the worldwide corrosion authority NACE International the worldwide corrosion authority XXXXX Section DATE, May 13, 2016 Presented By: XXXXX NACE International
WHO IS NACE? Established by eleven corrosion engineers from the pipeline industry as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers in 1943 NACE International was established in 1943 by eleven corrosion engineers from the pipeline industry as the “National Association of Corrosion Engineers.” The founding engineers were originally part of a regional group formed in the 1930s when the study of cathodic protection was introduced. Since then, NACE International has become the global leader in developing corrosion prevention and control standards, certification and education. The members of NACE International still include engineers, as well as numerous other professionals working in a range of areas related to corrosion control.
NACE TODAY 36,000+ Members in 130 Countries 436 Corporate Members 333 Technical Committees 223 Standards and Technical Reports 47,706 Active NACE Certification Holders Worldwide 3 Magazines, 1 Journal, 4 Newsletters 300+ Certified Instructors Worldwide who teach our courses
INDUSTRY SECTORS SERVED BY NACE MEMBERS TODAY Infrastructure Utilities Transportation Production & Manufacturing As you can see, we’ve moved well beyond pipelines and this slide doesn’t even cover everything our members are doing. Infrastructure - Highway Bridges, Gas and Liquid Pipelines, Waterways and Ports, Hazmat Storage, Airports, Railroads Utilities - Gas distribution, drinking water and sewer systems, electrical utilities, telecommunications Transportation - Motor vehicles, ships, aircraft, railroad cars, hazmat transport Production & Manufacturing - Oil and Gas exploration and production, mining, petroleum refining, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, agricultural production, food processing, electronics, home appliances Government - Defense, nuclear waste storage Government
Student Membership STUDENT MEMBERSHIP $20 USD Proof of student status at accredited university or college. (school ID and class transcript required) 12 hours undergraduate 9 hours graduate or above
WHAT’S IN IT FOR STUDENTS? Career opportunities in the corrosion industry, with opportunities to start work on graduation day ($116,780 is average salary of corrosion professional with bachelor’s degree; $85,795 is average salary of corrosion professional with 2 year’s experience or less. Opportunities for scholarships Annual conference sponsors student poster session, including free registration and stipends for travel. Training and certification recognized and valued by world-wide certification and standards institutions. Resources for research Industry related news and information Networking with contact and future employers Recession-proof career path.
STUDENT MEMBERS RECEIVE Material Performance and CORROSION Journal online to keep up with industry news and trends. Download unlimited research resources such as NACE standards, reports, and conference papers. Career opportunities in the NACE career center and through other NACE members. Save money on conferences, classes and publication using your member discount Member pricing on NACE products and services, including certification courses Eligibility to apply for NACE Foundation scholarships Complimentary registration to annual conference Eligibility to apply for NACE Foundation travel assistance to annual conference.
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Protecting People, Assets, and the Environment from Corrosion THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME Protecting People, Assets, and the Environment from Corrosion