Suite of Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) for Iowa Computer adaptive measures of broad Reading (K-12), individualized for each student and aligned to Common Core National Standards. 15-30 minutes to complete for typical student Mac or PC compatible What follows is a quick introduction to each assessment with some documentation showing that is it not only EASY to use, but technically adequate to guide educational decisions. These assessments make FAST is a data system supports instruction, data-based decision making and problem solving for student learning issues.
Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Initially, aReading only knows the students grade. Using grade level, it guesses as to the best item to administer. Items get harder and easier as the test progresses as the assessment narrows down the estimate of achievement. After the first administration, aReading uses the previous score to start the assessment. It stops after 32 items—and is as precise as a test 2 to 3x as long. Each administration is individualized to the student based on their response pattern.
Preview FAST Assessments: Computer Administered & Scored Adaptive Reading Grades K-12 Computer Administered & Scored
Multiple Sources of Data aReading and CBM-Reading/earlyReading are complimentary aReading: Very good measure of broad reading achievement Good predictor of performance on high stakes assessments But it is less sensitive to growth over brief periods of time CBMReading /earlyReading Good measure of broad reading achievement Sensitive to growth over brief periods of time Does not directly measure comprehension & vocabulary It might be worth it to read this slide Here, the focus is on aReading and CBMReading as these two assessment are the most functional at this point in the FAST system. Each assessment has the potential to contribute substantially instruction; however, when the two assessments are used in concert, educators are in a better position to make informed instructional decisions. Best practices is to use a multi-methods of assessment and multiple sources of data to guide decisions -
Multiple Sources of Data Thus, we expect screening scores to converge Two sources of information is better than one Multi-source and multi-method screening
aReading is a BROAD measure of reading achievement aReading is a BROAD measure of reading achievement. This is a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) like other screening measures of reading. The above was the assessment model based on the instructional recommendations of the National Reading Panel (2000). The items are also aligned with the Common Core Standards (2010). The test is individualized to each student, but the concepts listed in this slide typically correspond to the questions students receive in each grade.
Common Core Crosswalk Standards organize the 10 anchor standards in three ways: First, a distinction is made between Literature and Information text. Second, the ten anchor standards are grouped into relevant clusters which are the same for both literature and information text. Key Ideas and Details 1-3, Craft and Structure 4-6, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 7-9, and Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity 10. Further, the Standards provide a corresponding end of grade skill expectation by grade for each number within the cluster.
Common Core Crosswalk
Suite of Assessments for Teachers “Choose the picture of the book.” “Choose the letter F” Used to screen all students and estimate annual growth (fall, winter & spring) K-12 Students who progress at a typical pace through the reading curriculum meet the standards for expected performance at each point in the year Students with deficit achievement can be identified in the fall of the academic year in order to provide supplemental, differentiated, or individualized instruction “Choose the letter F” “Choose the two letters that make the /bl/ sound, as in ‘blue’.” “Choose the best answer.” Format of questions is very similar to many state-wide assessments (e.g. MAP). There are both auditory and visual stimuli presented for each question. Students are set-up with a computer screen, mouse (or a touch-pad devise), and earphones. Fully automated and far less time consuming than paper and pencil tests. Upon completing a test, students received a scaled score that provides an overall estimate of their reading achievement. This scaled score is normed so that relative comparisons can be made between each student and his or her peers (e.g. percentile rank).
Suite of Assessments for Teachers More difficult comprehension items have passages with 300 to 600 words and multiple questions. NOTE: the five buttons on the bottom each correspond with a question. Comp questions are literal, inferential, and evaluative
Interpretation Guide Detailed interpretation guides. Handout in the aReading tab. **This is only a SAMPLE Interpretation Guide
Team Discussion If you plan to use aReading, how will you ensure you have at least 40mbps of bandwidth available for the assessment? What are next steps in your building’s planning to use aReading?