Uniform Resource Locators Scheme Port Number Query http://localhost:8080/friendships/create?my_id=100&user_id=200 Host Name Hierarchical portion CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design
CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design HTTP GET Request Method URL Protocol Version GET /statuses/user_timeline?my_id=100 HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Accept: text/html, */* Accept-Language: en-us Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8 Connection: keep-alive blank line Headers Body (empty) CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design
CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design HTTP POST Response Version Status Status Message HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 17:36:27 GMT Server: Tweeter/1.0 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 266 blank line {"tweets": [{"id": 20006, "user": 100, "time": "Mon Oct 27 18:02:57 PDT 2014", "text": "I’m at home now"}, ... ] } Headers Body CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design
CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design Example Requests POST /friendships/create?my_id=100&user_id=200 User 100 becomes a follower of user 200 POST /friendships/destroy?my_id=100&user_id=200 User 100 is no longer a follower of user 200 GET /friends/ids.json?user_id=100 Return ids for all users that user 100 is following: [100, 84, 290, 16] POST /statuses/update?my_id=100&status=Sleepy Create a new tweet for user 100 CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design
CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design Network APIs serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber); Open a socket for server to accept connections Containing application provides the port number socket = serverSocket.accept(); reader = new InputStreamReader( socket.getInputStream()); Wait for next incoming connection socket.close() Close specific connection to client All socket calls can throw IOException CS 190 Lecture Notes: Modular Design