APRIL 14, 2016 Chinese History Notes
Ancient History By 4000 BCE Circa 1500 BCE Village settlements along Hwang he River Farming, stone tools, weapons (bow and arrow), animal domestication, pottery Circa 1500 BCE Picture writing (oldest writing in existence) Now around 40,000 characters
Political Structure Succession of dynasties Families that pass the right to rule the nation from one generation to the next
The Dynastic Cycle Emperor reforms govt, improves efficiency Life improves, lower taxes, more farming Problems begin (wars, invasions) Taxes go up, conscription, farming neglected Increased spending, corruption Droughts, floods, famines Respect lost, rebels attack landlords Rebels united strong leader, attack emperor Emperor is defeated A new dynasty comes to power Start The Dynastic Cycle
Accomplishments Invented written language Symbols represent ideas not sounds No connection between spoken and written language Unites all people of China
Science 1000-1500 CE – civilization superior to that of medieval Europe Paper and ink Movable type Movable blocks with cut-out raised characters Compass Gunpowder Originally for firecrackers Silk manufacturing Irrigation and farming techniques
Social Structure Feudalism: Local lords given land to control Peasants worked the land Lords provide military service, food, and taxes to the emperor
thought (philosophies) to “governing” Three main schools of thought (philosophies) to “governing” developed in Ancient China TAOISM CONFUCIANISM BUDDHISM The goal of all of these is to maintain political stability by generating social harmony within the country. 8
Confucius Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c53OBwnsbI
Intellectual Developments Confucius Preached ethical system based on peace and order Five Relationships Ruler-Subject Father-Son Husband-Wife Older brother-Younger brother Friend-Friend
Teachings of Confucius Filial Piety Respect for elders Code of Ethics NOT a religion Based on relationships Becomes foundation of Chinese society
Expansion of Trade Critical to expansion of trade and accumulation of wealth in China, Rome, India, Egypt, and Persia
China “Opens Up” to the World China and the West had little contact until the 19th century, European powers sought access to Chinese markets. China tried to remain isolated from the West. 13
China had a weak military and an ineffective government. The Political Geography of China in the Late 19th Century: China had a weak military and an ineffective government. Europeans force Chinese to sign treaties favoring Europeans Also, Europeans in China were only subjected to the laws of their country and not under Chinese rule. 14
The Economic Geography of China in the Late 19th Century: China was carved up into “spheres of influence” controlled by mainly European nations. (A sphere of influence is an area or region over which a foreign nation or organization has significant economic or political influence). 15
NOW WHAT? Many wanted to form a democracy and industrialize through a free-market economy Wanted to modernize like Japan In 1912, democratic reformers founded the Kuomintang A.K.A Nationalist Party Formed a new democratic government. 17
The Rise of the Communism in China Throughout the 1920s, the Chinese Communist Party became an increasingly popular and powerful force in China among workers and peasants and challenged the Nationalist Party. 18
Another “New” China Emerges Mao Zedong Another “New” China Emerges In 1949, the Communists, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, finally defeated the Nationalists. Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan Established a new government Still tension between Mainland China and Taiwan today 19
TWO CHINA’S???? People’s Republic of China Republic of China 20
Capitalism - Communism (Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations) Allow people to pursue economic self interest Hard work and individual freedom will allow people to improve their lives Raise money(capital) from market- invest in business- keep profits Government should not interfere with the economy - free market Communism (Karl Marx - Das Capital) People should work together to improve the nation and have equal share of the nation’ wealth Workers should control means of production (resources, farming and industry) Government controls and plans the economy - command economy
Why do China and Taiwan hate each other? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X6ejraWoqE
Communist China Crash Course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUCEeC4f6ts Start at 8:10
The Four Modernizations Deng Xiaoping Modernize Agriculture Industry Science Military Huge investment Radical change - private ownership of business and land allowed