Open House Welcome, parents!
Reading Students should be taking notes as instructed. Homework is read 20 minutes daily. Students should select a category from the Dewey Challenge list. An AR test is given after each novel or non fiction book and counts as a homework grade. * The novels read in class will have an AR test and project assigned that they will complete in class. We also read and assign work from Scope and/or Action magazines as well as our textbook. My webpage is a wealth of information if you want to know what we are doing in class.
YMS Dewey Challenge
What We’ve Done So Far Weeks One & Two Weeks Two & Three Set goals with the Five Fingers Agreement (see posters around the classroom). Aimsweb Testing for words per minute and comprehension. Finished our first chosen novel (read in class). Took first AR test (today). Created our personalized Destiny Library for the Dewey Challenge. Completed MobyMax assessments in literature and informational text. Reviewed various literature terminology. Next Week- create literature graphic organizers.
Reading Resources
We live in a high-tech world! TECHNOLOGY We live in a high-tech world! Some assignments require computer use Douglas County Public Library: Use computers for FREE! Students will not be excused from an assignment because they don’t have computers at home. All cellphones must be off and out of site during school hours
8TH GRADE EXPECTATIONS Be on time for class Be prepared (pencil, pen, paper, agenda) No gum, candy, drinks or food in class Walk quietly on right side of hallway No backpacks, string bags in classrooms
USING THE AGENDA Agendas are used for daily communication between, student, teacher, and parent.
AGENDA STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY PARENT RESPONSIBILITY Bring to every class Write all assignments every day PARENT RESPONSIBILITY Check agenda for assignments, notes from teachers Sign every night
DISCIPLINE Step 1: Four infractions (4) Team Consequence: 2 days lunch detention and Phone call home Step 2: Four additional infractions (8) Team Consequence: 1 day detention (morning or evening) and Parent conference Step 3: Four additional infractions (12) Team Consequence: 4 days lunch detention and Phone call home Step 4: Four additional infractions (16) Team Consequence: 2 days detention (morning or evening) and Parent conference Step 5: Four additional infractions (20) Team Consequence: Office Referral Step 6: Four additional infractions (24) Students start a clean infraction log at the beginning of the 2nd semester * All discipline referrals remain in the student’s record
GRADES 10%-homework 40%-assessments and projects 50%-classwork, participation, etc.
GRADING SCALE A = 100 – 90 B = 89 – 80 C = 79 – 71 D = 70 F = 69 and below
STAR Parent Portal Check student’s grades, missing assignments, attendance, etc., from home SIGN UP ON THE WEBSITE!
Let’s Have a Great Year!