Postal Customer Council Seamless, eInduction and EPS Presented by Janine Egloff, BMS Analyst October 17, 2018
Standardized acceptance and verification processes Benefits of Seamless acceptance Standardized acceptance and verification processes Improved feedback on business mail quality issues Longer mail production cycles Allows for preparation and payment flexibility
Electronic Documentation Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Scans Seamless Acceptance Overview Seamless Acceptance automates and simplifies the entry, verification, and induction of commercial mail at both Business Mail Acceptance Units and Detached Mail Units (DMU) Data collection points in the mail stream: Mail enters the mail stream with minimal manual validations –validations are performed electronically post-induction Electronic Documentation Sampling Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Scans
Seamless Acceptance Requirements Mailers must be able to meet the following requirements before transitioning to Seamless Acceptance: 90% Full-Service Submission of eDoc Unique barcodes Participate in eInduction program Seamless Parallel- demonstrate performance under all Seamless thresholds for 30 days Available for First-Class Mail, Periodicals, Marketing Mail letters/flats and Bound Printed Matter barcoded flats
Finalize Postage Statement Feedback Provided Throughout the Process Mail Preparation Finalize Postage Statement Mail Acceptance Mail Processing Mail Verification Generate Reports Feedback Provided Throughout the Process
Prepare mailings with unique barcodes and upload eDoc to PostalOne! Mail Preparation Step Prepare mailings with unique barcodes and upload eDoc to PostalOne! Using the eDoc allows additional details to be provided at the piece level, which supports more detailed reporting eDoc submitted using: Mail.dat Mail.XML Postal Wizard In Step One, Mail Preparation & eDoc Submission, mailers prepare their mail and submit eDoc to PostalOne!. Seamless Acceptance supports every type of mailing environments from a small volume simple mailing to a large volume prepare under a complex special Postage Payment System, which may mail over multiple days. PostalOne! Does not support the submission of manifest documentation. Under Seamless Acceptance mailers would no longer be required to present these documents separately. Use of permit imprint payment method requires a minimum of 200 pieces or 50 pounds for mailings. This is not required when a mailer submits eDoc that includes piece level details. eDoc allows additional details to be provided at the piece level, which can support the reporting that mailers have access to from the BCG. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
Allows mailer to control the date the statement finalizes Finalize Postage Statement Step Postage Statements will auto-finalize on the mailing date that is included in the eDoc Allows mailer to control the date the statement finalizes If mailer is late with production and the Acceptance Employee is no longer on site, the mailer can still finalize the postage statement Next, Finalize Postage Statement, USPS finalizes the postage statement generated from the eDoc to collect payment for the mailing. Under Seamless Acceptance, auto-finalization occurs on the mailers mailing date recorded in the eDoc. This allows the mailer to control the date the statement finalizes. Prior to Seamless Acceptance the mailer was limited to USPS Acceptance Employee availability to have the statement finalized on a specific date. With Seamless Acceptance if the mailer is late with production and the Acceptance Employee is no longer on site, they can still get the statement finalized later in the day. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
Traditional Verifications are replaced by Seamless Sampling Mail Acceptance Step Traditional Verifications are replaced by Seamless Sampling Seamless Sampling brings in randomization which makes the sample representative of the mailings presented during the month by the mailer Mail is verified through the comparison of eDoc to scans from sampling (called sampling verification) [VO:] The randomizer tool is critical to make sure that you are randomly picking a container from the mailer. A complete sample includes one container, three handling units from that container, and 30 pieces from the container (10 pieces from each handling unit). For mailings that do not have containers, the scanning device will allow you to skip the container sampling. The FS-IMD will provide you with instructions on how to collect the sample, and PostalOne! will provide you with information on how many samples to complete. PostalOne! uses the mailer’s quality from the last three months to determine how many samples are needed. Note that the sampling process is slightly different if you are pulling a container from the production line than if you are pulling a container from completed containers on the floor. Let me see if I can break it