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Presentation transcript:


Q: 49;13. O mankind! We created you all from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into races and tribes so that you should know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God are the ones most mindful of Him: God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

ENCOUNTER Theological Pedagogical Perspective Perspective (ta’aruf) (how ta’aruf occures)

Costa Rica, April 2015

Learners would; Look at reality through the eyes of others instead of having them process everything through only one perspective. Explore the reality they experience from various angles so they have opportunity to construct their own worldview.

FİRST İMPRESSİONS HINAN JAVAID from PAKİSTAN (2014) When I first entered Austria, my steps carried a fear with me. I was hailing from a Muslim majority country, a country where there is a certain «way» to act even for other religious groups in the minority. Up until the first of August I was not even from the minority group and I did not understand how to conduct myself in a society that was wholly different from my own.

FİRST İMPRESSİONS Before arriving here, I was always concerned with the questions of «how will the others see me, how I am going to see them, what will be thought of the different religious, political and social experiences? » or if there would be a common feeling of «being»? «Will the experince of spending the workshop together make us miss and love each other? And will our shared concerns tie us together?»

FİRST İMPRESSİONS AND CHANGES MAHMUD KHAIRY from EAYGPT (2014) There was even a time when I was afraid to pass by the church, but we were living in a Monastry and I had to work on overcoming all my fears. I had to overstep the boundaries which I created in my mind. İnitailly I was even shy and afraid of talking to priests but than I overcame these fears because the others let me come near them. The others were kind enough to share their opinions with me which then helped bridge the gasp between what I knew and what they had to offer.

FİRST İMPRESSİONS AND CHANGES RİTA ALANSON from GHANA (2012) The first day I felt lonely, everyone seemed strange to the other and I missed home so much. It was like living in an unknown enviroment far away with no relations or family. For the first time in my life, I had travelled far from home to live together with people from different continents, or different race, culture and religion. In the twinkle of an eye I had a happy family in Stift Altenburg. This family was so lovely that I loved everyone I met and spoke with. I loved my new home, my new family and all the people I met. I had the opportunity to freely interact with others, to learn , change and develop my personality. This I managed through TA’ARUF (to learn, recognise, explore, and to understand) a concept taught in the İntroduction to İslam lectures. I was so excited about everything. I wish to extend my stay and was sad to leave the group.What I gained from this experience has influenced and changed my life, my family, neighbours and everything else around me for a better life now and in the future.

SELF AND OTHER!! YASMEEN AL-SAWWAF from SUUDİ-ARABİA (2012) «Diversity within Unity» We had come from all over the world , from different cultural and religious backgrounds, each with his or her own belief and perspective, yet here we were; in one lecture hall, craming for the same exam, laughing at the same jokes and eating the same food. However this phrase does not only describe the human race, it is also a reflection of a single human being. Although we are «individuals» we are far from singular in our thinking. Our different opinions are based on our many experiences with other people. Our characters are a colllection of numerous opinions, viewpoints, notions and impressions. The words we utter are a manifestation of the diversity of our thoughts. One does not truly understand oneself before attempting to understand the other. We may never grow if we do not learn how to water our minds with the opinions of others.

KNOWİNG THYSELF YEGHİA TASHJİAN from LEBANON (2012) The concept of ta’aruf (co-existence) chanced my views towards İslam. According to Dr. Selçuk The Prophet Muhammed has been said to have warned his follewers against the idea of superiority of a group and warned us of ghuluw (extremisim) in religion. The holy Quran also ensures this by insisting that religious education should have a particular focus on the issue of equality and pluralism, mutual respect and solidarity between people of different faiths and that cultures can contribute immensely to the prevalence of peace and co-existence in our world. The Quran reinforces the need for balance in faith. Therefore, for proper co-existence , we should recognise ourselves and control our behaviour towards others, which is where the concept of «knowing thyself» comes into play.

KNOWİNG THYSELF FLORIAN MAYRHOFER from AUSTRIA (2014) After the Introduction to İslam course in summer school I realised ; How much the devotion of the uniqueness of God meant for Muslim How big the respect regarding their Prophet was (Muslim fellows in the class mentioned the phrase «peace be upon him» every time the Prophet’s name was mentioned) İslam is the source of peace, safety and perfection. Salam- İslam- Muslim Muslim friends know some/most of the Quran verses by heart. That is something very difficult to find at least in my Christian surroundings. The concepts of revelation may differ ; there is no doubtabout it. But it was this impressive fact that I as a Christian allso should know about my holy scripture. Thank you for five precious pillars, thank you for teaching me a little bit of Christianity.

Teaching Religion, Teaching Truth Understanding faith is important. Those who seek to radicalise people misusing theology to exploit people with a weak understandig of Religion. Costa Rica, April 2015

Fostering a climate of mutual understanding and respect Costa Rica, April 2015

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