Year 6 School Journey France 2012 Monday 2 nd – Friday 6 th July
Overview Monday 2 nd – Friday 6 th July Departure: Monday - School Hall - 7:30am Coach Leaving - 8am Tunnel Crossing – 11:50am Return: Friday – Tunnel Crossing – 2:42pm! Coach Return – 4:30am Collect children from Bulwer Rd/Plantagenet Rd Jct
Staffing Yvonne Baker (First Aider) Clare Dickenson Emily Fleming Romy Fursland Lisa Withe
Itinerary Monday: Nausicaa Arrival and Settle In Scrapheap Challenge (EA) Tuesday:Trip to Rouen (incl. Café visit) Visit to Cider Farm (TBC) Reportage Session 1 (EA)
Itinerary Wednesday:Vimy Ridge – Monument & History Trip to Arras – Town Tour about French Revolution Reportage Session 2 (EA) / Petanque (EA) Write Postcards Home Thursday:Visit to local village (buy a stamp, postcards & stamps) Beach Games & Lunch if weather is nice Reportage Session 2 / Petanque Reportage Session 3 / French Games Disco! Friday:Trip to local Market - Chocolate Factory
What To Pack! Comfortable clothing – please look at weather forecast Rain coat (just in case!) Sun Cream Sun Hat Swimsuit/trunks Jelly Shoes/Crocs Snorkel – optional! Towel and Toiletries Disco Clothes! Camera Back pack Refillable Water Bottle Other Items: Passport Spending Money (suggested Euros)
Monday 2 nd July Please meet in the School Hall at 7:30am Yvonne Baker * Medication (clearly labeled with childs name) Class Teacher – Emily or Romy * Passport * Childs spending money (clearly labeled with childs name) Your Child: Packed lunch and plenty of snacks Refillable Water Bottle Back pack Comfortable clothing Camera
Writing To Your Child Postcard/Letter: Kingswood Chateau De Chanterine Rue De Chanterine Criel – Sur – Mer, Normandy France Postage approx. 80p Please post at 10-7 days in advance
Writing To Your Child By