UNM CTSC Mentored Career Development Scholars Program 6-Month Progress Report Template (Years 3+) Name Title Department or College
Significance, Impact, and Innovation of Research Project Significance (does it address an important problem or critical barrier to progress in the field) Impact (how will it move field forward in a sustained way) Innovation (how is your research novel compared to previous studies)
My R01 Specific Aims:
My R01 Preliminary Data:
My R01 Experimental Plan:
My R01 will be submitted….
My R01Critique (if already submitted): Strengths: Weaknesses:
Progress to Date Since Last Review
Most Recent Research Publications/Abstracts/Reviews In press/published Submitted In preparation
Most Recent External Grants (including training grants) Submitted Funded Critiques (Summary)
Most Recent Internal Grants 1 Slide Titles/Mechanism(s) Applied For Scores/critiques Titles/Mechanism(s) Funded Submitted Funded Critiques (Summary)
Progress on Education and Training Plan KL2 Scholar Training Plan Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Areas of Competencies Courses and other (Name and course number) I. Clinical and Translational Research Questions II. Literature Critique III. Study Design IV. Research Implementation V. Sources of Error VI. Statistical Approaches
Progress on Education and Training Plan (Continued) Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Areas of Competencies Courses and other (Name and course number) VII. Biomedical Informatics VIII. A. Clinical Research Ethics VIII. B. Responsible Conduct of Research IX. Scientific Communication X. Cultural Diversity XI. Translational Teamwork XII. Leadership
Progress on Education and Training Plan (Continued) Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 Areas of Competencies Courses and other (Name and course number) XIII. Cross Disciplinary Training XIV.. Community Engagement XV. FDA Regulations for INDss and IDEs XVI. Research Commercialization XVII. Public-Private Partnerships (webinars)
Progress to becoming an expert in your area of research (your goal)
My Overall Strengths: Bullet points
My Overall Challenges: Bullet points
Time Allocation
Progress in Participating in Team Science On what? With whom? Long-term potential for your career?
Plans for the next 6 months Manuscripts (title, co-authors) Grants (title, mechanism, collaborators) Training (courses) Presentations (meeting name, date, topic of presentation) Other…
I need help for …… Bullet points