develop a great team Develop my knowledge / become an expert Manage a larger organization Become a strong leader Have a senior level presence.
Transitioning from Doing to Leading Executing Tactician Subject matter expert Problem-solver Playing safe Your success Leading Envisioning Strategist Thought leader Agenda-setter Innovator & risk-taker Team’s success
Managing Your Development Your leadership style Your leadership brand Making your value visible . . . Mini-groups
Your Leadership Style
There’s more than one type of leader. What’s your personal leadership style?
Your Leadership Brand
in your career and life.” — Joseph Liu “Personal branding is a way of establishing and consistently reinforcing who you are and what you stand for in your career and life.” — Joseph Liu
“Be famous for something. Know your claim to fame “Be famous for something! Know your claim to fame.” — General Manager, Software Industry
Who do you know who has created an excellent personal brand?
What’s Your Career Superpower?
3 Essential Elements of a Great Personal Brand
Your Ideal Career Niche What do you most enjoy doing? What does your company/ industry need and value? What are your skills and strengths?
Exercise What is your ideal career niche?
Your Ideal Career Niche What do you most enjoy doing? What does your company/ industry need and value? What are your skills and strengths?
As MetLife goes through transformation, which of these trends affects you the most? https://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/K0Ve1dCFspEwbD9
As MetLife goes through transformation, which one of these trends affects you most in your role? Which affects you most in your role? What’s the impact on your career? What must you do to remain relevant and thrive?
Get a copy of the PowerPoint slides www.beleaderly.com/ml
Go-to person for strategy Financial Analyst The Change Agent Program Director Go-to person for strategy
“Make your brand scalable.” — Krista Thomas, Global Head of Marketing, VideoAmp
Transitioning from Doing to Leading Executing Tactician Subject matter expert Problem-solver Playing safe Your success Leading Envisioning Strategist Thought leader Agenda-setter Innovator & risk-taker Team’s success
— Dona Munsch, VP Cloud Operations, NetApp “My ‘get-it-done’ mentality—as the only one who knew how to do certain things—got in my way of moving ahead. I couldn’t step out of my own role to take on new opportunities.” — Dona Munsch, VP Cloud Operations, NetApp
Ask Yourself Where do I want to be in 3 years? What brand do I need to become known for now, in order to get there?
Your Brand Must Evolve as You Develop Your Career Entry-level brands Valuable contributor. Team-player. Specialist. Go-to person. Mid-level brands Strategist. Innovator. Subject matter expert. Change agent. People motivator. Project leader. Fixer. Builds things that work. Turnaround architect. Intrapreneur. Senior-level brands Visionary. Thought leader. Leader who develops leaders. Charismatic leader. Rainmaker. Quiet leader. Delivers results.
Exercise What is your leadership brand statement? Write it on a large post-it note.
Communicate your brand Put it in your talent profile
Make Your Value Visible
“My manager is aware of my strengths and accomplishments.” 96% agree “My manager’s manager is aware of my strengths and accomplishments.” 70% agree
Results = Reward + Recognition + Make them visible!
3 Steps for Making Your Brand Visible 5% Work less Work hard on the right projects
— Nina Bhatti, Founder, CEO, Kokko, Inc. “Make something great happen. No one tells you to do it, but they appreciate the results.” — Nina Bhatti, Founder, CEO, Kokko, Inc.
Criteria for a Career-Defining Contribution Showcase your brand Demonstrate your ability to deliver valuable results
3 Steps for Making Your Brand Visible 5% Work less Work hard on the right projects Promote your accomplishments
Ways to Promote Accomplishments in a Global, Virtual Workplace Give presentations. Invite leaders. Send out a newsletter or regular status updates Write a paper or an article for a publication or blog Share best practices Ask to be nominated for an award Ask a colleague to “toot your horn” and reciprocate Deliver a webinar, or speak at a conference or for a panel Forward thank-you emails to your manager.
3 Steps for Making Your Brand Visible 5% Work less Work hard on the right projects Promote your accomplishments
Managing Your Development Your ideal career niche Your leadership brand Making your value visible
— Claire Babineaux-Fontenot “There is nothing untoward about being honest about what you do well. Your company cannot fully appreciate how to leverage you as a resource if the company does not have visibility into what your unique talents are. So, don't deny that of your company. Get out there. Make sure that people see you. Make certain that they know what you do well. And while you're doing that, make sure that you're lifting some other people up as you climb.” — Claire Babineaux-Fontenot
Mini Groups! Cindy: Describe mini-groups
Make any dog wag it’s tail My #1 Useless Superpower Raise one eyebrow Make any dog wag it’s tail Strangers tell me their life’s story Make up funny lyrics to any song
Decide on a name for your group
4-Minute Presentations Select a “product.” What does your product do? Why is it needed or important in a transforming organization? Name it. PRESENTATION GOALS: Persuade an executive to invest in your product. Be innovative. Be persuasive. HAVE FUN!
Action Plan Cindy: Describe mini-groups
Homework Create your 4-minute presentation Get to know your mini-group Eat well Sleep well