SUMMARY AND GOALS • To identify the volcanic response signal in the signal+noise of a set of AOGCM runs (PCM) • To see how well this signal can be reproduced with a simple upwelling-diffusion energy-balance climate model • To use the UD EBM to determine the characteristics of volcanic response and how these vary with the climate sensitivity
PCM experiments with volcanic forcing • Volcanoes only • Solar + Volcanoes • Solar, Volcanoes and Ozone • ‘ALL’ = S, V, O + Greenhouse gases + direct sulfate Aerosols
Variability summary (monthly data over 1890–1999) Number Experiment Mean S.D. (degC) S.D. of Ensem. Ave. 1 Control 0.171 0.085 2 V 0.191 0.121 3 SV 0.195 0.131 4 OSV 0.199 0.134 5 ALL 0.271 0.232 6 Observed 0.248
Variability of ensem-ave volcano cases (monthly data over 1890 –1999) Number Combination S.D. (degC) 1 V 0.121 2 SV-V 0.139 3 OSV-OS 0.144 4 ALL-GAOS 0.154 5 (1+2+3+4)/4.0 0.101 Control 0.0851 V – Vsignal 0.0905 5 – Vsignal 0.0604
Ensemble averaging: n=1 to 4 Eruption dates for Santa Maria, Agung, El Chichon and Pinatubo marked. Note how difficult it is to estimate the maximum cooling signals with only one realization.
Ensemble averaging: n=4 to 16 Eruption dates for Santa Maria, Agung, El Chichon and Pinatubo marked
IDENTIFYING THE SIGNAL WITH MAGICC: METHOD • Use MAGICC model parameters from IPCC Ch. 9 based on fit to 1% compound CO2 CMIP simulation (note that this is decadal timescale forcing, while the volcanic forcing is on a monthly timescale) • Drive MAGICC with forcing used in the PCM experiments (from Caspar Ammann)
VOLCANIC ERUPTION SIGNAL 16-member ensemble-mean from PCM [signal plus noise] compared with simulation using the simple UD EBM ‘MAGICC’ [pure signal].
The excellent fit between the MAGICC and PCM results, the fact that MAGICC gives a ‘pure’ signal, and the fact that the climate sensitivity is a user-input parameter in MAGICC means that we can use MAGICC to obtain greater insight into the character of the volcanic forcing response signal.
Simple energy balance equation C dDT/dt + DT/S = Q(t) = A sin(wt). The solution is DT(t) = [(wt)2/(1+(wt)2)] exp(-t/t) + [S/(1+(wt)2)][A{sin(wt) – wt cos(wt)}] where t is a characteristic time scale for the system, t = SC. Low-frequency forcing (w << 1/t), solution is simply the equilibrium response DT(t) = S A sin(wt) showing no appreciable lag between forcing and response, with the response being linearly dependent on the climate sensitivity and independent of the system’s heat capacity. High-frequency case (w >> 1/t) the solution is DT(t) = [A/(wC)] sin(wt – p/2) showing a quarter cycle lag of response behind forcing, with the response being independent of the climate sensitivity.
PEAK COOLING AS A FUNCTION OF CLIMATE SENSITIVITY DT2x (degC) Santa Maria Agung El Chichon Pinatubo 1.0 0.258 [1.00] 0.265 0.259 0.394 2.0 0.348 [1.35] 0.357 0.349 0.533 4.0 0.430 [1.67] 0.439 [1.66] 0.429 0.658 Peak cooling is closely proportional to peak forcing (3%)
DECAY TIME AS A FUNCTION OF CLIMATE SENSITIVITY DT2x (degC) Santa Maria Agung El Chichon Pinatubo 1.0 26 [months] 28 30 2.0 33 36 4.0 34 38 42 41 Relaxation back to the initial state is slightly slower than exponential, so the apparent e-folding time increases with time. The above are minimum e-folding times.
CONCLUSIONS • Peak cooling is relatively insensitive to DT2x [DTmax(DT2x) DTmax(1) + a ln(DT2x)] • Relaxation time is 26–42 months, logarithmic in DT2x • Observed peak coolings can be used to estimate DT2x, but uncertainties are large due to internal variability noise in the observations • Long timescale response cannot be used to estimate DT2x because the residual signal is too small relative to internal variability noise [contrast with Lindzen and Giannitsis, 1998)]