8.2 – Europe Faces Revolutions
Radicals in France Charles X tries to restore absolute monarchy Masses rebel against him, Louis-Philippe placed in power 1848 – Paris mob overthrows Louis- Philippe to create a republic After riots and a divide in the government, a moderate constitution is created Radicals in France
Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon’s nephew) becomes president He becomes Emperor Napoleon III He builds railroads, industrializes France, and creates public services
Reform in Russia System of serfdom still in practice Majority of population is against serfdom Russia can’t progress economically Crimean War (1856)– Czar Nicholas I and Russia loses because it cant supply the troops His son, Alexander II, reforms Russia Reform in Russia
Reform in Russia Alexander II’s Reform: End of serfdom (1861) But, serfs have to pay the government for their land Legally free, but in debt Alexander III stops reforms, starts Russification – forcing Russians to adopt the same culture Reform in Russia