down-Basically, it’s an automated system for mail. Automated = faster. Using electronic documentation from the mailer, the mail-entry process will/has become more simplified. This means that the commercial bulk mail does not have to be physically verified by a clerk anymore. Instead, the Intelligent Mail Barcode provided by the USPS will be scanned to verify that the proper postage is collected and that mail meets applicable acceptance thresholds. The majority of the commercial mailers who are currently under Seamless (RRD, Pitney, etc) also transport their own mail to the SCF, NDC, etc. Those who are not active for Seamless usually have to wait for a DMU Clerk to come on-site and verify their mail. This is a delay in the mailers eye and if they were on Seamless they could move the mail much faster. A DMU Clerk comes on site and has to perform at least 5/6 verification daily. Under Seamless, the DMU clerk would have to perform no more than 1 or 2 verification and that could be weekly. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
The data collected during randomized sampling is used to validate: USPS MANUALLY collects piece attributes using handheld scanners by performing a random sample The data collected during randomized sampling is used to validate: Postage: Has to match the postage affixed specified in eDoc Weight: Has to match the weight specified in eDoc Mail Characteristic: Has to qualify as the type of mailing from the eDoc [VO:] The randomizer tool is critical to make sure that you are randomly picking a container from the mailer. A complete sample includes one container, three handling units from that container, and 30 pieces from the container (10 pieces from each handling unit). For mailings that do not have containers, the scanning device will allow you to skip the container sampling. The FS-IMD will provide you with instructions on how to collect the sample, and PostalOne! will provide you with information on how many samples to complete. PostalOne! uses the mailer’s quality from the last three months to determine how many samples are needed. Note that the sampling process is slightly different if you are pulling a container from the production line than if you are pulling a container from completed containers on the floor. Let me see if I can break it down-Basically, it’s an automated system for mail. Automated = faster. Using electronic documentation from the mailer, the mail-entry process will/has become more simplified. This means that the commercial bulk mail does not have to be physically verified by a clerk anymore. Instead, the Intelligent Mail Barcode provided by the USPS will be scanned to verify that the proper postage is collected and that mail meets applicable acceptance thresholds. The majority of the commercial mailers who are currently under Seamless (RRD, Pitney, etc) also transport their own mail to the SCF, NDC, etc. Those who are not active for Seamless usually have to wait for a DMU Clerk to come on-site and verify their mail. This is a delay in the mailers eye and if they were on Seamless they could move the mail much faster. A DMU Clerk comes on site and has to perform at least 5/6 verification daily. Under Seamless, the DMU clerk would have to perform no more than 1 or 2 verification and that could be weekly. The random sampling process with statistical controls confirms that the monthly samples are, indeed, representative of the overall mail population. Statistical significance ensures that the sample size is large enough to represent the population of mailings over the month AND that the error rate from samples is large enough to distinguish itself from noise caused by the environment, differences in equipment, and differences in personnel. Statistical significance is applied to an entire verification. *This information CANNOT be obtained electronically
Mail Processing Categories Eligible Mail Characteristics Non-profit Eligible Organization is not organized for profit None of the organization’s net income is intended to benefit any individual or private stockholder Mail Classes Eligible First-Class Mail Periodicals (formal authorization needed) USPS Marketing Mail Mail Processing Categories Eligible Letters Cards Flats Mail Characteristic errors are calculated using a Postage Assessment Factor (PAF) [VO:] The randomizer tool is critical to make sure that you are randomly picking a container from the mailer. A complete sample includes one container, three handling units from that container, and 30 pieces from the container (10 pieces from each handling unit). For mailings that do not have containers, the scanning device will allow you to skip the container sampling. The FS-IMD will provide you with instructions on how to collect the sample, and PostalOne! will provide you with information on how many samples to complete. PostalOne! uses the mailer’s quality from the last three months to determine how many samples are needed. Note that the sampling process is slightly different