חוכמת היידיש Yiddish Wisdom
What will happen to the sheep When the wolf is the judge
The hat is O.K. but the head is too small
You can’t ride two horses with one bottom
Even if he were twice as wise, he would be dumb
Man was made from dust and ends in dust Man was made from dust and ends in dust. But meanwhile it’s good to take a drink of vodka
When there’s so much to do, take a nap
No one sees one’s own hump
A pen hurt more then an arrow
A cow has a long tongue, but she can’t say a blessing
Give the pig a finger – he’ll want the whole hand
A worm in a piece of horseradish believes that nothing can be sweeter
Every thing may be forgotten- except food
Nine rabbis cannot make a ‘minyan’ , but ten cobblers can do
When the cat is asleep The mice celebrate
If grandma had a beard She would be my grandfather
The reddest apple might contain a worm
Even the most expensive clock Doesn't have more than 60 minutes
A girl who cannot dance blames the musicians
A man makes plans And god laughs
סוף END