Workshop 304: Measuring the impact of Internet governance on sustainable development Heather Creech
Welcome IISD wishes to thank the following co-organizers: Centre for Environment and Development in the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies (CSDMS) International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Premise and Input Sought Mechanisms are needed to monitor the impact of Internet policy and governance choices. How do we determine whether these choices are helping to achieve the broader sustainability goals of humanity? What do Internet policy makers need to measure to find out whether they are “getting it right”?
Workshop Format Workshop designed to be as interactive as possible Three short presentations - 20 minutes total Four breakout groups 20 minutes to deliberate 5 minutes each to report back Responses from the panelists – 20 minutes total
Short Presentations Dr. Hossam Allam, Head, ICT4D, CEDARE How sustainable development is measured Susan Teltscher, Head, Market Information and Statistics Division, ITU-D Current practices in ICT indicators Jayalakshmi Chittoor, i4d Team Leader, CSDMS Environmental, accountability and governance innovation in ICTs and the potential contribution to sustainable development
Breakout Groups and Facilitators Environmental – IISD and CEDARE Governance and Innovation – CSDMS; Economic – ITU; Social – APC Breakout group questions: Are there indicators that are measuring the impact of public Internet policy on social, environmental and economic sustainability? Are they useful? What should be added?
Panel responses to discussions Question: How does what you have heard influence your current thinking about measuring the impact of IG on SD? Dr. Hossam Allam, CEDARE Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director, APC Susan Teltscher, ITU-D
Thank You Heather Creech, Director, Global Connectivity Tony Vetter