UPR Training Auckland, 23rd October 2018
Overview of the training Session 1: Lessons learned from previous UPR cycles Session 2: Introduction to the UPR and the Pre-sessions Coffee break Session 3: UPR Advocacy Lunch Session 4: SMART recommendations Afternoon tea Session 5: Thematic group work
Lessons learned from previous UPR cycles Session 1: Lessons learned from previous UPR cycles
Session 5: Thematic group work
Aim Participants break into thematic clusters to: Develop their advocacy strategies Develop panellists’ presentations (PowerPoint) Presentations (PowerPoint) and CSO-suggested recommendations are finalised. Each group present their advocacy strategy. Each panellist makes their presentations to the plenary for feedback.
Structuring the presentation Step 1): Brief introduction of the your organisation: whether part of coalition/engagement with UPR so far/how was the organisation’s UPR report drafted, etc. Step 2): Succinct explanation of whether the Government organised national consultations in preparation of the national report Step 3): Brief presentation of the plan of your statement. Indicate the type and number of issues you will discuss (refer to the relevant factsheet) Step 4): For the presentation of each individual issue, structure as follows: Give an update on the recommendations from previous reviews dealing with this issue (highlight what countries made these recs) Describe how the situation on that issue has evolved since the last review; highlight achievements as well as remaining challenges Suggest two or three SMART recommendations, as well as advance questions We work to promote and strengthen the UPR by raising awareness, providing capacity-building tools, and bridging the different actors of the UPR.
UPR Advocacy Factsheets Structure: good practices from developing factsheets Name and logo of the coalition on each factsheet Theme: what theme does the factsheet address? Summary of key issues from previous reviews: recommendations and implementation status National framework: relevant national legislation, statistics, policies and initiative Challenges/Impact: note key rights challenges and their impact, justifying the needs for CSO suggested recommendations Recommendations: extract the SMART recommendations for the corresponding theme from the submission Sources: reference all claims made in the factsheet.
UPR Advocacy Factsheets Drafting: good practices from developing factsheets Layout: make the factsheet appealing. In-house expertise or outsourcing Folder: collect all factsheet in a folder to facilitate strategic advocacy Colour coding: give each factsheet a specific colour Thematic groups: summarises its contribution to a factsheet, Group rapporteurs bear the responsibility to finalise the folder Advocacy: good practices from developing factsheets Strategic advocacy: research which Recommending states are interested in what themes Electronic copies: share in advance with targeted diplomats (Wellington, Geneva, capital) Share with the Government and UN agencies at home Invaluable instruments to complement oral interventions at Pre-sessions