www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Customize intro… I would like to share with your some information about the resources and tools available for use when implementing the IDDSI framework into your practice or industry. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative would like to acknowledge these wonderful sponsors for their continued support. Sponsors provide their funding unconditionally. IDDSI uses funding to support the website, develop resources and make publications available open access www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 The IDDSI board has developed a 3-stage implementation model, beginning with building awareness through activities such as this presentation. The second phase is one of preparation and this will include activities like translation. And finally, the 3rd stage will be adoption of the framework in workplaces, and across health care delivery systems. To help support the implementation process, the IDDSI Board has developed a number of resources which are freely available. New resources can be found on the website as they become available. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 The IDDSI framework is available on our website and provides a nice visual to share with your colleagues as a starting point for your discussions. Note that all parts of the framework are important – the model, the colours and the text and numbering. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Information about the inexpensive, accessible testing methods for both foods and liquids can be found on our website. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
Download and insert the video from International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Download and insert the video from http://iddsi.org/framework/drink-testing-methods/ *Video Slide updated April 1, 2017 This video illustrates the IDDSI flow test comparing thickened liquids Level 1-4 Note the text boxes can be deleted and the video can be inserted Copyright 2016 - Used with permission from IDDSI www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
Download and insert the video from International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Download and insert the video from http://iddsi.org/framework/food-testing-methods/ This video is an example of the test methods used to ensure a food sample meets the criteria for minced and moist foods. Not all parts of the world use forks and spoons, so tests for use with chopsticks and also fingers were developed. Note the text boxes can be deleted and the video can be inserted Copyright 2016 - Used with permission from IDDSI www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Print and post posters can be downloaded from our website. These can be used to increase awareness in your organization. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 The IDDSI App is available for free for both iOS and Android devices. The app contains videos and all information about the framework. Once the app has been downloaded the videos continue to work without the need for wifi or data access. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 The IDSSI board recognized that changing from one diet system to another one with new terminology can be initially confusing. One of the interim steps that we believe may be helpful for transition is to develop what we are calling “currency converters” to help clinicians and facilities map from current practice to the new framework. On this slide, we are showing the expected currency conversion from the National Dysphagia Diet categories for liquids on the left to the IDDSI framework for drinks on the right. We encourage everyone to consider how their current system maps to the new standards. People are often surprised that the new IDDSI framework is not that much different from what is in current use. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Labels have been developed to help with the transition process. These can be downloaded from the IDDSI website. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Here is an example of how labels from the website might be utilized. Food services often rely on easy visual methods for tray assembly. An example of a sample meal tray card or dysphagia diet order where all 3 identifiers (label, colour and number) are used to avoid errors. IDDSI recommends that all stakeholders consider the use of dual labelling ( as shown by the mildly thick/nectar label) during the transition period. Once staff members are familiar with the new IDDSI labelling, then the old labels can be dropped. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 FAQ’s or frequently asked question documents have been developed to help clarify the framework. These reflect some of the most frequent questions sent in to the IDDSI Board. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 All the IDDSI publications are open access and can be accessed from our website. These documents provide background on why we developed an international dysphagia diet framework, the systematic review, a summary of the research methods and process used in the development of the IDDSI framework and information about the first pilot implementation project in Kempen Germany. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 The IDDSI Framework and Descriptors are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 4.0 Licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode Attribution is requested as follows: © The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative 2016 @http://iddsi.org/resources/framework/. Attribution is NOT PERMITTED for derivative works incorporating any alterations to the IDDSI Framework that extend beyond language translation. Translations are currently underway in the following countries. It is the hope of IDDSI that volunteer translators will help to make the IDDSI framework, descriptors and testing methods available in every language. We hope if you speak another language you will consider volunteering to help with translation or encourage others who could assist. Please contact us if you are interested. We have resources to assist you and will acknowledge your contributions on our website. Supplementary Notice: Modification of the diagrams or descriptors within the IDDSI Framework is DISCOURAGED and NOT RECOMMENDED. Alterations to elements of the IDDSI framework may lead to confusion and errors in diet texture or drink selection for patients with dysphagia. Such errors have previously been associated with adverse events including choking and death. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 You can sign up for news on our website to receive e-bites that provide IDDSI updates. We are also looking out to the global community to share stories about how they are working towards implementing IDDSI into their particular setting. We would love to hear more from everyone about their ideas and stories as these are invaluable to others who are looking to do the same. Please take a moment to write us and we will be happy to post it on our website and communicate it through our E-Bite newsletters so that the world can be connected to help each other to realize one set of international dysphagia diet standards! www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 So, you are encouraged to go to the website at IDDSI.org and explore all of the resources. Please take a moment to sign up to be kept informed of future developments in IDDSI. www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016
www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016 International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative - Industry Update July 2016 Questions and once again, thank you to our wonderful sponsors! www.IDDSI.org copyright 2016