PE – Gymnastics Routine Competitive Sports Assessment Termly Assessments Autumn Term 2 PE – Gymnastics Routine Competitive Sports Assessment Music – Final Piece 5 – Journey Song Performance 6 – Combining and Structuring Rhythm 7 - Orchestra 8 – Sound Scape Art – Final Piece 5 – Mayan Mask 6 – Pattern Sculpture 7 – Tudor Portrait 8 – 3D Wire Structure French – Mo Perkins
Year 5 Assessment Criteria Creative Arts
PE Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Has a basic understanding of safety and how to stay safe in lessons. Students rarely apply maximum effort in any activity. Can recognise some basic rules in one activity area. Students have limiting levels of skill and health related fitness within PE. Be able to comment on personal performance. Solve/come up with solutions to problems. Knows what a warm up is and why they are required. Can lead a partner in a paired situation. Students are able to identify safety issues in some lessons. Students are able to use core skills in isolation. Students have good levels of skill and health related fitness. Students are able to copy simplistic gymnastic and dance movements in isolation. Students apply the relevant skills to meet the needs of the situation. Students have a good understanding and application of the principles regarding attack and defence. Be able to comment on others performances. Contributes to problem solving and can occasionally solve problems. Students are able to demonstrate what a warm up is with supervision. Students are able to consistently lead a partner in a paired situation. Can recognise and apply some basic rules in more than one activity area. Students are able to use core skills with control and greater consistency in isolation and non-pressure situations. Students have increasing levels of skill and health related fitness. Students are able to copy and develop their own simple gym and dance movements in isolation. Within small sided games and low pressure situations they sometimes apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. Students can apply principles of attack and defence.
Art Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to use a sketchbook to record their observations. Students are improving their skill in different Art techniques. Students can name/make reference to an artist. Students can develop practical skills by experimenting with, and testing the qualities of a range of different materials and techniques. Students can select, and use appropriately, a variety of materials and techniques in order to create their own work. Students can take the time to reflect upon what I like and dislike about their work in order to improve it. Students can gather and review information, references and resources related to their ideas and intentions. Students can use a sketchbook for different purposes, including recording observations, planning and shaping ideas. Students know about and can describe some of the key ideas, techniques and working practices of a variety of artists, crafts makers, architects and designers that we have studied. Students can confidently investigate and exploit the potential of new and unfamiliar materials (for instance, try out several different ways of using tools and materials that are new to them). Students can use their acquired technical expertise to make work which effectively reflects their ideas and intentions. Students can describe different characteristics of art and design and evaluate their qualities. Students can engage in research and exploration in the process of initiating and developing their own personal ideas. Students are able to use sketchbooks for a variety of purposes including: recording observations; developing ideas; testing materials; planning and recording information. Students know how to research and am able to discuss the ideas and approaches of various artists, craftspeople, designers and architects, taking account of their particular cultural context and intentions.
Music Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students have attempted to play in solo and ensemble contexts. Students can listen to and recall sounds. Students can describe music from different traditions and topics. Students can maintain a steady beat. Students can perform simple patterns with others on un-tuned percussion instruments. Students can play a simple two bar melody of three notes or a repeating pattern on the keyboard or their instrument. Students can follow simple graphic notation. Students can control the pitch or length of their voice. Students can choose sounds to achieve a specific effect. Students can create music within a given structure. Students can share how sounds can combine. Students can perform repeated patterns with others. Students can play a simple melodic line using just the white notes on a keyboard or their instrument. Students can follow simple music notation. Students can mostly sing in time and in tune. Students can compose as part of a group, using repeating patterns. Students can review and make changes to their work. Students can identify differences within a musical element e.g. high and low, fast and slow.
French Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Make simple conversation, re-using familiar vocabulary and structures. Re-read frequently a variety of short texts. Write words, phrases and simple sentences with scaffolding. Speaks, listens, reads and understands short sentences with support. Answers questions on familiar topics with support. Reads aloud familiar words in sentences with reasonable accuracy. Follows the simple text of a familiar song or story and sings or reads aloud most words. Write simple sentences and short texts. Speaks, reads, writes and understands a more complex sentence by adapting language using a language scaffold and or a bilingual dictionary. Ask and answer questions from memory. Demonstrates a grasp of the basic grammatical concepts taught and applies them. Engages in a short conversation using familiar language. Pronounce some unfamiliar words in a sentence using phonic knowledge. Follows and understands a song or story with more complex language. Writes familiar sentences from memory with some accuracy.
Year 6 Assessment Criteria Creative Arts
PE Knowledge Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Be able to comment on personal performance. Needs support to solve/come up with solutions to problems. Knows what a warm up is and why they are required. Can sometimes lead a partner in a paired situation. Has a basic understanding of safety and how to stay safe in lessons. Can recognise some basic rules in one activity area. Be able to comment on others performances. Sometimes contributes to problem solving and can occasionally solve problems. Students are able to demonstrate what a warm up is with supervision. Students are able to consistently lead a partner in a paired situation. Students are able to identify safety issues in some lessons. Can recognise and apply some basic rules in more than one activity area. Can officiate with low level control in conditioned games and practices. Be able to comment on own and others performance. Can solve problems and offer solutions. Students are able to design and lead a warm up relevant to a specific activity. Sometimes take a leading role when working in small group situations. Students are able to identify and comment on safety issues in lessons. Can officiate with greater control in small sided games.
PE Skill Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to use core skills in isolation. Students have limiting levels of skill and health related fitness. Students are able to copy simplistic gymnastic and dance movements in isolation. Students are able to use core skills with control and greater consistency in isolation and non-pressure situations. Students have increasing levels of skill and health related fitness. Students are able to copy and develop their own simple gym and dance movements in isolation. Students are able to use core skills with increasing control and in some combination in basic opposed situations. Students have increasing levels of skill and health related fitness and have a limited understanding of ways to improve fitness. Students are able to perform gymnastic and dance skills with varying consistency in basic sequences.
PE Application Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students occasionally apply the relevant skills to meet the needs of the situation. Students have a limited understanding and application of the principles regarding attack and defence. Students rarely demonstrate appropriate sportsmanship. Students rarely apply maximum effort in any activity. Within small sided games and low pressure situations they sometimes apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. Students can apply principles of attack and defence. Students sometimes demonstrate elements of sportsmanship. Students sometimes apply maximum effort in different activities. Within small sided games and low pressure situations they frequently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. Students can frequently apply principles of attack and defence. Students frequently demonstrate appropriates sportsmanship. Students consistently apply maximum effort in different activities
Art Knowledge Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students know about and can describe some of the key ideas, techniques and working practices of a variety of artists, crafts makers, architects and designers that we have studied. Students am able to demonstrate, how tools I have chosen to work with, should be used effectively and with safety. Students know how to research and am able to discuss the ideas and approaches of various artists, craftspeople, designers and architects, taking account of their particular cultural context and intentions. Students know how to describe the processes I am using and how I hope to achieve high quality outcomes. Students know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
Art Generating Ideas Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students can gather and review information, references and resources related to their ideas and intentions. Students can use a sketchbook for different purposes, including recording observations, planning and shaping ideas. Students can engage in research and exploration in the process of initiating and developing their own personal ideas. Students are able to use sketchbooks for a variety of purposes including: recording observations; developing ideas; testing materials; planning and recording information. Students can organise their sketch book to record their observations and use them to review and revisit their ideas. Students can develop ideas independently showing curiosity, imagination and originality.
Art Evaluating Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students can take the time to reflect upon what I like and dislike about their work in order to improve it. Students regularly reflect upon their own work and use comparisons with the work of others (fellow pupils and artists) to identify how to improve. Students regularly analyse and reflect on their progress taking account of what I hoped to achieve. Students can describe different characteristics of art and design and evaluate their qualities. Students can discuss and evaluate their work and think about how I can adapt and improve their work, taking into account the starting points, intentions and context behind the work. Students are able to think critically about art and design.
