Computer science in the computing curriculum Programming at KS1
Learning outcomes To know some practical ways of teaching principles of computer science and programming To know how to use programmable toys and ‘logo’ programs as an example of this
Computing National Curriculum (taken from Computing in the National Curriculum: a guide for primary teachers – see Moodle)
Look at KS1 in the curriculum. Which words/phrases are you unsure of?
What’s an algorithm? Program your teacher to make a jam sandwich
Algorithm for making toast KS1 Write down on paper as the children tell you. Open the packet of bread Take one piece of bread out of the packet with your hand Put the bread in the toaster …….
Algorithm for making toast KS1 Test and ‘debug’ (use terminology) Open the packet of bread Take one piece of bread out of the packet with your hand Put the bread in the toaster …..
Algorithm for making toast KS1 What happens if you want another piece of toast? Open the packet of bread Take one piece of bread out of the packet with your hand Repeat Put the bread in the toaster …..
Other examples of algorithms? E.g. Cleaning teeth Making biscuits Directions Formation/folk dance
Activity for children Evidence for assessment: Take photo of work Order pieces of paper for cleaning teeth -Higher ability: give them the first ones and they can complete the algorithm -Middle ability: give them all the cards and they can put in order -Lower ability: all the cards, put in order with support Peer assessment. Try them out. Do we need to debug? Evidence for assessment: Take photo of work
Plenary What happens if an algorithm is not clear and precise What does it mean if you debug something? What digital devices can you think of at home that use algorithms?
Algorithms and programming: e.g. Programmable toys Key idea: clear instructions in the right order to complete a task Important to promote a problem-solving approach. Set a challenge and give the children ‘free rein’
Before you use programmable toys How would you introduce children to the idea of something being programmed?
Pro-bot (KS2)
Algorithms and programming: e.g. Bee-bot online/ 2Simple 2Go Important to promote a problem-solving approach. Set a challenge and give the children ‘free rein’
Algorithms and programming KS2: e.g. Logo programs (Textease Turtle; Super Logo; MSW Logo; etc) Key ideas - usefulness of …: repeat commands; procedures (modularity) … in completing tasks efficiently
Please look at the materials on Moodle