Lunar New Year in Taiwan Before New Year
Must eat food
Things to do on New Year
Chun lian is one of the decoration to be placed on the entrance of the house. Right (Vertical) line: Spring comes bird sings flower fragrant Left (vertical) line: winter gone mountain clear water sparkles. Top (Horizontal across) Whole Earth Returns Spring Good luck and happiness Cleaning and decoration: Lunar New Year in Hong Kong
Bright red colors are believed to scare off bad fortune. Decoration: Flowers are also used to adorn the homes
Fish and Dumplings are the most important dish; mean prosperous. A whole chicken/ pig with the head still attached; symbolize wholeness and prosperity. Food:
A lion dance traditionally marks big occasions Parade down the streets Celebrations:
The Cathay Pacific New Year's parade floatThe Disneyland parade float Dragon dance Celebrations:
Firework Celebrations:
The gate entrance to Wong Tai Sin temple The Wong Tai Sin temple market sells New Year charms. Lighting incense Lai See are small red and gold envelopes Celebrations:
Lunar New Year in Korea Memorial service for ancestors bow deeply to our elders Younger receive money/good words Korean antique with calligraphic words
Must-eat food (rice cake soup!) Bright red bags are believed to bring fortune 1 bowl = become 1 year older magpie song
Flying kite (get rid of bad fortune/luck) playing stick game (playing yut) Throwing arrows used in fortune-tellingfortune-telling
Spinning tops Rolling wheels (transport crops) Korean traditional percussion quartet (a small gong), (a larger gong), (an hourglass- shaped drum), (bass drum)gongdrumbass drum a musical instrument is sounded by being struck by a beatermusical instrumentbeater Pray to sky and earth for good harvest
Jumping Seesaws (look out the house) kicking shuttlecock (remove weeds) (directing cow?)
Happy New Year! Korean: seh heh bok mahn ee bahd euh sae yo (Receive a lot of new year's blessing)