Bernoulli's Principle
Bernoulli's Principle States that as the speed of a moving fluid increases, its pressure decreases. EX: A shower curtain starts swirling around your legs in a hot shower
Plane wings How do planes work? Wing shape!
Wing Shape According to Bernoulli's principle, the faster-moving air above the wing exerts less pressure than the slower-moving air below the wing. Lift - Increase in pressure exerts an upward force which pushes the wings and the plane upward against gravity
Thrust and Wing size determine lift Thrust – the forward force produced by the plane's engine Birds do not have engines, so they flap their wings to create thrust
Drag Drag – force that opposes or restricts motion in a fluid EX: Wind on your clothes creates drag, causing you to move slower Flaps on wings can be used to change the shape or area of wing, to reduce drag and increase lift Birds do the same with their feathers
Wings are not always required Any time fluids are moving, Bernoulli's principle is at work EX: Baseball, Frisbee