Who to see at EHS?
Principal, Brad Nickles
Principal’s Secretary, Rhonda Donaldson To schedule an appointment with Mr. Nickles, call Mrs. Donaldson at 388- 2454, also for Parking Pass Applications and Off Campus Driving Applications, she will be happy to assist you.
Assistant Principal’s Secretary, Rochelle Bates See Ms. Bates to purchase a new ID. ID’s are $5.00 each. Students may charge up to 3 ID’s to their account and pay Mrs. Ficklin, EHS Bookkeeper at a later date.
Associate Principal, Christy Stevens 9th Grade and Curriculum and Instruction 941-5737 stevensc@gwd50.org
Assistant Principal, Brandon Burdette 10th Grade 941-3456 burdetteb@gwd50. org
Assistant Principal, Tammie White 11th and 12th Grades Elite Advisor 941-5739 whitet@gwd50.org
Guidance Counselors
Guidance Counselor, Donna Leopard Last names beginning with A – Di and AVID 941-3425 leoparddk@gwd50.org
Guidance Counselor, Natasha Witcher-Grant Last names beginning with Do - Lan Elite Advisor 941-5733 witchern@gwd50.org
Guidance Counselor, Celester Pearson Last names beginning with Lao – Roq and AVID Emach Advisor 941-5423 pearsonc@gwd50.org
Guidance Counselor, Nancy McCurry Department Head Last names beginning with Ror – Z and AVID 941-5648 mccurryn@gwd50.org
Athletic Director, Tim McMahon
Athletic Department Secretary, Tonya Branyon For any questions about athletics, call Mrs. Branyon at 941-4349. The Athletic Office is located in the new gym lobby on the left.
Support Staff
Attendance For early dismissals, see Mrs. Munns. Her office is located in the main office. Students return excuses for absences to Mrs. Munns the day they return to school. 388-2448
Bookkeeper, Peggy Ficklin Students see Mrs. Ficklin to pay school fees and to obtain parking passes. Her office is located in the main office. 941- 5735
Registrar, Claudette Fisher See Mrs. Fisher for official transcripts. The cost is $5.00. Emach Advisor 864-941-5778 fisherc@gwd50.org
Powerschool Operator, Katinka Butler See Ms. Butler to Enroll, Withdraw, sign up for Infosnap (online registration), or retrieve your Infosnap code, sign up for Parent Portal (driver’s license required)or reset your parent portal account. 388-2447 butlerkg@gwd50.org
Student Support Facilitator, Andy Wright Student Support Facilitator and Truancy 941-5609 wrighta@gwd50.org
Media Center Media Specialist, Kay LeRoy, and Vicky Hensley The Media Center is open from 8:00- 4:00 daily.
School Nurse, RN Judy Link Students turn in all medications to a school nurse in the Health Room. The Health Room located on the right past the front lobby. 388-2449
School Resource Officer, Richard Jones Officer Jones’s office is located beside the ID Office in room 119. Ext. 35218 jonesr@gwd50.org
Transportation Director of Transportation, Pearl Gaskin (top right) Secretary, Pam Garren, and Assistant Director, Vickie White (bottom right) The transportation office is located in the bus lot behind Greenwood High School. Mrs. Gaskin, Ms. White, or Mrs. Garren can answer any question pertaining to buses. 941-5555
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