Freshwater Ecosystem Management and Practice in Myanmar U Han Htun Assistant Engineer ( Civil ) Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department Tachileik Township, Eastern Shan State, Myanmar.
Summary of presentation Freshwater Ecosystem. Effects of activities on Freshwater Ecosystem. Water Resources of Myanmar. Country Profile Objective of Irrigation and Water utilization Management Department in Myanmar. Main Function of Irrigation and Water utilization Management Department in Myanmar. Activities of Irrigation and Water utilization Management Department in Myanmar. Implementation of Irrigation and Water utilization Management Department in Myanmar. Current threats to Freshwater Ecosystem in Myanmar. Freshwater Ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar. Conclusion.
Freshwater Ecosystem Freshwater Ecosystem have been critical to sustaining life and establishing civilizations throughout history. Humans rely on freshwater systems not only for drinking water, but also for agriculture, transportation energy production, industrial processes, waste disposal, and the extraction of fish and other products. Water quality is very important for Communities and their Hygiene. As a result of this dependence, human settlements worldwide are concentrated near freshwater ecosystems, with over half of the world’s population living within 20km of a permanent river.
Effects of Activities on freshwater ecosystem. Destructive land use practices. that result in vegetation cover loss anywhere within the drainage basin of a river can have negative impacts on freshwater ecosystem. Overexploitation of fish and shellfish harvests. population decline severe. Residential and industrial development. can impact aquatic ecosystem. Point-source pollution discharge. declined water quality.
Water Resources of myanmar Sr River Basin Catchment Areas (Km2 x 103) Estimated Annual Inflow (Cubic Km) Prosperous Ground Water (Cubic Km) 1 Chindwin River. 115.3 227.8 57.578 2 Ayerawaddy River. (till junction of Chindwin) 193.3 141.22 92.599 3 Ayerawaddy River. (till mouth of Bangal) 95.6 85.75 153.249 4 Sittaung River. 48.1 81.09 28.402 5 River of Rakhine State. 58.3 139.17 41.774 6 River of Thanintharyi Region. 40.68 130.86 39.278 7 Than Lwin River. 158.0 257.79 74.779 8 Mekong River. 28.6 17.62 7.054 Total 737.88 1081.3 494.713
Country profile Location South East Asia Total Area 676577 sq-km (67.68 million hectare) North-South 1920 km East-West 960 km North Latitude 10. – 20. East Longitude 92. – 102. Border by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, Thailand, Bay of Bangal, Adaman Sea.
objective of Irrigation and water utilization management department in Myanmar. Ongoing Projects of Dam & Reservoir must be implement. Long Lasting Irrigation Structure and Canal network of Irrigation works and pumping-up works must be rehabilitate. Available Groundwater must be implement. Region which is faced with Flood Disaster in every year, Flood Protection Work must be implement.
Main Functions of Irrigation and water utilization management department.(Irrigation sector) Design formulation for new irrigation projects based upon hydrological and Investigations and topographic survey data. Planning and implementation of new irrigation project. Operation and maintenance of existing irrigation and drainage system, flood protection embankments and polders. Seasonal and temporary measures for summer paddy cultivation.
Main Functions of Irrigation and water utilization management department.(Irrigation sector) Technical assistance to village embankment and village irrigation works for rural development. Installation of micro-hydropower generation plants along the irrigation canal Providing the on-farm water management development training for Farmer’s Water User Association Conduction the training for capacity building of irrigation staff to enhance the irrigation technologies.
Activities of Irrigation and water utilization management department Activities of Irrigation and water utilization management department.(Irrigation sector) Irrigation Work in Myanmar On-farm Irrigation Development and Management work. Installation of Micro and Mini Hydropower generators in Irrigation Canal. Measures to Adapt for Flood and Drought.
Implementation of Irrigation and water utilization management department.(Irrigation sector) Implementation of project to ensure water for Agriculture. Implementation of flood protection work. Land consolidation work. Flood mitigation work. Mini hydropower generating work. Regional development work for Public Benefits.