if you are pulling a container from the production line than if you are pulling a container from completed containers on the floor. Let me see if I can break it down-Basically, it’s an automated system for mail. Automated = faster. Using electronic documentation from the mailer, the mail-entry process will/has become more simplified. This means that the commercial bulk mail does not have to be physically verified by a clerk anymore. Instead, the Intelligent Mail Barcode provided by the USPS will be scanned to verify that the proper postage is collected and that mail meets applicable acceptance thresholds. The majority of the commercial mailers who are currently under Seamless (RRD, Pitney, etc) also transport their own mail to the SCF, NDC, etc. Those who are not active for Seamless usually have to wait for a DMU Clerk to come on-site and verify their mail. This is a delay in the mailers eye and if they were on Seamless they could move the mail much faster. A DMU Clerk comes on site and has to perform at least 5/6 verification daily. Under Seamless, the DMU clerk would have to perform no more than 1 or 2 verification and that could be weekly. The random sampling process with statistical controls confirms that the monthly samples are, indeed, representative of the overall mail population. Statistical significance ensures that the sample size is large enough to represent the population of mailings over the month AND that the error rate from samples is large enough to distinguish itself from noise caused by the environment, differences in equipment, and differences in personnel. Statistical significance is applied to an entire verification. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
Minimum requirements to statistically validate PAF Postage assessment factor (PAF) Overview Minimum requirements to statistically validate PAF BMEU Mailers At least 600 pieces sampled and at least 6 days represented in the volume If the sample does not meet these requirements, a PAF will be forgiven Other Mailers Requirements modified to 400 pieces sampled over at least 5 days Method to apply an error rate determined from handheld scanner samplings to the entire population of mailings within a calendar month Designed to evaluate and interpret trends in mail preparation quality Random sampling process uses statistical controls to confirm monthly samples are representative of overall mail population Statistical significance ensures: Sample size is large enough to represent the population of mailings over the month Error rate from samples is large enough to distinguish itself from noise caused by the environment, differences in equipment, and differences in personnel
Included Verifications Postage assessment factor (PAF) Types If a verification exceeds a threshold, the mailer may be charged additional postage PAF Type Included Verifications How is it assessed? PAF Threshold Mail Characteristic Nonprofit status Across all volume from a mail owner/eDoc submitter combination in a calendar month 1.05 Mail class Mail processing category General Postage Across all volume from an eDoc submitter in a calendar month Weight [VO:] Verifications using Postage Adjustment Factors Postage Adjustment Factor (PAF) is a method to apply an error rate determined from samples to the entire population of mailings within a calendar month. Mailers may be assessed for additional postage when a PAF metric exceeds a PAF threshold for calendar month. There are two PAF types: General and Mail Characteristics. The General PAF is used for errors in Postage and Weight verifications. The Mail Characteristic PAF is used for errors in the processing category, mail class, Nonprofit eligibility, and content. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
Calculated by the following equation: Mail Characteristic Postage assessment factor (PAF) Calculated by the following equation:
Mail Processing Step Electronically collect mailing information using scans from Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Mail is verified through the comparison of eDoc to MPE scans called census verification Mail Entry & Payment Technology
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) scans all Intelligent Mail Barcodes (IMb) collecting data needed for 2 validations: Undocumented Piece: Scanned IMb must be found in the eDoc that has an associated finalized postage statement Nesting/Sortation: Piece scanned must be nested in a the tray or bundle that was identified in eDoc [VO:] In Step Four, the mail is processed for delivery. As the mail runs across processing equipment, such as a Flats Sequencing System (FSS) [say “F” “S” “S” ] or Combined Input Output Subsystem (CIOSS) [say “Sigh-Ohz”], the MPE scans the IMb and sends information about where the mailpiece was, when it processed, and what operation it was run on to Seamless Acceptance. Using information from the MPE for verification allows Seamless Acceptance to check almost every mailpiece for quality problems.
