Tuesday, November 28 th Day 3
Weather Weather
Birthdays Birthdays David 4
In the Gym….. NB #1 Winona Wish Leaders meeting NB #2 Sr boys basketball practice After School Jr. Girl’s Quarter Final game vs. Lawfield @ Winona (4:00)
See you in the gym after school! Playoff Action! Tonight...4:00...Jr. Girl’s volleyball...Quarterfinals...Are YOU ready?! Let’s help cheer on our Jr. Girl’s as they fight to stay undefeated in their quarterfinal game against Lawfield School. Let’s go Wildcats, let’s go! See you in the gym after school!
In the Music Room….. NB #1 Band rehearsal for the green group...PLEASE bring your sheet music. NB #2 Closed After School Instrument Sign- out
Starting this week, the Recycling Team will no longer collect recycling from classrooms. Teachers, please ensure you have 1 or 2 representatives who can bring your bin to the gym on recycling days. Thank you!
Chocolate fundraising for St. Donat This is the last week to sell chocolates for St. Donat. Please return your $ and unsold chocolate as soon as you can. Merci!
This logo is …
This logo is … Niagara Ice Dogs
Meet in the Gym today at First Break to make signs for Food Drive and Spirit Days in December... Winona Leaders Grade 6,7,8
Attention: Grade 7 and 8 Guardians of the School If you are interested in being a SLG Guardian Leader of the School PLEASE Submit Application to Mrs. Kingdon by Thursday November 30th Attention: Grade 7 and 8 Guardians of the School
Spirit Day-Nov 30th Creative Hair Day
Winona Happenings in December December 4th Winona Wish Assembly and Outdoor Activities- Period 4,5,6 December 11th-15th Food Drive (Bring in Food to Support our Local Food Drive, each day is a different item) Macaroni Monday Tin Can Tuesday Wash Wednesday Thirsty Thursday Fun Friday December 22nd- School Wide Sing Along
A Bedroom
Robot Suit
Be a Wonderful Winona Wildcat