Welcome to our Key Stage 1 maths evening Would you like to be able to help more with homework? Are you confused by how we teach the children maths these days? Would you like to know more about the methods we use? This evening we will… Outline the structure of a typical maths lesson Show how maths strategies develop across key stage 1 Show you the school’s calculations policy and how you can use this to help your child with their maths Identify key areas where you can help your child with their maths Share useful resources and websites
Teaching input and activity The maths lesson A daily key stage 1 maths lesson usually consists of 3 parts. Mental starter Teaching input and activity Plenary
Mental starter 10 minute ‘warm-up’ activity at the start of every lesson Focuses on counting and the number system, mental recall of number facts (e.g. number bonds to 10, doubling, halving, times tables)
Time to warm up your brains! Maths Pack 1, 1-100 number paint Full circle
Teaching input and activity This part focuses on the teaching and learning of maths concepts and gives the children time to practise and consolidate their mathematical skills. Lasts approximately 30-40 minutes
Plenary Review of the children’s learning Check children’s understanding (Assessment for Learning) Give time for children to self-assess Next steps
Which method should my child be learning? Helping you child with maths guide for parents http://www.st-john.leicester.sch.uk/
Calculations policy for addition Our school Calculations policy shows how the method progresses across the year groups. Some children may be ready for the year appropriate method, other may be consolidating the previous year’s or being extended. Copies available for you to take away today.
How would you solve these calculations? Which method did you use? 2 + 5 = 2 + 8 = 7 + 7 = 6 + 7 = 15 + 11 = 24 + 9 = 32 + 21 = 45 + 36 = 120 + 11 = What skills were you using? Does that method work for all of these calculations?
How would you solve these calculations? 2 + 5 = (start with the larger number & count on) 2 + 8 = (number bonds to 10) 7 + 7 = (doubling) 6 + 7 = (near doubles; double 6, then add 1 more) 15 + 11 = (add 10, add 1) 24 + 9 = (add 10, subtract 1) 32 + 21 = (could add 20, add 1 or add tens, add units and then total) 45 + 36 = (adding by partitioning) 120 + 11 = (add 10, add 1)
+ plus sum Language of addition add total count on altogether addition increase altogether total add sum more than
Addition across key stage 1
Addition across key stage 1
Addition across key stage 1 Counting on using a 0 to 20 number line. 6 + 5 = Mr Marshall has 6 sweets in one pocket and 5 in the other. How many sweets does he have in total? 2) 5 jumps of 1 1) Start on 6 3) Answer is 11
Addition across key stage 1 This could also be calculated using partitioning.
National expectations Level 2C
Level 2B
Level 2A
Level 3
What can I do to help?
Numbers and the number system Rapid recall of number pairs to 10 and then to 20. Doubles and halves
Learning about money To become familiar with the value and denominations of money Pennies in a pound and different amounts that make £1 Help him/her to add and subtract amount of money perhaps within a pocket money context (workout whether they can afford a particular toy or treat) Shop using money and calculate change.
Learning times tables Learning multiplication facts is a vital part of any child’s mathematical development. Once rapid recall of multiplication facts becomes possible, a whole host of mathematical activities will seem easier. Children need to be able to recall multiplication facts in any order and also to derive associated division facts. The expectations for each year group are set out below: Year 1 Count on or back in ones, twos, fives and tens and use this knowledge to derive the multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Year 2 Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and the related division facts.
Learning times tables www.teachingtables.co.uk Year 3 Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables and the corresponding division facts. Year 4 Derive and recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10, the corresponding division facts. Year 5 Recall quickly multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 and derive quickly corresponding division facts. Year 6 Use knowledge of place value and multiplication facts to 10 × 10 to derive related multiplication and division facts involving decimals (e.g. If I know 8x7=56, I can use that to workout 0.8 × 7=5.6) Use knowledge of multiplication facts to derive quickly squares of numbers to 12×12.
What should they be able to do? The aim is that for each times table: The children should be able to say the table in order. E.g. 1 times 3 is 3, 2 times 3 is 6. They should be able to answer questions in any order. E.g. “What is 4 x 5?” “What is 2 x 7?” They should be able to answer – “How many 2’s in 18?” “How many 5’s in 20?” They should also be able to link their tables with division – e.g. 5 x 3 is 15, so 15 ÷ 3 = 5
Eight times eight is sixty-four, close your mouth and There are lots of ways you can help your child to learn their times tables. Different activities suit different learning styles. Remember it should be fun! Buy a times table CD or tape. Listening to songs and singing can help children learn their tables in a fun way. If your child likes to write or draw they can write out their times tables or copy them from a chart. See how quickly they can do it and can they improve on their time? 3) If your child is always on the move try saying them as they go up the stairs of when out walking. They can chant them as they skip or bounce a ball. Make up silly rhymes to help with facts they are struggling to remember e.g. Eight times eight is sixty-four, close your mouth and shut the door! A tree on skates fell on the floor; three times eight is twenty-four.
Parents evening ‘Maths targets. A booklet for parents’ publication from the Numeracy strategy Ideas for games, key learning skills for that year group.
(Copy available to download from our school’s website) Parents evening (Copy available to download from our school’s website)
Useful websites www.topmarks.co.uk www.educationcity.com www.coolmath4kids.com
http://www.gridclub.com/ Free trial and membership fee