Boston University Libraries Linda Plunket Associate University Librarian for Graduate and Research Services Tom Hohenstein Data Services Librarian LINDA LP, AUL, GRS My colleague, TAH, Data Services Librarian We’re delighted to have this opportunity to talk w/you about the BU libs Many of you were probably very familiar with the lib at your last school. In my experience it’s often the first few attempts to use a new library system/ or information environment that slows us down, trips us up. Our job today is to share with you just enough info so that you are able to excel at BU– three points: How to find library resources What services the library offers How to get help when you need it If you have a questions, – let us know. We’ll help you directly, or put you in touch w/ the lib’n in your field. And Tom and I would love to talk with you about your research!
Locations LINDA BU has many libraries up and down Comm Ave and on the Med. Campus.. The main library, Mugar, is located at 771 Comm Ave., adjacent to the GSU & the food court. Mugar is open until 2am on weekdays and 24/7 during finals. Librarians are available to help you 7 days a week. BU has many specialized libraries including SEL, Music, Management, and the Medical library. You have full privileges at all BU libraries. All of these libraries have expert staff to help you find the resources you need.
TOM BU has excellent resources. Pres. Brown and Prov. Morrison believe in the importance of libraries and provide the libs with generous collection budgets This is the top page of the lib’s website. (CLICK) On our website you’ll see one search box that searches all of our databases, journal holdings, book holdings, and other content. Sing in B4 searching to see more resources & functionality– functionality that will allow you to see the FT of articles, request items we don’t have, and save citations. This is a great place to start your research and will allow you to quickly shift through our vast collection (CLICK) Besides the search box, the op page includes links to key resources, such as our eJournals and Database list. These links are the fastest way to find a known journal or database for searching Also on our home page are quick links to our research guides. Our guides are created by our librarians to bring together specialized resources on numerous topics
TOM This is an example of search results from our “discovery” system. One thing to notice is that we’re searching books, journal articles, newspaper articles, conference proceedings, and audio / visual resources simultaneously. ZERO + Note Course Reserves + Note that you can sign in for better results + Show me : Pee—reviewed Journals FIRST Note the facets on the side – mention the ways to filter but don’t cover each one SECOND + Note item record – highlight online access + Note save / email drop down
Every Library You Interlibrary loan TOM If the libraries don’t own, or have access to, what you need, we’ll get it for you either by purchasing it or borrowing it from another library. Many of you are already familiar with ILL. How many have used ILL before? Our ILL department is great. They will find those obscure resources for you and get them to you as fast as possible. You can also ILL specific articles. Most articles requests are completed electronically and available to you within 2 days books can take as long as 7 days. Boston has an amazing group of academic libraries that share resources. We are a member of the Boston Library Consortium, which gives you walk-in access and borrowing which gives you walk-in access and borrowing privileges to 17 amazing research libraries including Northeastern, BC, and UMass system, Tufts and others. You can apply for a BLC card on the lib’s website and pick it up at Mugar’s Circ. Med campus studetns should go thru the MED Lib.
TOM Find this page by searching for BU ILL -> should be the first result – it is our page. This is page has all the information you’ll need to ILL an item
Instruction Support LINDA Faculty often invite librarians into classes . We typically demo how to find and use subject specific resources. We love these opportunities. We learn as much as the students! We’ll meet with you 1 on 1 as many times as you like, we’ll meet with your study group, or come into your classes. We can save you time by showing you resources tailored to your interests.
Consultations LINDA If you can’t find what you’re looking for, let us help, whether you’re just beginning to formulate a topic, searching in the library’s discovery system, or GS, or trying to track down specific articles, books, or other resources –we can help.. We offer consultations on your research topic, on managing your data, and on scholarly issues such as OA, copyright or selecting journals to submit your publications to. When in doubt, talk with a reference librarian. Reference librarians are here to help you and are available in all BU libraries Can reach us– in person, by phone, chat, or email at ASK@BU.EDU
Data Services Happy Your Data Library TOM Story of child having a lot of fun eating – guacamole – this is a little like the research process. You have a research ?, you start doing research, conducting experiments, interviewing, you get really excited, and you’re having a blast. Next thing you know you’re at the end of the project and you have data all over the place. Ideally, before you end up with a mess of data, you’ll contact us and let us help you We can help with DM best practices – from the simple things like naming conventions and storing files in 3 locations to more complex topics like format migration for long-term access and preservation We can also help during the grant writing process with data management plans to help ensure funder compliance We can help you with data security and understanding IS&Ts many, many services and policies We can help you locate other research data and help you share your data publicly We try to be a “one stop shop” for data issues on campus. There are a lot of parties interested in you research data – from OSP, to the IRB, to IS&T, we can help you navigate the BU infrastructure and to hopefully make life a little easier. Library
Questions? TOM You can reach librarians 24/7 by emailing Make sure you take the time to explore the resources in your field You’ll be amazed. Thanks. Questions???