Compare manual and electronic sampling data to eDoc information Mail Verification Step Compare manual and electronic sampling data to eDoc information Validation results sent to Mailer Scorecard for reporting purposes Mailer Scorecard provides insight to possible mail quality or preparation issues Reporting is trend based to provide mailer opportunity to improve mail preparation during the month In Step Five, Mail Validation, mail is verified automatically, based on data collected from eDoc, manual sampling, and MPE. The results of these validations against Seamless Acceptance criteria are sent to the Mailer Scorecard for reporting purposes. The results of the verifications are compiled over a calendar month and displayed on the Seamless tab of the Mailer Scorecard, which indicate if there are significant mail quality or preparation issues. These validations which are trend based allow the mailer to correct their processes throughout the month. This allows a mailer to improve their overall mail quality by adjusting internal processes based on previous errors. eDoc Submitters, Mail Preparers, and Mail Owners have access to this data based on how it is represented in the eDoc. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
MPE or Census error types If a verification exceeds a threshold, the mailer may be charged additional postage Error Type How is it assessed? Threshold Undocumented An Undocumented piece error is logged when a piece cannot be associated with a valid eDoc submission over the past 45 days. This error is logged at the piece level 0.3% Nesting/Sortation (MPE) A Nesting/Sortation (MPE) error is logged when the piece scanned is nested in a different tray or bundle than the tray or bundle that was identified in eDoc 1% [VO:] Verifications using Postage Adjustment Factors Postage Adjustment Factor (PAF) is a method to apply an error rate determined from samples to the entire population of mailings within a calendar month. Mailers may be assessed for additional postage when a PAF metric exceeds a PAF threshold for calendar month. There are two PAF types: General and Mail Characteristics. The General PAF is used for errors in Postage and Weight verifications. The Mail Characteristic PAF is used for errors in the processing category, mail class, Nonprofit eligibility, and content. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
Access Mailer Scorecard Access the Mailer Scorecard via Business Customer Gateway (BCG): 1 2 OR [VO:] In contrast to Acceptance employees, mailers access the Mailer Scorecard through the Business Customer Gateway (BCG) [say “B””C””G”]. Mailers will know they’ve successfully logged in when they see the welcome bar on the left side of their screen and their favorite services on the right of their screen. In the BCG, there are two ways to access the Mailer Scorecard. On the left of the screen the mailer clicks on Mailing Services, then Mailing Reports. Otherwise, if Mailing Reports appears on the right under favorites, then the mailer can click on that. Either method gets you to Step Three shown at the bottom of this page. Next, select “Mailer Scorecard.” Now, the mailer will select if they are an eDoc Submitter or Mail Owner/Mail Preparer, and we will now walk through how both you and the mailer would run the Mailer Scorecard report, as the steps from here are the same for both internal and external users. 4 3
Provides view of reports at anytime at a drilldown level Generate Report Step Results are sent for reporting purposes and available on Mailer Scorecard Provides view of reports at anytime at a drilldown level Finally, in Step Six, Generate Reports, reporting is available so mailers can evaluate their own mail quality. The data is summarized on the Seamless tab of the Mailer Scorecard. The Mailer Scorecard displays to the mailer if they are exceeding any established thresholds for the Seamless metrics. The reports allow the mailer to drill to view details that can be useful to investigate errors that have been reported. Since Seamless Acceptance is trend based it allows the mailer to improve their overall mail quality by adjusting internal processes based on previous errors. Mail Entry & Payment Technology
eInduction Program Overview
eInduction Overview eInduction leverages Full Service to simplify induction of mail and allow for greater management through improved visibility eInduction mail shipments enter facilities at Origin and Destination entry points without the need for paper forms and go through a series of verifications to ensure each container has Been paid for Been paid at the correct rate To participate in eInduction mailers must Prepare and submit an eDoc using Mail.dat, Mail.XML, or Postal Wizard Software Activate their CRID in PostalOne! Use IMcb placard barcodes Flag all eInduction containers in eDoc
