From Wolf at the Door by Barbara Corcoran Page 70 “I was thinking about my story…But without (it) I wouldn’t have any conflict, and I had heard a million times…that a story has to have conflict.” Page 83 “A great idea hit me…I had a whole pack to write about, and I bet there’d be plenty of conflict.”
Conflict Internal or External?
Conflict A problem to be resolved
Internal inside
External outside
A problem one struggles with on the inside (a decision to be made) Internal Conflict A problem one struggles with on the inside (a decision to be made)
Person vs. Self
External Conflict A problem created by forces other than one’s self which must be dealt with
Person vs. Person
Person vs. Nature
Person vs. Society
Internal or External? Your brother has snuck out of the house, and you can’t decide whether to tell your parents or not.
Internal or External? A tornado has struck the house and you must evacuate.
Internal or External? An army has marched into town and you must defend it.
Internal or External? A friend is talking bad about you, and you don’t know whether to confront the friend.