There is NOT just one future tense in English. How to express the future then?
1. With the modal WILL. (Future Simple) There are several ways to express the future. Let’s see various of those ways. 1. With the modal WILL. (Future Simple) 2. With BE GOING TO. 3. With the PRESENT CONTINUOUS 4. With the PRESENT SIMPLE 5. With the FUTURE CONTINUOUS 6. With the FUTURE PERFECT 7. With the BE FUTURE EXPRESSIONS 8. With the FUTURE FROM THE PAST
Future Simple We use the modal WILL + the base form of the main verb for: 1. Predictions. You will get married and have 10 children! 2. Quick decisions. I’ll have another cup of coffee, please! I WILL (’ll) call You WILL (’ll) call He / She WILL (’ll) call We WILL (’ll) call They WILL (’ll) call 3. Promises. Ok! I’ll call you tomorrow.
BE GOING TO/ PRESENT CONTINOUS We use BE GOING TO + the base form of the main verb for: 1. Plans / Intentions. I am going to practise/ am practising hard to become a rock star! 2. Predictions based on clear signs(ONLY BE GOING TO) Look at those clouds! It is going to rain! I am going to + V You are going to + V He / She is going to + V We are going to + V They are going to + V
THE PRESENT SIMPLE We use the Present Simple to talk about the future when we deal with scheduled future events. Our class starts at 8:20 tomorrow. The train leaves at 18:00 from platform 2.
THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS Form: WILL + BE+ VERB-ING It is used to talk about something that is predicted to start before a particular point in the future time, and that may continue after this point. This time next year this part of the garden will be looking beautiful. She will be taking up her place at University in October.
THE FUTURE PERFECT We use the Future Perfect to indicate that something will be ended,completed, or achieved by a particular point in the future: By the time you get home, I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom. Next year, she will have finished her degree.
BE FUTURE FORMS TO BE ABOUT TO+ INFINITIVE TO BE ON THE VERGE OF…/THE BRINK OF…/ POINT OF…+ VB-ING/NOUN. They all indicate that something will happen soon: People are on the verge of starvation as the drought continues. Scientists are on the brink of making major advances in the fight against cancer.
BE FUTURE FORMS BE DUE TO+ INFINITIVE to say that something is expected to happen at a particular time: The chief executive is due to retire next year. * BE SURE/BE BOUND TO+ INFINITIVE to say that something is likely to happen: ¨Will there be somewhere to get a coffee at the station? ¨Oh,yes, there’s bound to be¨.
BE FUTURE FORMS TO BE+ INFINITIVE to speak about: a- Official Arrangements: The Queen is to be visit Canada next month. b- Official Orders: All candidates are to wait here. (Similar to will have to wait here)
BE FUTURE EXPRESSIONS BE NOT+ INFINITIVE to speak about prohibitions: We are not to wait here as it is a restricted area.
THE FUTURE SEEN FROM THE PAST There are a number of ways of talking about an activity or event that was in the future at a particular point in the past. This is called FUTURE IN THE PAST and the forms are often used in reporting.
THE FUTURE IN THE PAST The future from now…. Maureen will stay at home this summer. 2. I’m not going to say anything about the exams. 3. I’m having a meeting with my tutor tomorrow. 4. I will be going alone to the meeting. The future from the past…. Maureen decided that she would stay at home for the summer. 2.I wasn’t going to say anything about the exams. 3. I couldn’t go because I was having a meeting with my tutor. 4. I thought I would be going alone to the meeting.
THE FUTURE FROM THE PAST 5. The exam will have finished by 3 o’clock. 6. As the bell is about to go for the end of the lesson, you can pack your books away. 7. The Company’s Comittee is to announce their new rules next week. 8. NOT APPLIED IN THE FUTURE FROM NOW. 5. The exam was so easy that most of the people would have finished by 3 o’clock. 6. The bell was about to go when all the children started to pack their books away. 7. We were told that the Company’s Comittee was to announce their rules the next week. 8. The headmistress was to have summoned a meeting but he had to put it off due to her illness. (Plan that could not be fullfilled)