Renewable Energy Resources
Essential Questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources? How can my research findings be presented in a debate format?
Renewable Energy Resources Define Renewable What does it mean if something is renewable? Renewable - a source of energy that is not depleted by use. ©
Renewable Energy Resources Energy sources which naturally renew or replenish themselves over a period of time Not depleted by use ©
Renewable Energy Resources What do we mean by advantage and disadvantage? Advantage means for a good effect, favorable gain, or desired end. Disadvantage means for a bad effect, unfavorable, or undesired end. ©
Renewable Energy Resources Biomass Energy from any material that comes from plants or microorganisms that were recently living Trees, branches, scraps of bark, and recycled paper are examples of biomass energy The energy comes from burning it. It becomes biofuel when mixed with gasoline, such as ethanol. ©
Renewable Energy Resources Advantages Can be stored and used when needed Releases less harmful pollutants than gasoline Uses materials that might normally be discarded Disadvantages Growing crops for biofuels requires large amounts of land and pesticides. Land could be used for growing food. Pesticides can pollute. ©
Renewable Energy Resources Wind Wind energy is captured with wind turbines. The blades turn a generator(located inside the tower), which creates electricity. Groups of wind turbines are known as wind farms. Found near farmland, in narrow mountain passes, and even in the ocean ©
Renewable Energy Resources Advantages Can be very efficient and cheap in places with steady winds It’s clean, no pollutants Disadvantages Wind is inconsistent. Not a good source of energy in all locations. Dangerous for bats and birds ©
Renewable Energy Resources Hydroelectric Energy made by flowing water Hydroelectric power plants are located on large dams, which control the flow of a river. A controlled amount of water flows through the tunnels and turns huge turbines which generate electricity. ©
Renewable Energy Resources Advantages Energy is inexpensive to harness. Because rivers are everywhere, it’s an available resource. Reliable because engineers control the flow of water Disadvantages Damming a river causes a great environmental impact for people, plants, and wildlife. Dependent on rainfall to fill reservoir Expensive to build a dam ©
Renewable Energy Resources Geothermal Heat energy from deep within the Earth Water is warmed by magma and pumped to the surface. Geothermal heat pumps create heat for houses and other buildings. Steam can also be brought to the surface and used to turn a turbine to generate electricity. 90% of people in Iceland use this heat source. ©
Renewable Energy Resources Advantages Clean Does not require another fuel source to produce it Does not emit any harmful pollutants into the air Disadvantages Not a wide spread source of energy High installment costs to build power plants Not easily transported ©
Renewable Energy Resources Solar Energy from the sun Active solar energy uses technology to capture the sun’s rays (solar cells). Passive solar energy gets energy from the way sunlight naturally changes throughout the day. (house might face a certain way to capture more of the sun’s rays) ©
Renewable Energy Resources Advantages Relatively simple technology Little maintenance Reliable and quiet Free energy after purchasing solar panels Disadvantages Energy cannot be created at night. Cloud cover reduces power. Works best if at the optimal angle towards the sun Only converts 20% of the sun’s energy to electricity ©
Renewable Energy Resources Generating electricity from renewable resources Solar and biomass are used to induce heat. The energy is used to heat water. The water turns to steam. The steam turns a turbine (geothermal). Or water turns it (hydroelectric) and wind turns it (wind). The turbine shaft is connected to the shaft of a generator. Magnets spin within wire coils to produce electricity. Hydroelectric Geothermal Wind Biomass Solar ©
Renewable Energy Resources Can you… List the advantages and disavantages of different types of renewable energy sources? ©