A grounded theory approach to investigate consumer-brand relationships in India Sreejesh S (IBS Hyderabad, India) Dr. Subhadip Roy (IIM Udaipur, India)
Introduction Brand-based differentiation is the most influential approach for the development and maintenance of competitive advantage. Literature focused on brand equity, brand personality, and brand extensions. Basic premise of Consumer Brand Relationship (CBR): Brand as an individual entity (Fournier,1998) Understanding the process by which consumers use attitudinal and behavioral components in relationship building is important Differentiation and comp adv based on CBR
Literature Review There has been considerable research in CBR (beginning from Fournier, 1998 to Park et al., 2013) in the last fifteen years Fournier (1998) used several interpersonal theories and introduced a conceptual model of consumer-brand relationships, called Brand Relationship Quality Model (BRQ). Park et al., (2013) proposed and empirically tested a new model of consumer-brand relationships, called Attachment-aversion (AA) Model.
CBR Research CBR influences consumer experience (Kaltcheva and Weitz, 1999) Brand attachment and CBR (Thomson and Johnson, 2002) Brand Relationship Quality Scale (Kim et al., 2005) Individual or group level connections of CBR (Swaminathan et al., 2007) Relationship quality and consumer brand identification (Papista and Dimitriadis, 2012)
Research Gaps Models in CBR failed to give a consensus on the exact dimensions of consumer-brand relationships (Aaker et al., 2004; Chang and Chieng, 2006; Kressmann et al., 2006; Smit et al., 2007). Use of interpersonal theories in CBR are questionable (Bengtsson 2003). Failure to provide clear plan for model specification and subsequent empirical testing (Breivik and Thorbjørnsen, 2008). Lack of studies for the measurement and operationalization of CBR, that integrates attitudinal and behavioral constructs (Kim et al., 2008).
Study Objectives To establish a new theoretical model for understanding consumer-brand relationships following a non-metaphoric, non-interpersonal approach. In course, the study would generate and integrate attitudinal and behavioral dimensions of CBR. A more practical model of CBR grounded in data and testable from the empirical point of view.
Research Methodology Methodological Paradigm: Qualitative Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin, 1994). 26 semi-structured in-depth interviews Theoretical Sampling. Open, Axial and Selective Coding (Strauss and Corbin, 1994). Flint et al., (2002) procedure for trustworthiness of qualitative data.
Results and Analysis Stage 1: Discovering Concepts and Categories 14 semi-structured interviews were undertaken using 14 consumers of the study sample. 68 unique concepts or codes were generated. 68 concepts were grouped through constant comparison of concepts, to reduce the number of concepts. The result of this phase led to the generation of four core categories, seven categories and 68 sub-categories.
Stage 2: Provisional Hypotheses Formulation Four analytical steps were applied simultaneously as follows: Relating subcategories to a category using statements which denote the relationships between themselves and the phenomenon; Verification of these hypotheses against actual data; Identification of properties of categories and its subcategories; Linking categories at the dimensional level.
Stage 3: Hypotheses Testing and Theoretical Model Development This stage of selective coding phase involved 12 semi-structured in-depth interviews. Interview questions primarily developed from stage 2 results and provisional hypotheses. Patterns identified and the data grouped to achieve theoretical specificity. Helped in model specification and creating action diagram
Discussion The theoretical model adds value to the existing literature in consumer-brand relationships: First, it provides more comprehensive, detailed and integrated understanding of how consumers actually form relationships with brands than the previous study of individual constructs. Second, the theoretical model of CBR demonstrates how relationship formation changes with changes in relationships and helps to identify the most useful pathway through which consumers might develop relationships with the brand.
Implications The study would help marketers to understand and implement the strategic management of CBR Relationship establishment drivers Findings would assist managers for investing monetary and non-monetary resources for relationship maintenance and marketing communications. For academicians, a testable model of CBR
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