Frimley School Basic Facts
What are Basic Facts? Most think of basic facts as times tables, but there is far more than this. Need to memorise simpler facts, -like addition and subtraction facts. Often these facts have been ignored that is why 7x8 may pop into mind just a tad more automatically than 7 + 8
Main points about basic facts Just about anything mathematics can be a basic fact Main ones encountered are whole- number basic facts addition and its close cousin subtraction multiplication and it close cousin division Important to include a growing number of instantly recognisable or retrievable facts in mathematical factual knowledge (basic facts) e.g. 1/2 0.5 and 50% or “The sum of the angles in a triangle equals 180o” We just bring it out of our memory to help solve a problem, or to use as one step in a more complex line of reasoning.
A Basic Fact in Mathematics is:- Definition A Basic Fact in Mathematics is:- Any number or mathematical fact or idea that can be instantly recalled without having to resort to a strategy to derive it.
Basic Fact knowledge is: The ability to have fast and fluent recall of key: addition/subtraction facts multiplication/division facts proportional relationships
Basic facts knowledge is important because it: Aids estimation and mental calculation Develops conceptual understanding Strengthens connections within and between strategies Is key to working confidently at “number Properties”
Understanding and Memory Strategise - research has shown that it is inefficient to try and remember facts which do not have a firm meaning to the student. There is little point trying to get a student to learn their times-tables if they have no understanding of multiplication. Practice Doing a wide variety of work that aims to build and enhance strategies, helps reinforce procedures, and understanding of mathematics. Practising strategies also reinforces and continues the process of memorisation. Memorise means that student has fast recall without returning to any strategy.
Frimley Basic Facts Ladder (see handout) This is based on the Mathematics knowledge framework that has been developed to assist teachers over the last ten years. The progressions are based on research into children’s learning and acquisition of mathematical knowledge
Frimley Basic Facts Ladder Step Maths Stage National Standard Step 1 - 6 Stage 0 - 1 Step 7 - 13 Stage 2 -3 after 1 year Step 14 - 20 Stage 4 after 2 years Step 21 - 32 Stage 5 end of Year 4 Step 33 - 41 Stage 6 end of Year 6 Step 42 - 50 Stage 7 end of Year 8
Ways to teach basic facts Ways teachers help students learn basic facts Drills Flash cards Chanting Games Timed tests Quick ten
Flash Cards 7 + 2 9
Games Cards lots of games in handout Dice Websites numeracy links Google addition interactives addition basic facts Study ladder Mathletics