BR: D18 Read the following article, and answer the questions:
World Geography Ch. 8.2: Cultures & Lifestyles Today we learn a bit more about Latin America, especially its modern culture & people.
Ch. 8.2A: The People of L. America The ethnic makeup of Latin America today is very diverse, with large groups originally from Africa, Europe, and Native American as well. Most people in Latin America today are Catholic, and they speak Spanish or Portuguese. Latin America also has high birthrates, especially in Central America. Guatemala and Honduras are expected to double in growth by 2050! The many climates of Latin America affect where people live. Most live in the temperate zones, with fertile lands and access to transportation. Hola, mis amigos!
Migration in L. America Migration is a big factor in the life of Latin Americans. Many Europeans, Africans, Asians, and others migrated to Latin America. Today, this trend has continued as people search for a better life for themselves and their families. Many also emigrate, or leave, the country searching for better opportunities or safety from unrest and corruption. Many end up in the U.S., some legally, many not. They often maintain ties to home, and many hope to return when conditions back home improve. Many people move within their own country or region as well. As the population grows, fertile land is harder to find, and so many people are moving to cities, in what is called urbanization looking for work, etc. Mexico City Example SP
Ethnic Groups As mentioned, Latin America is a veritable melting pot of different cultures and peoples. Since the 1800s, many other groups besides the Spanish & Portuguese have come to Latin America, like French, British, Italians, etc. Chile, Uruguay and Argentina are populated mostly with people from these countries. There are also large Asian populations in Latin America. They mostly came in the 1800s for work, and many stayed. In Guyana, 1/2 of the population is from SE Asia. Brazil has a huge Japanese population VID Many of these groups are well mixed. You can see large groups that are of mixed descent in Cuba, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic.
Languages in Latin America Most people speak Spanish or Portuguese, as a result of colonial efforts. However, Native American Languages are still spoken in many countries there. Quechua, for example, is one such language that is an official language in Bolivia and Peru, and beginning to experience a revival VID Some countries speak French and English as a result of those countries colonizing the area, but these languages have also led to the rise of pidgin & creole languages, which are mixed versions of several different languages VID
Legacy of Slavery in America I’d like you to consider the legacy of slavery / colonization here in our very own United States. You can look at it from many different angles (DUE: T2D18 / Monday) How the Native Americans are relegated to reservations, with huge problems of alcoholism, etc. #BLM, with huge problems (perceived or otherwise) regarding incarceration / police brutality against blacks, etc. Poverty in America: How can we solve this problem? Drug Use: should the war on drugs continue, or should drugs be legalized? See the Assignments for more options. You are either: A- Creating an Editorial Letter: DesNews Or B – Creating a Political Cartoon: Mr. Wright Explains, examples: Tax Plan, etc.