Potchefstroom Student Christian Fellowship Prophetic Seminar Date: 20-22 February 2008 Event: Prophetic Seminar Speaker: Pastor Motloba Venue: Totius Saal (F6) Church service Friday :18h00 Intercession :18h30 Main service Saturday:09h00 Intercession :10h00 Main service :17h00 Evening Service Sunday :09h00 Intercession Our vision: Equipping the saints for lifetime victorious Christian living and effective service. Further Information: Contact: Bro Thabiso Mokoto @ 0732237141 20205090@student.nwu.ac.za Sis Cleo Mokhaneli @ 0714979148 21275203@student.nwu.ac.za P. O. Box 5402 Kockspark POTCHEFSTROOM 2520