eInduction Overview: Purpose eInduction allows USPS to determine if PVDS containers are paid for and shipped to the correct facility without the use of paper 8125/8017 forms. It provides the following benefits: Improved Controls Scan data, instead of paper records, is used to determine postage payments 8125/8017 paper forms no longer need to be verified and signed off by induction personnel (for eInduction containers) Elimination of Paper Process So, what is eInduction? eInduction allows USPS to determine if PVDS containers are paid for and shipped to the correct facility without the use of paper 8125 or 8017 forms. eInduction provides several benefits. First, it improves SOX controls by using scan data from the SV-IMD to determine postage payments instead of paper records. Second, it eliminates the use of paper since 8125/8017 forms no longer need to be verified and signed off by induction personnel for eInduction containers. Third, it streamlines the induction process. With eInduction, each barcoded container is treated separately. If the container is scanned as “Expected”, it can be moved directly to processing. Streamlined Induction Process With eInduction, each container is treated separately where if it is scanned as Expected, or on the Container Manifest Report, it can be moved directly to processing
eInduction Overview: Process System interactions between PostalOne! and the SV-IMD or Container Manifest Report Containers are flagged as eInduction in electronic postage statements The SV-IMD collects container data and compares it to data in the eDoc At Non-SV locations data is collected as the mail moves along mail processing equipment The systems perform validations on the container (entry point discount; mis- shipped; etc.) Better determine if mailers qualify for the discounts claimed A list of validations is included in the Appendix The eInduction program works because of system interactions between PostalOne! and the SV-IMD Mailers mark containers as eInduction in their electronic postage statements (eDocs) When the container arrives at a drop shipment facility the SV-IMD collects container data and compares it to the data submitted in the eDoc The interaction allows the systems to perform multiple validations on the container (entry point discount; mis-shipped; etc.) instead of just checking that the container has been paid for Allows the USPS to better determine if mailers qualify for the discounts claimed A list of validations is included in the Appendix
BME PVDS Key Terms Non-eInduction Shipment – A drop shipment that contains no eInduction containers Mixed Load – A drop shipment that contains both eInduction and non-eInduction containers 100% eInduction Shipment – A drop shipment that contains only eInduction containers Slide with voiceover Throughout the course we will use several key terms related to PVDS. It is important for you to understand what these terms mean, as we will not define them each time they are used. As previously mentioned, there are 3 variations a mailer may use to present mail at a drop shipment facility: non-eInduction; mixed load; or 100% eInduction. (click) A non-eInduction shipment is a drop shipment that contains no eInduction containers. For this type of shipment all containers must be accounted for on paper 8125/8017 documentation. (click) A mixed load is a drop shipment that contains both eInduction and non-eInduction containers. All non-eInduction containers must be accounted for on paper 8125/8017 documentation. However, the total of containers in the load will be greater than the containers on paper documentation because eInduction containers are not included on paper forms. (click) A 100% eInduction shipment is a drop shipment that contains only eInduction containers. For this type of shipment there will be no paper documentation from the mailer or driver.
Dock eInduction Overview: Process Site Process Key Points: The SV-IMD will be used to the complete appointment process: arrival; unloading; container reconciliation; appointment irregularity notations; and appointment closeout Dock clerks will no longer check an 8125 for eInduction containers If a container scans at Not Expected, the dock clerk will follow the resolve the container’s status via the FAST Helpdesk before returning it to the mailer
Dock eInduction Overview: Process At SV facilities all containers are scanned with the SV-IMD eInduction containers are accepted or rejected based on the message from the SV-IMD Containers that do not scan as accepted will need to be resolved via the FAST Helpdesk before they are accepted or rejected eInduction containers are not accepted based on paper 8125 forms Removes the need to review critical fields on 8125 forms Container reconciliation is based on SV-IMD and FAST Helpdesk procedures, not by comparing counts on the 8125 Accept Not Expected Duplicate Mis-Shipped
eInduction Assessable Metrics Container not listed on finalized postage statement Container listed on eDoc but not paid for Multiple containers utilizing the same bar code in a 45 day period Container inducted at a location other than what was listed on the eDoc Incorrect Entry Point Discount was claimed on the eDoc Incorrect Zone discount claimed on eDoc Undocumented Payment Duplicate Misshipped Entry Point Discount Zone Description eDoc Verifications Thresholds 0% 0% .17% 1.05% eInduction goes through the following verifications to ensure mailings meet certain established standards of quality: Each verification is assigned a threshold for the amount of mailing requirements that must be validated during the month. There are six requirements that must be validated to ensure mailings meet the appropriate standards: Undocumented Payment Duplicate Misshipped EPD Zone .05% .01%
