Executive Orders
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Executive Orders Proclamations Memoranda
Executive Order 12044 Executive Order 13497 Executive Order 12291 Executive Orders as Law: Checks and Balances Executive Order 12044 Executive Order 13497 Executive Order 12291 Executive Order 12866 Excutive Order 11821 Executive Orders 13258 & 13422 Revoked or superseded by another executive order
Executive Orders as Law: Checks and Balances Voided by Congressional legislation or appropriations
Executive Orders as Law: Checks and Balances Voided, stopped, or declared unconstitutional by federal courts or the U.S. Supreme Court
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company v. Sawyer (1952) What is your document? What are the main points in your document? How does your document relate to specific powers of branches of government, especially in relation to Truman’s executive order?
Justice Jackson’s 3-Tiered Test Standards for Presidential Authority Order supported by Congressional authority Congress is silent; rely only on Presidential authority Order contradicts Congressional authority Justice Jackson’s 3-Tiered Test
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