On The Road to Retirement May 15, 2018
Retiree Classification You have worked at Luther for at least 15 years Ages 65 and older You are eligible for certain benefits
What Benefits are Available If You are 65 or Older Eligible for Humana Medicare Plan Option to continue current dental plan for 18 months through Cobra Option to port or convert current college-provided life insurance Continued access to Legends/Regents Center, 10% discount at book shop, admission to athletic events, admission to Vesterheim Museum Retirement Gift
Early Retiree Classification You are retiring, and Between 62 and 65 years of age Have you worked at Luther for at least 15 years
Benefits Available If You Are 62 - 65 A special health care premium rate based on your current type (single, E+1, Family) and plan ($750 or high deductible plan) Option to continue current dental plan Option to port or convert current college-provided life insurance Continued access to Legends/Regents Center, 10% discount at book shop, admission to athletic events, admission to Vesterheim Museum Retirement Gift
What If I Am Under 62 or Have Less Than 15 Years of Service? If you are under 62 years of age or less than 15 years of service, you can use CobraGuard for your current health and dental Available for up to 18 months The cost for health or dental is the Total Monthly Premium plus 2% You will receive information from CobraGuard in the mail. You pay CobraGuard Eligible for the same life insurance options
Health + Dental Care
Health Plans for Early Retirees
How Does The $750 Health Plan Work for Early Retirees? Your health care premium would be 50% of the “Total Monthly Premium” for single coverage For example, the 2018 Total Monthly Premium for the single coverage on the $750 PPO plan is $541 per month Your portion would be $270.50 per month in 2018
How Does The $750 Health Plan Work for Faculty? If a faculty member has emeriti status, is between 62 – 65, and elects to participate in the Early Retirement Program Salary tier level 1 monthly rates If emeriti member under age 62 Salary tier level 2 rates HR would be happy to explain further
What if I Want to Cover My Spouse ($750 PPO Plan)? The additional amount to cover your spouse is as follows: Assuming your spouse is not yet 65 years old and already on the plan The Total Monthly Premium for E+1 coverage on the PPO plan is $965 HR would apply the 50% discount of $270.50 Your cost for E+1 coverage would be $694.50 ($965 minus $270.50 = $694.50)
How Does The High Deductible Plan Work? Your health care premium would be 50% of the “Total Monthly Premium” for single coverage For example, the 2018 Total Monthly Premium for the single coverage on the HDHP plan is $485 per month Your portion would be $242.50 per month in 2018
How Does The High Deductible Health Plan Work for Faculty? If a faculty member has emeriti status, is between 62 – 65, and elects to participate in the Early Retirement Program Salary tier level 1 monthly rates If emeriti member under age 62 Salary tier level 2 rates HR would be happy to explain further
What if I Want to Cover My Spouse (HDHP)? The additional amount to cover your spouse is as follows: Assuming your spouse is not yet 65 years old, so The Total Monthly Premium for E+1 coverage on the HDHP plan is $860 HR would apply the 50% discount of $242.5 Your cost for E+1 coverage would be $617.50 ($860 minus $242.5 = $617.50)
What if My Spouse is 65+ Even Though I’m Under 65? Your spouse is eligible to participate in the college’s Humana Group Advantage Plan They just need to have enrolled in parts A & B Medicare The 2018 Luther group Humana premium for residents in NE Iowa is $86/month
What if I am over 65 at Retirement? Make sure Medicare A & B are active the first of the month following your retirement Complete the Humana enrollment form The same is true for your spouse This is also available for employees and spouses with less than 15 years of service at Luther!
