Open Enrollment 2018 Please Note: The information contained in this presentation is summary information only. Please refer to your benefit plan documents for complete details and a listing of limitations and exclusions. If there is any discrepancy between this document and the plan documents, the plan documents will prevail.
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Pate Trucking Company offers employees and their families a comprehensive benefits package which includes: Health Benefits Telemedicine Benefits Wellness Program Dental Benefits Vision Benefits Basic Group Life Insurance Voluntary Term Life Insurance
PPACA AND INSURANCE RENEWAL The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also know as “Obamacare” and “Health Care Reform,” has had a significant impact on the cost of health insurance due to the taxes and fees associated with the legislation. One of the main goals of Health Care Reform is to limit the number of Americans without health coverage. As of January 1, 2015, most individuals are required to have “minimum essential” health coverage – a requirement called “Individual Mandate.” All of the employer-provided health plans will meet this requirement. You will NOT be eligible for a subsidy or tax credit on the exchange.
Open Enrollment Your Open Enrollment period is the month of April. This is the only time during the year that changes can be made to your benefit plans without having a qualifying event, which include: Any changes made during Open Enrollment will be effective May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019. ・ Marriage ・ Birth/Adoption of a Child ・ Divorce ・ Death of a Dependent ・ Loss of Coverage ・ Significant change in job
Plan A Plan B HEALTH BENEFITS BlueCross and BlueShield of TX. Your health plans will continue to be administered by BlueCross and BlueShield of TX. You can choose between two medical plan options : Plan A Plan B
HEALTH PLAN COMPARISON In-Network Benefits (Amounts shown are your cost if you use a Network Provider) Plan A (Buy-Up) Plan B (Base) Office Visit Copays $30 Primary Care $30 Specialist $55 Urgent Care $40 Primary Care $40 Specialist $65 Urgent Care Prescription Drugs $20 – Generic $35 – Preferred Brand $50 – Non-Preferred Brand $40 – Preferred Brand $60 – Non-Preferred Brand Calendar Year Deductible $1,500 per member $3,000 per family $3,000 per member $6,000 per family Out-of-Pocket Limit (includes deductible) $6,350 per member $12,700 per family $6,850 per member $13,700 per family * In-Network benefits are illustrated. Please refer to plan documents for Out-of-Network benefits and other plan limitations/exclusions.
HEALTH PLAN COMPARISON In-Network Benefits (Amounts shown are your cost if you use a Network Provider) Plan A (Buy-Up) Plan B (Base) Preventive Care Covered at 100% Routine Lab and X-ray Diagnostic Imaging 30% after deductible Hospital Services Emergency Room Services $250 copay per visit plus 30% after the deductible * In-Network benefits are illustrated. Please refer to plan documents for Out-of-Network benefits and other plan limitations/exclusions.
PATE WELLNESS PROGRAM Pate Trucking offers employees access to a FREE Wellness Program Enjoy access to: free health screenings at your job location personal coaching wellness and disease management education all while earning a medical plan premium discount. PARTICIPANTS WHO: Complete a health screening AND 2. Complete TWO coach calls EARN A $15 PER WEEK DISCOUNT ON THEIR MEDICAL PLAN PREMIUMS. Call 877-765-7265 to obtain more information about your wellness program!
Bi-Weekly Employee Medical Contributions HEALTH PLAN RATES Bi-Weekly Employee Medical Contributions Plan A Plan B Wellness Program YES NO Employee Only $60 $90 $40 $70 Employee + Children $220 $250 $180 $210 Employee + Spouse $400 $430 $310 $340 Employee + Family
You will continue to be offered two dental plan options through DENTAL BENEFITS You will continue to be offered two dental plan options through Plan A (Buy-Up) Plan B (Core) Dental Rewards Program Allows participants on the Buy-up Plan to carry-over up to $250 in annual maximum benefit from one year to the next (for up to 4 years) if you: Generate at least one claim (like a cleaning!) Generate less than $500 in claims during the claim year. Employee-only dental coverage under Plan B is provided at no cost to all eligible employees!