Postal Customer Council (PCC) Enterprise Payment System
BEFORE AFTER Enterprise Payment System Commercial Products + Services Post Office PO Boxes Post Office PO Boxes Address Quality Services Address Quality Services NCSC Enterprise Payment System Stamps/ Packaging NCMS Stamps/ Packaging Commercial Shipping Products Commercial Shipping Products CAPS Express Mail Corporate Accounts Credit Cards Express Mail Corporate Accounts
Why EPS? Pay for all Products and Services with one account Manage accounts online Establish permits online Manage postage spent Convenient payment options
Commercial Mailings Legacy Commercial Products + Services Commercial Mailings Legacy Deposit funds in person at assigned Post Office Checks, Cash, or Money Orders to fund permit mailings Mail at multiple sites, maintain permit balances at each assigned Post Office Commercial Mailing Today Electronic Funds Transfer: Pre-fund mailings via an electronic funds transfer (Fedwire or ACH Credit) Retail Deposit: Deposit checks, cash or money orders at any Post Office Mobile Deposit: Deposit a check remotely using Mobile Check Capture ACH Debit: Establish an ACH Debit account to have funds withdrawn directly from bank account Use a single payment account for all permits; if mail at multiple sites PO Boxes Address Quality Services Stamps/ Packaging Commercial Shipping Products Express Mail Corporate Accounts
Eligible Products/Services Eligible Submission Methods Eligible Permit Types Eligible Transactions Products & Services Coming Soon! PO Box, Caller & Reserve Services (EPOBOL) Address Quality Products (AEC, AECII and ACS) Priority Mail First- Class Mail, Letters, Cards, and Flats First-Class Package Service USPS Marketing Mail, Letters, Flats, and Parcels Parcel Select Media Mail Library Mail Bound Printed Matter Periodicals International Products Business Reply Mail (BRM) Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) BMEU Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) hard copy eDoc (Mail.dat/Mail.XML) Postal Wizard Intelligent Mail small business (IMsb) Tool Permit Imprint Metered Pre-cancelled Stamps Periodicals (CPP/PP) Postage Due Business Reply Postage Statement Processing (Domestic & International) Adjustments Mail Entry Postage Assessment Reversals Refunds (including Value Added Refunds (VAR)) Deposits Transfers Fee Payments FOIA Requests Electronic Verification System (eVS) Parcel Return Service (PRS) PC Postage Scan Based Payment (SBP) Merchandise Return Service (MRS) Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS) Premium Forwarding Service Commercial (PFSC) Share Mail Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA)
Link Permits/ Publications Get Ready! Create BCG Account Request EPS Create EPS Account Set-up Payment Link Permits/ Publications Choose the best payment option for your organization Get a list of all your active permits Register for a Business Customer Gateway (BCG) Account Customers already registered skip to the next step Contact the PostalOne! Helpdesk or your local Business Mail Entry Unit to request participation Access EPS using the hyperlink and invitation code Create an Enterprise Payment Account Set up the selected payment option: ACH Debit or Trust via EFT, Retail Deposit or Mobile Deposit Link your mailing Permits to your EPA 1. Request invitation code to participate in EPS 2. Create BCG account if not registered 3. Access EPS via BCG 4. Create an EPA 5. Activate a payment method 6. Link products and services
Enterprise PO Boxes Online Commercial Products + Services ePOBOL Legacy PO Boxes Online limited to 5 PO boxes/services ACH Debit is not supported as a payment method Individual renewals and account management at local offices ePOBOL Today Enterprise PO Boxes Online allows mailers to manage (open, close, view, pay fees and renew) all PO Boxes, Caller and Reserve Services Commercial customers manage multiple local accounts from a single application Renewal/expiration notifications sent electronically PO Boxes Address Quality Services Enterprise PO Boxes Online Stamps/ Packaging Commercial Shipping Products Express Mail Corporate Accounts
Create EPA & Set-up Payment Get Ready! Create BCG Account Request EPS Access Create EPA & Set-up Payment Manage PO Boxes Choose the best payment option for your organization Get a list of all your active PO Boxes Register for a Business Customer Gateway (BCG) Account Customers already registered skip to the next step Contact the PostalOne! Helpdesk or your local Business Mail Entry Unit to request participation Access EPS using the hyperlink and invitation code Create an Enterprise Payment Account Set up the selected payment option: ACH Debit or Trust via EFT, Retail Deposit or Mobile Deposit via Enterprise PO Boxes Online Open, close, view PO Boxes, Caller Services, and Reserve Boxes online Link PO Boxes to EPA Schedule when payment is withdrawn from EPA 1. Request invitation code to participate in EPS 2. Create BCG account if not registered 3. Access EPS via BCG 4. Create an EPA 5. Activate a payment method 6. Link products and services
