Early Years Foundation Stage-EYFS
Welcome Welcome to Whittlefield Primary School and to this New Parent’s Meeting. We hope that it will contain all the practical information you will need to ensure a smooth entry into school for your child.
Meet the Team-Foundation Unit Mrs Sarah Nicholls-Class Teacher and Deputy Head teacher Mrs Anne Maddock-HLTA
EYFS IS UNDERPINNED BY FOUR THEMES Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents/carers. Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates
EYFS CURRICULUM Prime Areas- Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language Specific Areas- Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design
LEARNING Young children learn best when they feel secure, settled and happy within the learning environment and when they are: Playing and exploring Engaging in active learning Creating and thinking critically
CONTINUOUS PROVISION The classroom is set up with a range of activities and continuous provision. Children are encouraged in all areas and can independently move resources to follow their interests. For e.g. mark making can be done anywhere; not just at a writing table. Sand/water, malleable, construction, small world, reading/quiet area, Domestic role play, mark making, maths, ICT, creative area- paint, modelling, maths, understanding the world.
LEARNING JOURNEYS Your child will have their own ‘Learning Journey’. This is to track your child’s progress throughout the year. This comprises of photographs of your child, observational notes made by staff, examples of work, comments made by the children and parental comments. We have ‘Star Moments’ slips which are for you to complete when your child does something magical at home. We can then celebrate this in school and add this to their Journey.
Home School Partnership We are passionate about working with you as parents in order to have a positive impact on your child’s education. Communication is vital between home and school. We offer an open door policy so please speak to us if you have a concern or question or jot a note in your child’s reading diary.
A Day in Reception The teacher on duty is on the playground from 8.45 am onwards. They then come into the cloakroom where they hang up their belongings and go into class. The children have access to indoor and outdoor provision in both the morning and afternoon sessions Lunch is 11:45-12:45pm Home time is at 3:15pm. The children are to be collected from the classroom door
The register is taken by 9.10am. Registration The register is taken by 9.10am. If your child is absent, please ring the school office before 9.30am with the reason for absence. If no reason is given, it is entered as unauthorised absence.
Lunch time All children in KS1 are entitled to a free hot meal. We are very lucky to have an amazing team of staff who prepare delicious meals for our children. The menu is on display every day for your child to see. If you child prefers, they can bring a packed lunch for their dinner. Please try and make this as healthy as possible, with only 1 treat item.
Healthy Snacks Within our unit we have a snack area which the children are encouraged to use independently. They can choose between milk and water and a variety of fresh fruit or other items such as toast, crumpets, wraps and dips. Your child can select what they would like and serve themselves. We then encourage them to clear away and wash up afterwards. Snack is £1.00 per week, payable on a Monday or upfront for each half term.
Payments If you are in receipt of Income Support, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance, Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance benefits you are able to apply for additional funding for your child. This will support you with the payment of trips, extra curricular clubs and sports.
Home Time At home time children are picked up from the Reception door by an adult known to the teacher. In order to ensure the safety of the children, please inform us of any change of arrangements before pick-up time. Safeguarding is high priority for us. We will not let your child go home without this information.
Uniform Red school sweatshirt or cardigan Red school polo shirt Grey skirt or trousers Grey, black or white socks Black school shoes Red & White Check dress The sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts are available to order from Whittakers at Pendle Village Mill and Tesco Online. Please label all items of clothing.
P.E Kit Children are required to change for P.E. Please provide your child with: Black shorts Red T-shirt Pumps Please can these be clearly labelled in a pump bag.
Toilet issues If your child has any toilet issues. Please let us know. Please provide a bag containing named, spare clothes, underwear and wipes. The bag will be left in school so that your child always has his/her own clothing available. We do have some spares in case of an emergency!
Positive Behaviour We believe in the positive management of behaviour. We aim for all the children to achieve their maximum potential in a caring and safe environment. We accept that children make mistakes and believe that it is the responsibility of all the adults in school to help children learn from their mistakes. We aim for our children to become independent and self-disciplined learners.
PTFA We have a newly formed PTFA who are enthusiastic about our school and our children. We have a Summer Fair on Sunday 1st July 12-3pm. You are more than welcome to join us. We would love to see you.
Whitty Kids Club We are open for breakfast every morning from 7:30-8:55am. The children can help themselves to a healthy breakfast. A range of cereals, toast and fresh fruit is available, followed by activities (£4.00 per session) ‘Fit and Fill’ runs from 8:15-8:55 (£2.00 per session). Breakfast and exercise! After School Club runs from 3:15pm-6:00pm. Children are picked up by a member of staff, once registered the fun activities begin with arts and crafts, dressing up and outdoor and indoor play. Healthy snacks and fresh fruit are available (£7.00 per session).
Important Dates Monday 2nd July: 1:30pm-3:30pm Parent and Children Monday 9th July: 1:30-3:30pm Children only Monday 16th July: 1:30-3:30 Children only
Thank you If you have any questions then please just ask! You are very welcome to have a look in the classroom and the outdoor provision