DECLINE TO SIGN The NC 25% Contracts
Before We Get Started Many of you probably know some of the following info, but you might not know all of it. The purpose of this presentation is to get all of us to the same level of understanding so we can move forward together!
Youve Probably Heard 2012 NEA Projections: Only three states spend less on school children than NC (AZ, TX, & UT), according to the per pupil expenditure of each state.* Only three states spend less on teachers than NC (MS, OK, & SD) according to the average teacher salary of each state*. *Source: NEA Ranking & Estimates (page 67)
But Did You Know? During the 2013 summer session of the NC Legislature (General Assembly) NCs public schools took a big hit! –The elimination of class size caps for Grades 4-12 continued –$10 million of taxpayer money was diverted into private schools through a voucher program –For the 5 th year in a row, teachers would not receive a pay step increase.
Theres More… They Also –Eliminated the financial incentive for teachers to earn a Masters Degree –Eliminated funding for 3,800 Teacher Assistants –Eliminated the highly successful NC Teaching Fellows program –Increased tuition by 12.3% in UNC schools as well as student fees
They Didnt Stop There They also rewrote the laws regarding public school teachers Due Process Rights and contracts in order to significantly weaken your job security!
During This School Year Only All NC School Boards must decide which 25% of teachers will get a special offer. 25%
The Offer Depending on available funding*, the teachers who are selected will be offered a 4-year contract that includes a $500 bonus, compounded each contract year. *enough money was not allocated for 25% of NC teachers to receive this bonus the 1st year & none was for the 2 nd -4 th years
The Catch By accepting this bonus, teachers forfeit their Due Process rights and will no longer have Career Status!
Teachers Who Accept This Deal Will lose the bonus and contract if they transfer to a new school district Will return to their salary minus the bonus money when the contract ends in 2018 Become subject to first-year teacher employment provisions
And… Even while under contract, any rating below proficient on any standard of a summative evaluation is automatic grounds for dismissal! There will be NO system for disputing these evaluations! If the NCAE wins its lawsuit, teachers who already forfeited Career Status will not get it back!
If the Contract Is Not Renewed When it Expires The employee: –wont have to be notified until June 1 st (moved from May 15 th ). –wont have the right to know the reasons for non-renewal. –wont have the right to a school board hearing. –wont have the right to a neutral fact finder in dismissal hearings. –wont have ANY recourse to appeal this decision!
Meanwhile Teachers who refuse the 25% Contract will retain Career Status*, which means: They retain all Due Process job protections currently outlined in NC General Statute 115C-325. *unless the NCAE wins its current lawsuit and/or this law is changed, all NC teachers will lose Career Status on 7/1/2018.
But What About the Money?
Uncertainty The NCGA has not allocated enough bonus money for the 1st year. No bonus money has been allocated for the 2 nd - 4 th years. Local districts may refuse to fund bonuses for local and federally-funded positions.
Unless The NCAE Wins Its Lawsuit and/or this Law Is Changed On July 1, 2018, NC teachers will lose their Due Process Rights (Career Status), which currently protect teachers from arbitrary or politically motivated termination. That is why it is so important that we get active!
What Can You Do? If youre not a member of the NCAE, please join and help us fight against this demoralizing law!please join Urge your school board to pass a resolution in opposition to this law! Plan a school-wide activity for the Statewide Day of Action on Feb 5! Download all of the materials you need at Sign the petition to increase student funding & teacher pay at
Feb. 5 Statewide Day of Action How the teachers at your school can participate: All teachers WEAR RED and use social media to post pictures of them holding a sign that includes #Decline2Sign and your schools name & city, and then tag the photo with #Decline2Sign Ask every faculty member to add their name to the Decline to Sign Pledge against signing a 25% Contract Ask every member of your faculty to sign a letter to your school board, urging them to pass a resolution to the General Assembly in opposition to this policy