Tenses Review
Past – Present – Future Progressive Perfect
Simple Present Facts, Habits, Future timetable It is sunny. The Earth is round. Fire is hot. It rains a lot in Vancouver. He runs every morning. She goes to nightclubs every weekend. My friend drinks beer, not soju. The movie starts at 8pm. The bus arrives at 3:30 today. Class starts at 10:30 next Wednesday. Our plane departs at 7 am tomorrow.
Make 3 sentences for each. Fact Habit Future Timetable
Future Tense Will, Be + going + to , Be + Ving 1. Will can be used to express a strong will to do something. Ex. I will get an A+ in this class! 2. Will can be used to express something that you have just decided. Ex. There are no buses coming, I guess I will take a taxi. hmmm.. What am I going to do tonight… Ahhah!! I will drink some soju… 3. Will can be used to express an unavoidable future fact. Ex. We will have a midterm test in April. I broke up with my boyfriend, but he will call me again. 4. Will can be used to make a prediction about the future. Ex. You will marry your dream guy/girl. The weather will be hot in Canada in July.
Make 3 sentences for each Strong will Sudden decision Inevitable future fact Prediction
Be+going+to Plans (85% strong), future predictions (same as will but Be+going +to is more common/casual) I am going to go to Russia next month. (plan) It is going to rain tomorrow. (future predictions) The test is going to be hard. (future prediction) I am going to go to a nightclub in Hongdae on Saturday. (plan)
Make 3 sentences for each Future plan Prediction
Be+Ving (Future) Plans (99.9% strong) – difficult to change I am going to Russia next month. I am going to a nightclub in Hongdae on Saturday. I am working tomorrow.
Make 3 sentences A plan that is 99.9%
Be+Ving (Future). Be+Ving (Now) Plans (99 Be+Ving (Future) Be+Ving (Now) Plans (99.9% strong) – difficult to change Something in progress now I am working tomorrow. I am working. I am meeting my friend this weekend. I am meeting my friend. We are starting a new chapter next week. We are starting a new chapter.
Page 64-65, 69-71 Exercise 10 & 11 (pp.64-65)
Future Time Clauses Page 67. Exercise 14 & 15 When something happens…. When I earn a lot of money, I am going to buy a car. Before something happens… Before I get married, I am going to travel a lot. After something happens... After I start school, I will have no time. As soon as something happens… As soon as she comes, we will go for dinner. Until something happens… I am going to love you until the end of time.
Simple Past Finished in the past at a specific time Simple Past Finished in the past at a specific time. (We usually know when the action happened) I ate breakfast. (when?) (at 8 am) I visited Russia. (when?) ( last year) I ate dog meat. (when?) ( last night)
Simple past vs. Present Perfect I ate breakfast. Vs. I have eaten breakfast. I visited Russia. Vs. I have visited Russia. I ate dog meat. Vs. I have eaten dog meat.
Present Perfect (Experience) Events that finished at an unspecified time in the past focusing on experience. I have eaten bondegi. I have dated a celebrity. I have seen a ghost.
Practice Page 37 Exercise 1 & 2
Activity Write down 3 sentences about your experiences. Make only one of them true 2 false
Practice Page 44 Exercise 13
Have + P.P. + for/since I have loved you for 15 years. I have loved you since I saw you. I have worked on this project for 3 weeks. I have worked on this project since January.
Practice Page 39 Exercise 4 & 5
Write your own Write 3 sentences using present perfect ‘for’ Write 3 sentences using present perfect ‘since’
Past, Present Perfect, Future (last,this,next) this week, this month, this year, this semester last week, last month, last year, last semester next week, next month, next year, next semester I had 3 tests last week. I have had 3 tests this week. I will have 3 tests next week. I ate chicken 2 times last month. I have eaten fried chicken 2 times this month. I am going to eat chicken 2 times next month I went to Seoul 4 times last year. I have been to Seoul 4 times this year. I will go to Seoul 4 times next year! I bought 1 book last semester. I have bought 1 book this semester. I am going to buy 1 book next semester.
Present Perfect Progressive have + been + Ving A general activity in progress recently I have been thinking about you. I have been studying hard. I have been practicing English with my friends.
Present Perfect Progressive have + been + Ving + since/for I have been thinking about you since you left. I have been studying for 5 hours. I have been practicing English with my friends for 3 months.
Practice Page 47 exercise 16 Page 48 exercise 19
Past Time Clauses When something happened…. When I saw her, I was shocked. Before something happened… Before I got married, I met my friends often. After something happened... After I started school, I had no time. As soon as something happened… As soon as she came, we went for dinner. Until something happened… I loved you until you cheated on me.
Past Perfect (had + p.p) An activity that was complete before another activity in the past Reporting past events that happened before other past events I felt depressed last night after my girlfriend broke up with me. My friends invited me to go out for a drink together. I arrived earlier than them so, I had (already) drunk 6 bottles of beer by the time my friends arrived. When I called him, It was too late, he had (already) broken up with her. Yesterday when I got home from school I noticed, my father had (already) made dinner, cleaned the house and folded the laundry. Sorry, yesterday I had (already) eaten dinner when you asked me to for chicken.
Practice Page 51- 52 Exercise 23
Past Perfect Progressive ( had + been + Ving) Activity that was in progress before another activity in the past He had been drinking beer alone for 3 hours before we arrived. I saw her and I knew she had been crying because her eyes were red. I had been thinking about dumping my girlfriend for a long time before she dumped me. My bus was late. They had been waiting for me for over an hour when I finally arrived.
Practice Page 55-56 Exercise 30 & 31 Page 58 Exercise 34
Future Perfect (will + have + p Future Perfect (will + have + p.p) an activity that will be completed before another time or event in the future I will help you with your homework at 7pm. I will have finished by then. You will graduate in 2018. I won’t see you until 2019. When I see you, you will have graduated. By the time you are 50 years old, you will have taken many trips. By the time you graduate, you will have learned a lot!
Practice Make 3 of your own sentences using the Future perfect tense.
Future progressive (will+ be + Ving OR be + going + to +be + Ving) An action that will be in progress at a certain point in the future At 7pm I will be drinking with my friends. Next year, I am going to be studying at a University in Canada. Sorry I can’t meet you at lunchtime, I am going to be talking to Prof. G about the midterm.
Practice Page 72 Exercise 23
Future Perfect Progressive (will + have + been + Ving for) Emphasizes the duration of an activity that will in in progress before another time or event in the future I will have been studying English for 15 years when I graduate. I will have been dating my girlfriend for 10 years in August. I will have been teaching English for 30 years when I am 50 years old. In a few minutes, we will have been walking for 5 hours without a break. Let’s take a rest.
Practice Make 3 of your own sentences using the Future perfect progressive. Page 73 Exercise 25