Secondary Reading Initiative Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment HISD Principals’ Meeting Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment November 6, 2013 Dr. Jennifer D. Montgomery, RtI Manager Ms. Rosie Santana, Neuhaus Education Center HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT
Today’s Objectives: To deepen understanding of the purpose and structure of the curriculum and lesson cycle used in the Secondary Reading Initiative (SRI) To demonstrate an SRI lesson
What do you know about the Secondary Reading Initiative (SRI)? Who is served by SRI? What instructional strategies should you see in SRI classes? What are the benefits of SRI? Tier III---20% and below Tier II---21% - 39%
What do you know about SRI? Who is served by SRI? 6th, 7th and 9th grade students who scored below the 40th percentile on the Stanford test and failed the STAAR Reading Assessment receive separate intervention classes. 10th grade students are supported in content area classrooms using targeted vocabulary strategies and/or Achieve 3000.
What do you know about SRI? What instructional strategies should you see in SRI classes? Decoding strategies Vocabulary instruction Syllable patterns and division Teacher modeling Explicit instruction in reading comprehension strategies Cooperative learning using small-group instruction Decoding strategies (i.e., students matching letter sounds to symbols; multisyllabic) Vocabulary instruction: Context clues and morphology Syllable patterns and division Whole group and small group instruction Multisensory Emphasize PD
What do you know about SRI? What are the benefits of SRI? Students receive differentiated instruction that scaffolds the content of grade-level courses. Students receive more time to gain mastery of literacy concepts.
Top Five Facts About SRI 5. SRI classes are in addition to core ELA. 4. SRI serves Tier II and Tier III students. 3. SRI curriculum includes foundational skills, such as decoding and fluency, which are not typically taught in core ELA. 2. All K-8 students are assessed three times per year on Istation. SRI students should be assessed monthly on Istation to monitor their progress. 1. The goal of SRI is to provide intervention to struggling readers to meet on-grade-level expectations.
SRI in Action: Ortiz Middle School Ms. Noelia Longoria, Principal Ms. Lisa Boze, SRI teacher
Components of an SRI Lesson Independent Reading (15 minutes) Engage and Connect (3-10 minutes) Introduce New Learning (5-20 minutes) Guided and Independent Practice (5-20 minutes) Close the Lesson and Assess Mastery (5 minutes)
SRI Materials SRI curriculum (posted on eLearn, Reading Elective) Developing Metacognitive Skills (Neuhaus) Scientific Spelling (Neuhaus) Multisensory Grammar and Written Composition (Neuhaus) Word Detective (Neuhaus) Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills (Neuhaus) Six-Way Paragraphs (Neuhaus) Portals to Reading (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Classroom Libraries LANGUAGE! and LANGUAGE! Live (Cambium, optional for Tier III intervention)
Model Lesson Guided Practice: Summarization SWBAT: Summarize the passage Greyhounds orally. Write a précis of 75-100 words to summarize the passage Greyhounds.
Questions & Comments Contact Information Dr. Carol Bedard, Dr. Jennifer D. Montgomery, Ms. Tamica Lewis, Updates and information available on the RtI blog: Insert Exit ticket at end…include today’s meet for exit ticket or sticky note (DI)
Exit Ticket Using Post-its or, post responses to the following questions: As a result of this session: What did you learn? What action will you take? What questions do you still have?