Inter-Service Postal Training Activity MTT Process International Mail AUGUST 2018
TLO – Process International Mail LESSON OUTCOME: Students will process International mail IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: Process International Mail CONDITION: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. - Scale/Meter - Standard USPS forms and labels - Several articles of mail addressed for delivery to international addresses - All Purpose Dating Stamp (APDS) and Stamp Pad - Student Handout STANDARD: Process international mail by using the correct forms and endorsements, assessing the correct amount of postage and fees, determining if mail is mailable, determining special services available, and verifying the customer is authorized to use the Military Post Office (MPO)
International Mail Mail addressed to a foreign country Does not apply to APO or FPO addresses or U.S. territories Two categories First-Class Mail International Priority Mail International
First-Class Mail International (FCMI) Includes letter and letter packages, post cards, printed matter, and small packets Any mailable matter that is not hazardous or prohibited by destination country Extra services may be added Six country-specific rate group destinations
Weight and Size Limits Maximum Weight – 4 pounds Minimum Length and Height = 5½ ins x 3½ ins Minimum Depth (Thickness) = .007 inch Maximum Length = 24 inches Maximum Length, Height, Depth (Thickness) Combined = 36 inches
Markings and Endorsements Endorse “LETTER” on address side for items that can be mistaken for another class Endorse “AIRMAIL/PAR AVION” on the front or use PS Label 19-A or 19-B Matter for the blind = “FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND” Privately printed postcards = “POSTCARD”
Wrapping and Packaging First Class Matter Envelopes, sleeves, or wrappers Transparent plastic Bulkier Items Boxes Cartons Tubes Other Containers
Priority Mail International Parcel service Personal written correspondence is not permitted inside a parcel by itself Flat-rate envelope and flat-rate box options available
Weight and Size Limits Weight limit depends on country Maximum girth for circular parcels = 64 inches Size limits for rectangular parcels vary for certain countries, but most common are: Minimum length & width = 5½ ins x 3½ ins Maximum length = 42 ins Maximum length & girth combined = 79 ins
Markings, Wrappings & Packaging Endorse “AIRMAIL” or “PAR AVION” or use PS Label 19-A or 19-B Place below and to the left of the delivery address. Sender’s must seal their own parcels Wax, gummed-paper tape, nails, screw, wire, metal bands, or other materials Detect tampering
Postcards and Postal Cards Single cards sent without wrapper or envelope Double cards mail at First-Class Mail International rate Card color must not interfere with postmark or addressee
International Mail Manual (IMM) Contains policies, regulations and procedures for accepting international mail Details conditions for mail being sent to countries Cross references the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) Consists of nine chapters
Sections of the IMM Summary of Changes International Mail Services Conditions for Mailing Extra Services Treatment of Outbound Mail Non-Postal Export Regulations Special Programs Treatment of Inbound Mail Inquiries, Indemnities, & Refunds Index of Countries & Localities Country Price Groups & Weight Limits Individual Country Listings List of Exhibits Index
International Mail Service (Chapter 1) Five Chapters Describes size & weight requirements, rate, classes of mail and other mailing standards Contains 5 topics General Information Preparation for Mailing Mailability International Mail Categories Postage
ON LEARNING What is international mail? What postal manual covers international mail? What postal manual is used to cross- reference the IMM?
Conditions for Mailing (IMM Chapter 2) Defines categories of mailing, general description of each, mailable items, size and weight limits, and markings and endorsements Categories of Mailing 230 Priority Mail International 240 First Class Mail International 250 First-Class Package International Services
Determining If An Article Is Mailable Determine proper category for mailing Contents Weight and size limits Customer requested special services General regulations and specific prohibitions, restrictions, and observations
Preparation for Mailing Packaging (121) - Sender’s Responsibility Addressing (122) - Correct and completed in ink or typewritten Customs Forms (123) - All articles containing dutiable merchandise Mailability (130) Prohibitions and Restrictions (131.3) Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter (132)
Nonmailable Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter Advertisements for abortion Advertisement for motor vehicle master keys Copyright violations Fictitious matter Lottery matter Matter inciting violence Solicitations in the guise of bills or statement of accounts
Customs Declaration Refer to ICL to determine which form is used for country Three forms - PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 - PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note CP 72 - PS Form 2976E, Customs Declaration Envelope CP 91 Lists and describes the entire contents of the article.