DENTAL PLAN COMPARISON Benefits Plan A (Buy-Up) Plan B (Core) Calendar Year Deductible $50 per individual $150 per family Preventive Care (i.e. cleanings) 100%, deductible waived Basic Care (i.e. fillings) 80%, after deductible Major Care (i.e. crowns, dentures) 50% after deductible No coverage Orthodontia (child only up to age 19) 50%, after deductible (12 month waiting period) No Coverage Annual Maximum Benefit $1,000 per covered person $750 per covered person Orthodontia Lifetime Max N/A Utilizing an In-Network dentist can reduce your out of pocket costs, as they will not balance bill you the difference between their billed charges and the Allowed Amount. * Consult the Ameritas dental plan documents for complete coverage details.
DENTAL PLAN RATES Bi-Weekly Dental Plan Rates Coverage Tier Plan A (Buy-Up) Plan B (Core) Employee Only $5.52 $0.00 Employee + Children $23.22 $10.22 Employee + Spouse $16.62 $6.10 Employee + Family $37.38 $16.32 Find an in-network provider at
VISION BENEFITS Your vision plan will continue to be offered through With access to the extensive SIGNATURE Network of providers from VSP
VISION PLAN COMPARISON Benefits (In-Network Illustrated) Vision Plan Annual Deductible Eye Exam Materials $10 $25 Lenses Single Vision Bifocal Trifocal Lenticular Covered at 100% Frames Up to $130 Contact Lenses (In lieu of glasses) Exam and Fitting Elective Medically Necessary Member cost up to $60 Frequencies Exams Once every 12 months Once every 24 months
VISION PLAN RATES Bi-Weekly Vision Plan Rates Coverage Tier Employee Only $3.24 Employee + Children $6.20 Employee + Spouse $6.36 Employee + Family $9.34 Find an in-network provider at * In-Network benefits are illustrated. Please consult the Ameritas vision plan documents for complete coverage details.
BASIC TERM LIFE INSURANCE Pate Trucking Company is proud to provide at no cost to the employee Basic Term Life and AD&D coverage through Unum. Basic Group Life Benefits (All Active Full-Time Employees are Eligible) Life Benefit $15,000 AD&D Benefit Age reductions apply. * The illustration above is in summary form only. Please refer to plan booklet for complete coverage details, including limitations and exceptions.
VOLUNTARY TERM LIFE Pate Trucking Company offers employees the option to purchase additional Term Life Insurance coverage for themselves, their spouse, and/or their children through Unum. Rates are based on age and coverage amounts. Participants who enrolled in coverage at their initial eligibility, can increase coverage during Open Enrollment up to the Guaranteed Issue amount without submitting a medical questionnaire. Anyone else wanting to add or increase their coverage will be required to contact Human Resources and complete an Evidence of Insurability form to submit with the application. Please be sure you have a current designation of beneficiary form on file! * The illustration above is in summary form only. Please refer to plan booklet for complete coverage details, including limitations and exceptions.
PAYROLL DEDUCTION OPTIONS Participants of the medical, dental and/or vision plans can elect annually to pay for plan premiums with pre-tax or post-tax deductions under Pate’s Section 125 Plan. Pre-Tax Election: The participant pays for plan premiums with pre-tax payroll deductions. This may decrease the participant’s overall tax liability. Requires participant to maintain coverage during the entire plan year, not allowing changes or cancellation of coverage unless there is an applicable qualifying event. Post-Tax Election: Requires the participant to pay for plan premiums with post-tax payroll deductions. Allows the participant to cancel coverage at any time. The participant could not re-enroll until the next open enrollment.
Important INFORMATION ONLY complete an enrollment form if you are making changes. Turn in any changes to Human Resources no later than Wednesday, April 25, 2018.
EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CENTER The EBC is a benefits website that gives you 24/7access to all documents related to your benefits plans, including: Benefit Summaries Plan Documents Enrollment/Change/Claim Forms Links to Provider Directories Carrier websites and phone numbers Health and Welfare Notices, and more!
Questions Yanina Kiechler Senior Account Manager 806-794-3246