Art Making Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students can develop practical skills by experimenting with, and testing the qualities of a range of different materials and techniques. Students can select, and use appropriately, a variety of materials and techniques in order to create their own work. Students can confidently investigate and exploit the potential of new and unfamiliar materials (for instance, try out several different ways of using tools and materials that are new to them). Students can use their acquired technical expertise to make work which effectively reflects their ideas and intentions. Students are able to develop ideas using a range of resources and media. Students can experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Music Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students can maintain a steady beat. Students can perform simple patterns with others on un-tuned percussion instruments. Students can play a simple two bar melody of three notes or a repeating pattern on the keyboard or their instrument. Students can follow simple graphic notation. Students can control the pitch or length of their voice. Students can choose sounds to achieve a specific effect. Students can create music within a given structure. Students can share how sounds can combine. Students can perform repeated patterns with others. Students can play a simple melodic line using just the white notes on a keyboard or their instrument. Students can follow simple music notation. Students can mostly sing in time and in tune. Students can compose as part of a group, using repeating patterns. Students can review and make changes to their work. Students can identify differences within a musical element e.g. high and low, fast and slow. Students can perform in a group performance, in a piece with different parts. Students can play a more complex melodic line using just the white keys on a keyboard or their instrument. Students can understand and follow musical notation. Students can sing as part of a group in a song with two parts. Students can develop repeating patterns, in a clear structure. Students can recognise specific instrumental sounds and the different layers of sound.
French Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Speaks, listens, reads and understands short sentences with support. Answers questions on familiar topics with support. Reads aloud familiar words in sentences with reasonable accuracy. Follows the simple text of a familiar song or story and sings or reads aloud most words. Write simple sentences with scaffolding. Speaks, reads, writes and understands a more complex sentence by adapting language using a language scaffold and or a bilingual dictionary. Ask and answer questions from memory. Demonstrates a grasp of the basic grammatical concepts taught and applies them. Engages in a short conversation using familiar language. Pronounce some unfamiliar words in a sentence using phonic knowledge. Follows and understands a song or story with more complex language. Writes familiar sentences from memory with some accuracy. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the grammatical concepts taught and applies them confidently in speaking and writing. Can engage in a short conversation without support. Reads confidently unfamiliar words with a high degree of accuracy. Understands the gist of a simple unfamiliar text; maybe using a dictionary. Writes complex sentences by adapting familiar language with a high level of accuracy.
Year 7 Assessment Criteria Creative Arts
PE Knowledge Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to comment on their own and others’ performance. Students can solve problems and offer solutions. Students are able to design and lead a warm up relevant to a specific activity. Students sometimes take a leading role when working in small group situations. Students are able to identify and comment on safety issues in lessons. Students can recognise and apply some basic rules in more than one activity area. Can officiate with greater control in small sided games. Students are able to comment on own and others performance and suggest improvements. Students can solve problems independently, offer solutions and lead others in given situations. Students are able to plan and lead a relevant and effective warm up for a small group for some activity areas. Takes a leading role when working in a larger group situation. Students are able to identify, comment and action basic solutions in order to minimise risk. Students can officiate effectively and fairly maintaining control in a variety of activity areas applying all rules but with frequent errors. Students are able to comment on own and others performance and suggest improvements of technique, tactics and strategy. Students can solve problems independently, offer solutions and lead others in all situations in all activity areas. Students are able to plan and lead a relevant and effective warm up for a large group for various activity areas. Students consistently take a leading role when working in a larger group situation. Students are able to identify, comment and action solutions in order to minimise risk. Students can officiate effectively and fairly in some activity areas applying all rules but with occasional errors.
PE Skill Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to use core skills with increasing control and in some combination in basic opposed situations. Students have increasing levels of skill and health related fitness and has a limited understanding of ways to improve fitness. Students are able to perform gymnastic and dance skills with varying consistency in basic sequences. Students are able to use core skills across a range of activity areas in isolation and combination within small games. Students have increasing levels of skill and health related fitness and has a good understanding of ways to improve fitness. Students are able to perform gymnastic and dance skills with consistency in basic sequences showing a range of linking movements. Students are able to use core skills in a variety of activity areas in isolation and combination within larger games. Students have good levels of skill and health related fitness as proven by fitness test results. Students are able to perform more advanced gymnastic and dance skills with fluency and consistency in more complex sequences showing a broad range of linking movements.
