Contingency Acquisition Support Model (cASM) v2.1.12 Release D Guidance 26-Jun: Would like to see a refresh of this title slide. Should be able to see representation of all services and civilians (i.e. humanitarian effort). Director would like for us to bring him a few recommendations of possible design refreshes.
V2.1.12 Release Changes Staffing Manager – Super User Add Individuals or Groups to thresholds
Staffing Structure – Individuals/Groups Individuals or Groups may be assigned to levels within a Staffing Structure Threshold(s). Super Users may now assign Individuals and/or Groups as part of a Threshold within the Staffing Structure. This allows for the Individuals and Groups to be automatically assigned on each package as part of the Workflow.
Feedback Leland Talbot Nicole Choate To send feedback concerning these updates or to schedule a DCS training session - send an email to the following: Leland Talbot Nicole Choate