Current threats to freshwater ecosystem in myanmar. Most of streams have been occurred flooding in Rainy Season. Some part of regions have been occurred drought. Temperature have been raised in everywhere. Water shortage in Summer. Sediment deposition rate increase in streams and rivers. Sediment and pollutant input increased in wetland. To lead to contraction and loss of wetland habitat as well as increased fragmentation.
freshwater ecosystem Management and Practice in myanmar. Dam constructed in river basin which have traditionally been view as an environmentally- friendly and sustainable mean of ensuring water supply, controlling floods, and generating power without polluting the environment. to supply water for irrigation, municipal water supplies and provide recreational opportunities. Cultivated Forests in upper and lower range of reservoir basin after Dam construction. Mini hydropower generating work installed in some canal network.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in myanmar. Considerations on the Design of Small Dam construction Plan formulation. Ecological and Environmental Considerations Flood hydrology studies. Selection of type of dam. Foundation and Construction Material. Spillways and outlet work. Diversion during construction. Operation & Maintenance Dam Safety
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in myanmar. Ecological and Environmental Consideration Air and water quality. Natural Ecological systems and Cultural Resource Fish and Wildlife considerations Recreation consideration Geologic Formation.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in myanmar. INLAY LAKE & STREAM FLOW NETWORK. Stream Name Watershed Area. (Sq-mile) Nant Latt 455.50 Upper Belu 277.36 Ka Law 292.41 Ye Pae 101.22 Total 1126.49
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in myanmar. Environmental Issue In Inlay Lake. Threats Present Threats to the Lake Development of humans settlement. High inflow of domestics effluent. Development of water garden. High use of fertilizer and pesticide Exotic fish introduction. Tourism disturbance. Invasive species.(tend to Eutrophication) Siltation.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in myanmar.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in myanmar. Present Threat to the Catchment. Soil Erosion. Land Degradation. Deforestation of mountains. Hill site Cultivation. Unfavorable agriculture practice. Slash and burn practices.
freshwater ecosystem Management and practices in myanmar.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar Potential Threats. Narrow in socio-economic knowledge. Occurrence manmade and natural disturbance. Trend of land degradation, deforestation, depletion of natural resources. Loss of biodiversity. Poor in public participation and awareness. Finance and Budget.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar Correspondents Main Issue Water system Issues: Significant load of effluent and organics matter in lake. Main four streams are polluted mostly in rainy season with sediment. Water shortage in dry season. Serious hydrological changes as result of surface water extraction. Shallow the stream in mouth of the lake. Land use and settlement System Issues: Increasing incidence of idle arable land. Incompatible and inappropriate land use.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar Socio-economic system issues: Declining of productivity of crops. Fish catches reported to be decreasing. Rick of economic instability. Ecological system issues: Wetland are under severe threat. Some species are facing the threat of extinction.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar Integrated environment management capacities issues: Inadequate data collection and management. Lack of strategic planning and policy formulation. Lack of coordinating programming and project identification. Poor record of effective plan implementation and Weak enforcement of regulations.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar Major Activities in Lake. Watershed Conservation, maintaining stream flow conditions and preserving area of open water body. Preventing soil erosion and sedimentation. Conducting activities for extension, capacity building and technical cooperation. Biodiversity conservation. Conducting activities to improve socio-economic status of local communities.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar Conclusion. Freshwater ecosystem such as water pollution, land degradation, increasing in sedimentation, sanitation problems become more critical by extension of floating garden, usage of fertilizer and pesticide, slash and burn practices for cultivation, development of human settlement and rapid development of tourism industry. In order to restore the Inlay Lake ecosystems and its watershed, plan action for sustainability of the Inlay lake and ecosystem conservation has been implementing by inline Ministries in the close collaboration of Local Government (Shan State), with participation of local communities and relevant stakeholder under the guidance of the National Committee for the Inlay Lake Conservation.
freshwater ecosystem management and practices in Myanmar It is necessary to promote the capacity building and awareness of local people to avoid severe threats which is seriously impact environment deterioration. Reducing of fire wood usage for cooking and bio-fertilizer production by using waste and abandoned floating garden could be supported in restoration and conservation of the Inlay Lake. The knowledge and technical know how on lake conservation is being lacked and so that, the assistance and suggestions from the International and academic Institutions are invited. In the course of action plan implementation, Technical and Development Assistant are necessary from donor countries and international organizations to strengthen activities and more fruitful out come.
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