BS/MS 2013 Cohort SCHEDULE
BS/MS FIELDWORK AT A GLANCE Year One Fall 2013 Introduction to FW: November 12 TH, 4-5 p.m. in ES 116 Spring 2014 Individual Meetings with Ms. Bentley
Fall 2014 Fieldwork Cohort Meeting: In October, Time and Place TBD Meeting agenda: Q&A, Learning Style Inventory Fieldwork Cohort Meeting : In November, Time and Place TBD Meeting agenda: Deadline submission for Fieldwork Planning Form Year Two
Year Two Contd Spring 2015 Fieldwork Cohort Meeting: In March, Time and Place TBD Meeting agenda: Q & A Fieldwork Cohort Meeting: In May, Time and Place TBD Meeting agenda: Fieldwork Lottery
Fall 2015 Fieldwork Cohort Meeting: In September, Time and Place TBD Meeting agenda: sign release of information form, letters re: assignments, letters to supervisor with goals, send personal data sheet 10/1/2015 Fieldwork Cohort Meeting: In October, Time and Place TBD Meeting agenda: withdrawal letter, patches, FWPE, SEFW, faculty advisors Fieldwork Cohort Meeting: In November, Time and Place TBD FW Educator Panel Student Fieldwork Panel Year Three
Spring 2016 January 4-March 25, 2016 March 28-June 17, 2016 Following FW, Complete Survey Year Four Continued
Summer 2016 FW Debriefing Year Five