My year 8 work By Chloe Robertson -Steel
Introduction This power point is about a unit of work we did in year 8 I.C.T. In this unit we had to pick a school production to work and present. This included using our I.C.T design skills and general knowledge of I.C.T. I used lots of different programmes Microsoft Excel, Word, Power point and publisher. What we did: A poster for advertisement. A ticketing system on Microsoft Excel. A trailer on Microsoft power point for general information about the production. And a customised mail merge to ask for sponsors.
My Poster For my production I chose Night At The Museum. I designed the poster so it was eye catching and had clear readable information. I also used some of my own art work on art. On this slide you will see the poster and my evaluation of it. In my evaluation is what I would change to improve my poster and what programmes and tools I used to create it. I used the yellow background for my colour scheme through out this project. Poster Evaluation My poster
Ticketing System This slide is about my ticketing system. How it works what it does and my evaluation. It uses lots of different formulas and makes it simple to see how many tickets are sold and free and the amount of money coming in and out. Ticket sales system Evaluation
Trailer Power point We made the power point trailer to advertise and give information about the production for example when where what time etc. It is on a continuous loop so when you have finished watching right click and press end show to get back to this slide. Power Point
My mail merge We did a customised mail merge. The mail merge was used to send a letter which I wrote asking for sponsorship from local businesses. A mail merge is to send out masses of the same letter but it has a data base that can change certain information for example the name or address. Why is it useful to use a mail merge? It is useful to use a mail merge because instead of having to put in all the names manually it saves a lot of time by using the data base. Also using the data base it is easy to find certain information for example where they live. A mail merge is also a quick and easy way to send out letters if there is a dead line for them to be sent. My mail merge letter.
Thank you for watching