PE Application Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Within small sided games and low pressure situations they frequently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. Students can frequently apply principles of attack and defence. Students frequently demonstrate appropriate sportsmanship. Students consistently apply maximum effort in different activities. Within larger game situations and when under pressure they consistently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. Students can frequently apply principles of attack and defence in a variety of activity areas. Students consistently demonstrate appropriate sportsmanship. Students consistently apply maximum effort in all activities. Within larger game situations and when under pressure they consistently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. School representative honours have been achieved in at least one sport. Students consistently apply principles of attack and defence in all activity areas. Students consistently demonstrate appropriate sportsmanship in line with the ethics and codes of activities. Students consistently apply maximum effort in all activities and regularly motivates and encourages others.
Art Knowledge Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are developing awareness of great artists, craft makers and designers. Growing in understanding of the historical and cultural development of their art forms. Students have some awareness of great artists, craft makers and designers. Students have a growing understanding of different art forms. Students’ research into different artists is becoming more detailed and thoughtful. Personal responses are more meaningful, with some justifications. Students’ personal responses are meaningful, with some justifications. Relevant research is detailed and embedded within student’s artwork. Students know about great artists, craft makers and designers, understanding the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Art Generating Ideas Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students struggle to respond artistically to express a specific meaning or idea. Students can use materials and techniques to record from observation and imagination. Students can use their sketch book to record their observations. Students can develop ideas independently and can explain some of their thought processes. Students can develop ideas independently showing curiosity imagination and originality. Students can select appropriate materials and techniques to record creatively and skilfully from observation and imagination .
Art Evaluating Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to offer some suggestions for improving their work. Students can use experience to identify strengths and weaknesses in artwork. Students are confident when describing the different characteristics of art and design and are able to evaluate their qualities. Students can explain the purpose of their work and the work of others. Students are able to use key words in their responses. Students are able to explain the purpose of their work and the work of others and start to reflect upon it with some critical understanding. Students can carefully evaluate their work and that of others identifying actions to strengthen their work.
Art Making Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are beginning to combine materials showing some awareness of purpose. Recording simple ideas taking into account observations and basic concepts of tone, proportion, perspective and composition. Students’ choice of tools is becoming more appropriate for the desired outcome. Students use ideas to create final pieces through exploring a range of different media. Students’ skills in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques are becoming more secure. Students are gaining confidence when using a range of different media. Students are skilled in drawing, painting, and other art, craft and design techniques.
Music Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students can perform a short rhythmical or repeating phrase. Students can perform following some simple music notation. Students can sing in time and in tune, with an awareness of other parts. Students can compose a piece using different note lengths and repeating patterns. Students can create simple melodies. Students can recognise some musical elements through listening work. Students can perform a short melodic phrase on a keyboard or their instrument in time to a beat. Students can sing as part of a group in a song with two parts, in time to a beat. Students can compose a simple piece combining two of the elements of music. Students can compose using some melodic devices. Students can describe music using musical vocabulary. Students show an awareness about great musicians and can explain some of the historical and cultural developments in music. Students can correctly sing a solo in a song with two or more parts. Students can create an effective composition using a variety of melodic devices. Students can use simple notation to write a composition. Students can identify and describe the use of musical devices such as dynamics and texture. Students can recognise and describe music and musical instruments from different cultures. Students can perform a piece of music, staying in time and playing with feeling.
French Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Remember some topic specific vocabulary and are able to apply it with support when writing and speaking in the French. (Errors might be made but information is communicated.) Aware of the present tense and can create short sentences with familiar verbs with support. Begin to understand short pieces of French that they read and hear to answer simple questions about details and gist. Recognise conjunctions, time connectives, intensifiers and opinions to apply with support. Able to ask and respond to questions about familiar topics. Remember familiar topic specific vocabulary and apply some from memory with increasing spontaneity when writing and speaking in the French. Begin to understand how to form present and simple future tenses and attempt to create work, with some success, using these tenses with a few familiar verbs. Able to understand French that they read and hear to answer questions with some success about details and gist. Begin to apply and understand some conjunctions, time connectives, intensifiers and opinions to create/understand extended pieces of work. Ask questions about topics and can work independently with encouragement on areas of personal interest. Remember all topic specific vocabulary and are able to apply it from memory and with spontaneity when writing and speaking in the French. Understand how to form present and simple future tenses and can create work using these tenses with a variety of verbs and pronouns. Understand French that they read and hear to accurately answer questions about details and gist. Apply and understand conjunctions, time connectives, intensifiers and opinions to create/understand extended pieces of work. Ask questions about topics and work independently on areas of personal interest.
Year 8 Assessment Criteria Creative Arts
PE Knowledge Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to comment on own and others performance and suggest improvements. Students can solve problems independently, offer solutions and lead others in given situations. Students are able to plan and lead a relevant and effective warm up for a small group for some activity areas. Students take a leading role when working in a larger group situation. Students are able to identify, comment and action basic solutions in order to minimise risk. Students can officiate effectively and fairly maintaining control in a variety of activity areas applying all rules but with frequent errors. Students are able to comment on own and others performance and suggest improvements of technique, tactics and strategy. Students can solve problems independently, offer solutions and lead others in all situations in all activity areas. Students are able to plan and lead a relevant and effective warm up for a large group for various activity areas. Students consistently take a leading role when working in a larger group situation. Students are able to identify, comment and action solutions in order to minimise risk. Students can officiate effectively and fairly in some activity areas applying all rules but with occasional errors. Students are able to comment on own and others performance and plan and discuss ideas to improve observed areas for development in technique, tactics and strategy. Students can solve problems independently, offer solutions and lead others in all situations in all activity areas to create positive outcomes. Students are able to plan and lead a relevant and effective warm up for a large group for various activities
PE Skill Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to use core skills across a range of activity areas in isolation and combination within small games. Students have increasing levels of skill and health related fitness and has a good understanding of ways to improve fitness. Students are able to perform gymnastic and dance skills with consistency in basic sequences showing a range of linking movements. Students are able to use core skills in a variety of activity areas in isolation and combination within larger games. Students have good levels of skill and health related fitness as proven by fitness test results. Students are able to perform more advanced gymnastic and dance skills with fluency and consistency in more complex sequences showing a broad range of linking movements. Is able to use core skills in all activity areas in isolation and combination within full sided games. Has outstanding levels of skill and health related fitness as proven by improved fitness test results and can suggest ways to improve fitness. Is able to use advanced vaulting techniques with consistency. Identifying strengths and areas for improvement in own performance Skills
PE Application Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Within larger game situations and when under pressure they consistently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. Students can frequently apply principles of attack and defence in a variety of activity areas. Students consistently demonstrate appropriates sportsmanship. Students consistently apply maximum effort in all activities. Within larger game situations and when under pressure they consistently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. School representative honours have been achieved in at least one sport. Students consistently apply principles of attack and defence in all activity areas. Students consistently demonstrate appropriate sportsmanship in line with the ethics and codes of activities. Students consistently apply maximum effort in all activities and regularly motivates and encourages others. Within larger game situations and when under pressure they consistently apply correct skills that meet the needs of that situation. School representative honours have been achieved more than one sport. Students consistently apply principles of attack and defence in all activity areas. They can set up and implement appropriate strategies and tactics to outwit opponents in attack and defence in some activity areas. Students consistently demonstrate and models appropriate sportsmanship.