Completing PS Form 2976 11 10 2018 John B. White 8 This portion is attached to the article. This portion is kept at the Post Office. 2 3 SPC John B. White 9 72 SIG BN X 4 Unit 31121, Box 10 Completed by Customer Leather Boots 1 3 7 $145 APO AE 09164 Men’s Silk Tie 3 8 $150 1 7 Ms. Mary R. Wright 6 10 3 15 295 168 Howe Street 5 Lansing, MI 48915 8 11 10 2018 John B. White
Completing PS Form 2976-A (Upper Portion) White John B. White John B 2 32 50 72nd SIG BN Unit 31121, Box 10 APO AE 09164 1 Wright LaTonya 168 Howe Street 48915 Lansing MI
Completing Customs Declaration (Lower Portion) 1 2 3 4 Sony radio – made in USA Cassette tapes Pair of headphones 1 $80 00 10 $50 00 1 $25 00 20 21 6 8 9 5 X 7 14 8 $155 00 11-12 10 14 13 John B. White 11 10 2018
ON LEARNING What chapter in the IMM discusses the conditions for mailing? Name some nonmailable written, printed, and graphic matter. Who is responsible for preparing and addressing items clearly and correctly?
PE X Situation 1
PE X Situation 2
PE X Situation 3
Special Services Special services are described in each country 320 – Insurance 330 – Registered 340 – Return Receipt When a customer desires a special service, ensure to check ICL for availability.
Insurance Provided against loss, damage or rifling Compensation varies Available only for Priority Mail and certain countries (Refer to ICL) Fee based on insured value Coverage for parcel may not be more than maximum allowed for a country
Mailing Receipt and Insurance Number PS Form 2976-A and mailing receipt is proof of mailing and insurance Enter U.S. dollar amount Convert U.S dollar to SDR value Write a bold capital “V” APDS PS Form 2976-A V
Registered Articles Completed on PS Form 3806 May weigh up to 4-pounds Registry fee is $ 13.65 for all countries Maximum indemnity is $45.59 Endorsements Place Label 200 on address side bottom left below return address APDS back of article twice Partially APDS return receipt
Marking, Sealing and Postmarking Sender – endorse fragile and perishable articles Clerk – APDS registered articles at acceptance Clerk – If necessary, APDS at breaks or torn edges of gummy paper strips 10 JUN 10 LT Betty J. Alden 15th ARMY BAND UNIT 16848, BOX 202 APO AE 09212 PVI: $42.00 LETTER Kim Chou 2133 Yongsan Avenue Cholla-Namdo Seoul REPUBLIC OF KOREA 10 JUN 10 4 pounds
Return Receipt - Provides evidence of delivery - Completed IAW countries internal regulations - Clerk endorses address side of parcel - “A” or “AVIS D RECEPTION” - Clerk must enter addressee’s address on return receipt
ON LEARNING What should be done first when a patron requests an article to be mailed using a special service? Which form is used as a customer receipt for registered mail?
PE X Situation 4
PE X Situation 5
PE X Situation 6
Individual Country Listings A very important section of the IMM Covers all mailing information for a specific country Lists the proper international charge rate The mailing information is in two sections: Country Conditions for Mailing Notice 123
Country Conditions for Mailing Contains three topics: Prohibitions Restrictions Observations
Prohibitions and Restrictions Prohibitions - lists articles strictly prohibited by the destination country. Restrictions – lists items that may require additional mailing requirements Example – Albania requires that hunting arms have an import permit and medicines for personal use are admitted with a medical certificate
Observations and Size Limits Observations – Additional requirements for an individual country (See Albania) Observation 1 – First-Class shipments MAY NOT contain dutiable articles Observation 2 – Priority service extends to only certain cities Size Limits – Lists specifications for different classes of mail
ON LEARNING What are the three sections of the Individual Country Listings? What should a clerk do before accepting an item from a customer that needs to be mailed to an International address? What is dutiable merchandise?
PE X Situation 7
PE X Situation 8
PE X Situation 9
PE X Situation 10
PE X Situation 11
TLO – Process International Mail LESSON OUTCOME: Students will process International mail IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: Process International Mail CONDITION: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. - Scale/Meter - Standard USPS forms and labels - Several articles of mail addressed for delivery to international addresses - All Purpose Dating Stamp (APDS) and Stamp Pad - Student Handout STANDARD: Process international mail by using the correct forms and endorsements, assessing the correct amount of postage and fees, determining if mail is mailable, determining special services available, and verifying the customer is authorized to use the Military Post Office (MPO)