When Can I Enroll in Humana If I Retired Between 62 – 65? After retirement, you can enroll in the college’s Humana Group Advantage plan to be effective the 1st of the month in which you turn 65 The same is true for your spouse This is also available for employees and spouses with less than 15 years of service at Luther
Delta Dental
Delta Dental 62-65 + Early Retiree Designation If you are 62 – 65 and retiring early with at least 15 years of service you can continue your current dental coverage Single coverage would be $32 Family coverage would be $73
Dental (65+ Or Not a “Retiree”) You can continue your current dental coverage for up to 18 months through COBRA CobraGuard manages our COBRA dental for non-retirees. CobraGuard receives a 2% fee for this service Single coverage would be $32.64 ($32 + 2%) Family coverage would be $74.46 ($73 + 2%)
HSAs and Flexible Spending Accounts
What if I am Contributing to an HSA and Medicare Eligible (65 or older)? It is important to check with your financial advisor on when to stop contributions to your HSA Most people become eligible for Medicare at age 65 Individuals that begin receiving Social Security benefits prior to age 65 are automatically enrolled in Medicare at age 65
If you are Medicare Eligible Participation in any type of Medicare (A, B, C, D, Medicare Supplement) makes you ineligible to contribute to an HSA However, you can continue to use your HSA for qualified medical expenses and for other expenses
You lose eligibility to contribute as of the first day of the month you turn 65 and enroll in Medicare There are more rules if you are not enrolled in Medicare but your spouse is enrolled in Medicare A HR can not “advise” people on Medicare and Social Security issues. It is always best to contact the Social Security office
Can I Contribute to My HSA? Example: Sally turns 65 July 21 and enrolls in Medicare (and working). She is no longer eligible to contribute to her HSA as of July 1. Her maximum contribution for that year would be 6/12 (she was eligible the first 6 months of the year) times the applicable federal limit (remember to include the catch-up)
Can I Remain HSA Eligible Past Age 65? To be able to contribute to an HSA after age 65, you must not be enrolled in any part of Medicare. HSA rules make a distinction between being merely “eligible” for Medicare (keep HSA eligibility) and being “entitled” to or “enrolled” in Medicare (lose HSA eligibility) You become enrolled in Medicare under Part A by filing an application or being approved automatically
Can I Remain HSA Eligible Past Age 65-continued Social Security Administration automatically “enrolls” you in Medicare Part A when you begin collecting Social Security benefits. You would have to “decline” Part A to contribute to HSA If you are receiving Social Security payments and are over 65, you are almost certainly enrolled in Part A
Social Security Administration For more information you should contact either: Your financial advisor Social Security office in Decorah at 317 Washington Street, Decorah. Social Security office in Waterloo at 3121 Greyhound Drive, Waterloo, IA 50701. phone: 1-888-456-9554. (Call ahead!)
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Dates of service must normally be on or before your last date of employment in order to be eligible for FSA reimbursement You have 90 days after your last date of employment to file reimbursement There is an option to continue your flex account through December 31 with COBRA. Contact HR for more info
TIAA Your Retirement Account
TIAA Retirement Fund Regardless of when you leave Luther – whether you are a retiree or not… We encourage you to meet with a TIAA representative as needed The TIAA representative comes to Luther approximately every two months and meets with individuals
TIAA Retirement Fund The TIAA representative will be on campus May 23, 24, 25 for 2 ½ days to conduct individual consultations A financial essentials workshop is being planned for Wednesday, May 23 in the morning “Halfway There” - a mid-career retirement planning session 9 – 10 a.m. CFL Recital Hall Pre-register by calling 800-732-8353 or http://www.cvent.com/d/xgq1b5/4W
Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance Everyone is eligible for this! The term life insurance provided by the college will end 31 days after your termination date HR will provide you with application forms and premium information for both “converting” and “porting” the insurance coverage You may purchase any amount up to, but not exceeding the amount you had as an employee
Convert or Port? Conversion means: You change your group term life coverage to an individual whole life policy, which builds cash value You pay the premium at individual rates The right to convert your policy is guaranteed by law Your rate will be different when you convert the policy from a group to an individual policy After that, you will pay the same premium for the life of the policy
Or, Purchase a single-premium convertible one-year term life policy that must then be converted to whole life or dropped. If it is converted after the one year, it will be at your then-current age You may purchase either of these options without having to provide evidence of insurability You may purchase any amount up to, but not exceeding the amount you had as an employee
Portability means: Take your group term life coverage with you and pay for it at group rates The coverage does not build any cash value This option is also called “porting” your coverage Also, because life premiums are based on age - your premiums will automatically increase every 5 years after you port
Luther ID Continued access as either a ‘retiree” or “early retiree”: The Legends Fitness Center and Regents Center for you and your spouse 10% discount at the book store Free access to athletic events Free admission to the Vesterheim museum Check out books/videos at Luther’s library Invitations to special events on campus
Helpful Links for HSA’s and Medicare
HSA Links Links to Medicare information relating to costs and HSA can be found on the HR website: https://www.luther.edu/hr/benefits/ plan-info/medicare/
New to Medicare Winneshiek Medical Center is hosting a free "Welcome to Medicare" seminar from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 22 This two-hour seminar, offered by the Winneshiek Medical Center Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) counselors, will be held in WMC's lower level conference rooms The free seminar covers Medicare Part A and Part B benefits, the prescription drug benefit (Part D), Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare supplement insurance Registration is required by May 14. register online at www.winmedical.org/shiip or call 387- 3036
What’s Next? You and/or your spouse are always welcome to stop by our office to ask questions, pick up forms, etc. Or just to say Hi!! HR is located on the lowest level of Main The main HR phone extension is 1134 Marsha is at extension 1415 Thank you for coming!