Art Knowledge Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are developing awareness of great artists, craft makers and designers. Growing in understanding of the historical and cultural development of their art forms. Students have some awareness of great artists, craft makers and designers. Students have a growing understanding of different art forms. Their research into different artists is becoming more detailed and thoughtful. Personal responses are more meaningful, with some justifications. Students’ personal responses are meaningful, with some justifications. Relevant research is detailed and embedded within their artwork. Students know about great artists, craft makers and designers, understanding the historical and cultural development of their art forms
Art Generating Ideas Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students struggle to respond artistically to express a specific meaning or idea. Students can use materials and techniques to record from observation and imagination. Students can use their sketch book to record their observations. Students can develop ideas independently and can explain some of their thought processes. Students can develop ideas independently showing curiosity imagination and originality. Students can select appropriate materials and techniques to record creatively and skilfully from observation and imagination.
Art Evaluating Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are able to offer some suggestions for improving their work. Students can use experience to identify strengths and weaknesses in artwork. Students are confident when describing the different characteristics of art and design and are able to evaluate their qualities. Students can explain the purpose of their work and the work of others. Students are able to use key words in their responses. Students are able to explain the purpose of their work and the work of others and start to reflect upon it with some critical understanding. Students can carefully evaluate their work and that of others identifying actions to strengthen their work.
Art Making Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students are beginning to combine materials showing some awareness of purpose. Recording simple ideas taking into account observations and basic concepts of tone, proportion, perspective and composition. Students’ choice of tools is becoming more appropriate for the desired outcome. Students use ideas to create final pieces through exploring a range of different media. Students’ skills in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques are becoming more secure Students are gaining confidence when using a range of different media. Students are skilled in drawing, painting, and other art, craft and design techniques.
Music Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Students can maintain a steady beat. Students can perform simple patterns with others on un-tuned percussion instruments. Students can play a simple two bar melody of three notes or a repeating pattern on the keyboard or their instrument. Students can follow simple graphic notation. Students can control the pitch or length of their voice. Students can choose sounds to achieve a specific effect. Students can create music within a given structure. Students can share how sounds can combine. Students can perform repeated patterns with others. Students can play a simple melodic line using just the white notes on a keyboard or their instrument. Students can follow simple music notation. Students can mostly sing in time and in tune. Students can compose as part of a group, using repeating patterns. Students can review and make changes to their work. Students can identify differences within a musical element e.g. high and low, fast and slow. Students can perform in a group performance, in a piece with different parts. Students can play a more complex melodic line using just the white keys on a keyboard or their instrument. Students can understand and follow musical notation. Students can sing as part of a group in a song with two parts. Students can develop repeating patterns, in a clear structure. Students can recognise specific instrumental sounds and the different layers of sound.
French Emerging/Developing Secure Mastery Remember some topic specific vocabulary and are able to apply it with support when writing and speaking in the French. Remember a few simple words from previous topics to use with new topics. Remember familiar common present tense phrases and can create short sentences using familiar verbs with support. Understand some simple given past/future tense phrases. Some can choose the correct tense when given a choice. Able to understand simple pieces of French that they read and hear to answer simple questions about details and gist. Can increasingly recognise and use simple conjunctions, time connectives, intensifiers and opinions and use them with support. Ask and respond to questions about familiar topics. Remember familiar topic specific vocabulary and are able to apply some from memory with increasing spontaneity when writing and speaking in the French. Able to adapt some simple language or cognates learned in Y7 to use in new topics. Have an understanding of how to form present, past and future tenses and attempt to create work, with some success, using these tenses with familiar verbs. Begin to understand longer text in French that they read or hear to answer questions with some success about details and gist. More regularly apply simple conjunctions, time connectives, intensifiers and opinions to extended pieces of work. Ask and respond to questions about topics and can work independently with encouragement on areas of personal interest. Remember all topic specific vocabulary and are able to apply it from memory with fluency when writing and speaking in French. Able to adapt language from year 7 topics to use appropriately in new topics. Understand how to form present, past and future tenses and can create extended pieces of work using the tenses with a variety of verbs and pronouns. Able to understand paragraphs of French that they read and hear to accurately answer questions about specific details. Regularly apply and understand varied conjunctions, time connectives, intensifiers and opinions to create/understand extended pieces of work. Ask or respond to more complex questions about topics and work independently on areas of interest.