AGENDA Introductions Alchemy technology overview Ecolab / Alchemy Partnership Overview Review past progress Current situation / landscape Next steps & action items
ALCHEMY IMPROVES THE PERFORMANCE AND SAFETY OF… MORE THAN 2.1 Million food industry workers IN 15,238 locations every month Alchemy is the leading provider of safety, food safety and productivity training for the food industry. Confidential and Proprietary
ALCHEMY ADDRESSES THE UNIQUE NEEDS OF THE FRONT-LINE WORKFORCE Management and Office Worker Characteristics Limited direct impact of safety, quality, yield, & productivity Low risk environment English-fluent Computer skills Low turnover Front-line Worker and Supervisor Characteristics High direct impact on safety, quality, yield & productivity High-risk environment Multilingual & multicultural Highly diverse workforce Limited computer access 20-100% turnover Alchemy engages front-line employees and supervisors to drive improvements in Safety, Quality, Yield and Productivity, which directly impacts Profit.
HOW ALCHEMY’S SOLUTION WORKS Training Team and individual learning Coaching 1:1 structured employee observation & coaching Communications Immersive tools to complete culture building Group-based training using handheld remotes eLearning for individuals Electronic documentation and reporting 300+ courses available or use your own One-on-one interactions between supervisors and employees Employee observations to ensure compliance Great for audit prep Documentation and sign off included Time-efficient refresher training Huddle guides, posters and digital signage to create 24/7 awareness Leaderboards, challenges and other motivational tools
ECOLAB 7-MODULE PREMIUM LIBRARY MODULES ARE 12-15 MINUTES’ DURATION IN ENGLISH & SPANISH Category Course Title Topics Covered Chemical Safety 3 courses Introduction to Chemical Safety How a chemical safety program works to protect you Ways to help protect yourself from chemicals, Actions to avoid when working with chemicals What to do in case of an incident Chemical Labels The purpose of a chemical label Types of information found on a label Requirements for labeling secondary containers Safety Data Sheets The purpose of a safety data sheet The types of information contained in the sections of a safety data sheet Basics of Sanitation 2 courses Introduction to Cleaning and Sanitizing When cleaning and sanitizing procedures must be performed Various types of soils, Factors that impact cleaning effectiveness The purpose of sanitizers and disinfectants Cleaning and Sanitizing Process Preparation and dry pickup Pre-rinse, Cleaning chemical concentration and chemical cleaner application Post-rinse and pre-op inspection, Equipment assembly and sanitizer application Pest Elimination Identifying Pests Why pests are a serious risk to food safety, food quality, and your brand Biology and habits of rodents and birds Biology and habits of insects such as cockroaches, flies, and stored product pests Eliminating Pests How to help prevent pests from entering a facility How operations at your facility can eliminate pests The Ecolab program, and what to do if you notice a pest Matt H
JOINT CUSTOMER Ecolab + Alchemy ECOLAB & ALCHEMY PARTNERSHIP OVERVIEW MULTI-YEAR PARTNERSHIP TO DEVELOP & DELIVER CONTENT FOR ECOLAB CUSTOMERS Ecolab Only JOINT CUSTOMER Ecolab + Alchemy Alchemy Only Online e-Learning site Group-Based or e-Learning site Group-Based or e-Learning site Ecolab Premium Course Library (Currently 7 Courses) Alchemy Course Library (119) + Ecolab Premium Library (7 Courses) Multi-year partnership to develop and deliver technical content for Ecolab customers Ecolab customers will have access to the Ecolab Premium Library Joint customers will have access to either e-learning or Group-based courses + Alchemy’s extensive content library Ecolab-only customers can get access via e-learning site
BENEFITS FOR ECOLAB CUSTOMERS Courses are designed to: Get new workers up to speed quickly without waiting for next scheduled class Deliver a clear, consistent message on safe use and best practices Be relevant and real – familiar backgrounds and Ecolab products results in better uptake of the training Provide training to large groups efficiently Training program benefits: Documented, defensible training system that is recommended by many auditors Reduced liabilities by having employees trained from Day 1 (no gaps) Employees more knowledgeable about proper usage and amounts of products, which creates higher efficiency
Q&A AND DISCUSSION Review past progress Current situation / landscape Next steps & action items