Address Quality Account Management AQS Legacy Customer submits paper application forms for ACS or AEC NCSC generates daily or monthly invoices & manually processes payment AQS Today EPS accepts & processes invoice transactions electronically Consolidated transaction reporting available from EPS Address Quality Account Management
Choose the best payment option for your organization Get Ready! Create BCG Account Request EPS *via NCSC Create EPS Account Set-up Payment Link Services Choose the best payment option for your organization Get a list of all your active AEC, AECII, SSACS Register for a Business Customer Gateway (BCG) Account Customers already registered skip to the next step Contact NCSC to request participation Access the Enterprise Payment System using the hyperlink and invitation code Create an Enterprise Payment Account Set up the selected payment option: ACH Debit or Trust via EFT, Retail Deposit or Mobile Deposit Link services to EPA 1. Request invitation code to participate in EPS 2. Create BCG account if not registered 3. Access EPS via BCG 4. Create an EPA 5. Activate a payment method 6. Link products and services
Customer Dashboard Customer Dashboard provides a quick glance of all EPS accounts View the real-time total of pending ACH debit transactions sent to the bank at the end of the day, as well as the Trust Balance Pending Accounts where the account setup process needs to be completed are viewable as well John Smith Two general routes: 1 - Select an Account (by clicking one of the boxes on the screen or using “EPS Accounts” dropdown on top menu bar) – this will take you to Account Summary page 2 - Select the “Reports” link from top menu bar to see a list of available reports.
EPS Drill-Down Reporting First-Class Mail $375.00 USPS Marketing Mail $275.36 Periodicals $120.02 Priority Mail $65.02 Package Services $42.79 International $35.80 Returns Services $150.00 PO Box Services $375.00 Permit Mailings $947,317.75 Address Quality $546,925.36
Commercial Mailing Activity Mail Class Report Commercial Mailing Activity Mail Class Report summarizes transaction information for the selected Mail Class EPS Transaction Number Transaction Date/Time Transaction Amount Transaction Type Permit Number City/State of Permit Number of Pieces eDoc Mailing Date Postage Statement Number EPS Account Number Job ID Customer Reference ID Permit Holder CRID ZIP of Verification Publication Number User License Code Class Number of Copies Spoilage EPS Account Nickname
Postage Statement Report Select a Section to drilldown for more detail. Postage Statement Report summarizes the total cost by section of a specific Postage Statement drilled by clicking on the Postage Statement ID from the Customer Mailing Details Report Click on a section to see the line level detail
Postage Statement Line Detail Report Postage Statement Line Detail summarizes the total cost by line of the Postage Statement section selected on the previous page Report features: Sort by any column Real-time search (results update after each keystroke) Change # of records shown per page
Standard Reports Access to various data providing information on: Overall spend Type product/service System activity
Mailing Details Report Standard Report – Mailing Details Report Mailing Details Report Download Options: CSV Excel PDF Mailing Details Report provides detailed information of PostalOne! mailings Search results that filter real-time as you type across all columns All Account Activity Mailing Date Filter: Report Data Fields Class Spoilage Number of Pieces Number of Copies eDoc Mailing Date EPS Account Number EPS Account Nickname Transaction Amount Postage Statement Number EPS Transaction Number Transaction Date/Time Transaction Type Permit Holder CRID Permit Number City/State of Permit ZIP of Verification Publication Number Customer Reference ID Job ID User License Code Report features: Filter by date range (default is one month; data is expected to be available for 2 years) Sort by any column Real-time search (results update after each keystroke) Change # of records shown per page Download results to CSV, Excel, or PDF
Standard Report – Transaction History Report Transaction History Report summarizes the transactions that were made within a selected timeframe Tran Id Date Tran Type Description Product Id Business Location EPS Account Number EPS Account Nickname Payment Method Amount Original Trans ID
PostalOne! Help Desk PostalPro Ready? Support customers with EPS setup & use 800.522.9085 PostalPro Provide online reference materials BMEU locator Ready? Submit “EPS Request” via email: *Include BCG username for BSA, email address & CRID(s)