6 TH December, 2011
Introduction of Year Head Focus of the Year Challenges An introduction to revision Supports for parents
4 Classes Year Head-Ms. Kerins 2C-Ms. Daly 2O-Ms. Coolahan 2L-Mr. Tighe 2M-Ms. Martin
Personal Development Application and Commitment Revision Skills
1. Pursue Achievable Goals
Huge changes Physical Emotional Relationships
Bigger Voice Breaking Developing Different rates of growth Awkwardness Embarrassment
Fluctuating Emotions Short tempers Causes confusion Arguments Tension
Established friendships New friendships Isolation RESPECT FOR ONE ANOTHER
3. Share with Others
INFORMAL Election Friendship Week Whole School Assemblies School Musical Extra curricular Class captain School Counsel French Exchange Retreats
Whole School Assembly
The School Musical
The Musical Orchestra!
The Musical Cast
Jersey Day!
The French Exchange
The French Exchange Disco!
The School Presidential Election
Series of 4 fund raisers 2C – Cake Sale in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland 2M – Science Quiz – Cancer Ireland After Christmas 2L 2O
Instil a sense of civic responsibility Collaborative activity Decision making process Organisational skills Self esteem
4. Help Your Neighbours
Maintain the link between home and school Notes to and from home Awareness of course work and results Code of Behaviour Organisational skills Record of homework Flag calendar dates
Each student is awarded points Good notes, Homework record, Well kept Class total Running tally on the notice board Prize for the winning class.
6. Get Along with the Rich, the Poor, the Beautiful, &the Ugly
At least an hour each evening Prioritise Absent from class? Plan Submit
Find out what is involved. Plan their time. Timetable. Commit. Ask for help.
Some ways of revising are better than other ways. For the best results, revision needs to take place at the right intervals of time. Learning Objectives
Why revise? Where to revise? When to revise? How to revise? How often to revise? Consider
Why? The brain forgets details of the work done months ago, But… These details are needed to answer the questions in exams, So… Top-up, by using the correct revision technique.
Where? In a quiet room, perhaps a bedroom Warm and well-lit With a table to work at Ideally, with a table-lamp, to help you to focus on the page With a clock for timing (as described later) No phone, TV radio etc
Whats wrong with this?
What is better here?
When? Start revision early each evening, before the brain gets tired.
Set a time limit Plan
How can you improve this even more? Break up a 2-hour session into 4 shorter sessions, each of about 25-minutes, with a short planned break between them,
Start work at 6 pm. Stop at 6.25 pm --and no later. Then at 6.25 pm have a break for 5-10 minutes. Start again Work until 7 pm, Have another break. For example,
10 minutes 1 day 1 week …and then 1 month. HOW OFTEN?
The best conditions for revising efficiently, Deciding planned breaks, Intervals for reviewing work. Learning Outcomes